Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 604 Everything Has Multiple Sides

Avery nudged Zed and said, "Let's go to the garden." She gave Jean and Moore a glance as she waited for Zed's response.

Zed followed her gaze and landed on Jean and Moore, who were chatting happily and seemed to enjoy their conversation. He turned to Avery and nodded approvingly. Surprised, Avery blinked twice before feeling somehow relieved at this and then turned her back, slowly walking outside.

Zed followed behind her, surprised that she wanted to talk to him in private.

'Did Avery find something out?

Because if not, she couldn't have that look on her face.

What will she say?'

Zed wondered with his eyebrows furrowed into a frown. He then shrugged these thoughts away and sighed.

When they reached the garden, both of them looked troubled. Their minds were off elsewhere for they didn't seem to notice the blossoming flowers around them, waiting to be appreciated.

Zed sensed that Avery was lost in thought, and that he should speak up first. Breaking the silence, he looked at her and asked, "What is it that you want to say, Avery?"

Avery looked back at Zed and without beating around the bush, she asked straightforwardly, "You know who dwells in Moore's heart, don't you?"

Avery was certain that Zed knew. In the span of a few days, she observed how Zed could easily gain information just by his observation skills, and the probability of it being correct were usually high. Then again, it was up to Zed whether he would tell her or not.

As for Zed, he was quite taken aback by this sudden question. Although he already knew why Avery had asked him out to the garden to talk privately, he didn't expect that she would get to the subject as soon as this.

Even then, since he had already prepared himself for it, he wasn't too much surprised and instantly was able to regain his composure. He looked at Avery and asked her with a soft smile, "What happened? I mean, why the sudden question? Do you really want