Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 605 Just Be Yourself

"Okay," Moore spoke as he nodded towards Avery's way. Then they entered the dining room together.

The room was incredibly ornate and not to mention, huge. China plates decorated the shelves and expensive liquor adorned the top shelves. The windows were covered by deep red drapes, only letting in just the right amount of sunlight. On the round table at the center of the room were various steaming Chinese dishes all favorites of Jean. With no hesitation, Jean immediately sat down on one of the tall, wooden chairs placed around the table and began to dig in with gusto.

In between bites of Mapo Tofu and wonton, Jean casually glanced at Moore. At first she thought nothing of it, but as she observed more, she could't help but notice Moore was eating with not a care in the world. Meanwhile, Avery, who sat right beside him, was visibly having a hard time using chopsticks. Mainly because she grew up using knives and forks.

As Jean kept glancing, there was still no change. Moore still looked like he didn't notice that Avery was struggling. "Jesus, Moore, can you be more insensitive? Look at your girlfriend! Do you think she's enjoying the food as much as you?"

Everyone at the table was stunned at Jean's words. Jean knew Moore didn't love Avery - it was so obvious. But he should at least be more considerate since Avery was his girlfriend now. Moore couldn't help but look at Avery, who was blushing in embarrassment and was glaring at Jean for her remark.

Avery realized Moore's eyes were on her. She quickly reined in her emotions, put on an awkward smile and waved it off with a hand. "I'm okay. Don't worry about me."

Moore winced slightly. Ignoring what she said, he gently asked, "Is there anything in particular you want to eat? I'll help get it for you, Avery."

Not expecting the kind gesture, Avery quickly responded, "I eat everything! I'm not really a picky eater, but I'd love it if you give me the food you like. I think I'll like them as well."

There was an awkward silence. Moore was quite taken aback by the unexpected care in Avery's tone. In a soothing, weak voice, he said, "Avery, you don't have to worry about what food I like. There is not a couple in the world who don't experience a bit of disagreement with the things that they like, so please, don't worry about me. I want to give you what you like."

"Uhm, I don't think you understand," Avery said, clearly embarrassed. "I rarely eat Chinese food, and I know that you definitely eat it more than I do. Since I have a lot of trust on your taste, I think I'd like the foods you like too. It's not that I'm just being nice to you, nor do I want to force myself on what food you like. I just thought that 'Hey, if Moore doesn't like this, then a lot of people probably don't as well. If ever that happens, I promise I'll say so."

While munching on some wrapped Peking Duck with Hoisin Sauce, Jean's heart swelled with pride at Avery after hearing what she said.

'This girl. She really wants Moore to understand her and at the same time get past his defenses.

Her Chinese was a bit awkward, but she really got the point across, ' Jean thought to herself.

Moore clearly didn't expect that Avery would answer like that. A few seconds passed and he suddenly chuckled while putting his arm on Avery's shoulder and said, "I guess I misunderstood. It's a really good thing to be your true self."

He then got the serving chopsticks, got some Peking Duck meat and crispy skin, wrapped it in a pancake with Hoisin Sauce and put it on Avery's plate. Moore also got her some Mapo Tofu and some steamed catfish.

"This looks really great, Moore. Thank you." Avery gave him her best smile. Seeing Moore's effort and understanding towards her renewed her efforts in mastering the art of the chopsticks. She fervently picked them up and started digging in the food Moore served her, albeit awkwardly, but showing improvement nonetheless.

'Just be yourself! Just be yourself!' This kept repeating in Avery's mind. She was repeating it until her heart accepted it.

She was visibly happy, so happy in fact that she couldn't help but smile while eating. Her face was rosy and bright, like a sunflower beaming at the direction of the sun.

Moore and Avery were clearly getting along. Jean found herself also smiling while finishing the rest of her meal.

With the final sound of chopsticks being laid on the plates, the meal was over.

The group moved to the colorful living room, flipping through channels on the massive TV, eating various fruit slices laid out on the table before them and chatting.

"You'll be at Zed's company tomorrow for an ad shoot, Avery.

Any chance I can tag along?" Jean asked Avery, who was sitting beside her on the couch, with a smile.

Avery was in the middle of eating a watermelon slice. She turned to Jean, smiled and covered her mouth while answering, "I don't see why not! That is your husband's business. I'm sure you can drop in anytime."

"That's great! How long will the shoot be?" Jean, obviously excited, asked.

"I'm not really sure. It really depends on what'll happen on the shoot itself. If it all goes smoothly, it'll be done in a couple of days. If there are bumps here and there, it can be as long as seven to ten days," Avery said half chuckling.

"My God! Does it really take that long? I heard that a whole season of a TV show only takes about two to three months to wrap up. Your advertisement is only a few minutes on air, but how come the shoot takes that long?" Jean remarked, her expression half confused and half curious.

Avery sighed. It was like she was already used to these kinds of questions. "You make it sound so easy. Shooting ads are really hard, Jean. There are a lot of factors in play and a lot of voices also have a say in the ads. The Directors and the businessmen have to pay attention to the overall look and artistry, as well as the message the advertisement imparts to its viewers. All of these have to be analyzed in a really short time. So, for something as simple as wrong hand placement, or a wrong look or expression, the director can drag out the shoot all day!"

Jean smirked bitterly at what she heard. "Now that you mention it, that's really hard."

Avery stared at her and burst out laughing. "Now you get it. Look at it this way - You think millions or even tens of millions of advertising fees would be so easy to earn?"

Jean sighed and reached out for Zed's arm, who was sitting on the fur carpet. "I guess it just seems like the stars have it easy, but they're actually doing a lot of work behind the scenes. I guess I am truly lucky. Zed spoils the hell out me. I don't even have to worry about anything. I could just stay in bed all day and eat as much as I want."

"Yep. That's exactly why a lot of women in H City have marked you as public enemy number one!" Avery said laughing as she joked.

"So I'm public enemy number one now I see. Maybe I should go out with bodyguards starting tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, Moore, how about seeing the great Avery in the advertisement shoot tomorrow with me?"

Jean turned towards Moore at the last question.

Zed, deep inside surprised. 'So that's why Jean kept asking about the shoot tomorrow. She wasn't really that interested, and she just wanted it on the subject so she can drag Moore along the ride! She even mentioned how she was so lucky.

Did she really need that much build-up though?

I don't think so. Actually, I think, as long as she just plainly asks Moore, he'll definitely cave and promise to go!

So Jean did this to give Moore the push he needed, ' Zed sighed as he thought to himself.

Seeing her efforts and trying to help the other couple swelled him with pride.

Jean felt Zed's eyes on her. Before she knew it, her head was turned towards him. She looked at him deeply.

Zed smiled mischievously, and Jean understood. She beamed at Zed and pinched his arm in secret.

Her eyes betrayed her smile. It was as if her eyes were saying, 'Don't you dare say anything, if either of them end up knowing my intention, you're dead meat.'

Zed shook his head in amusement. 'You think I even need to say anything?

Since I've realized what you're trying to do, I'm sure Moore has too.'

Little did they know, Avery was also caught on. Judging from the playful smiles and small almost telepathic messages Jean and Zed were exchanging, even Moore's flushed expression, she knew what Jean was trying to do. With painstaking effort and blushing cheeks, she pleaded, "Jean, it's okay. You can come alone. Moore hasn't completely recovered yet. I don't think letting him come is a good idea, right?"

Jean, panicking that her scheme would be found out, hastily asked, "Why shouldn't he tag along? I need a bodyguard since you said I was public enemy number one, right?

And besides, my foot is still a bit sore."

Jean, frustrated inside, thought to herself, 'What are you doing, Avery?

I was worried about Zed ruining it, but I never expected you to throw me under the bus!

Can't you see I'm doing this for you? I want Moore to spend more time and actually get to know you better!'

Seeing that Jean was visibly unhappy, Moore abruptly stood up and said, "Alright, why not? Let's go and see Avery in that advertisement shoot tomorrow."

Jean and Avery were dumbfounded, jaw dropped almost comically. They all just stared at Moore for a few seconds.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Moore broke the silence and asked.

Both of the women, clearly flushed, answered in sync, "No, nothing. Of course not!" But Avery stuttered at the last syllable. She was visibly embarrassed and flushed in excitement all at the same time.

Who knew Vikki, the Internationally famous star, was just a girl who blushed way too easily.

"Are you sure about this, Moore? Do you promise?" Jean asked almost carefully. She wanted to confirm if Moore was really committed.

"Is it such a weird occurrence that I promised to go see my girlfriend on one of her shoots?" Moore intently looked at Jean.

"No... no. Of course not," Jean quickly recovered from the surprise and answered.

Zed, who was listening at the sidelines, was trying to examine and see through Moore.

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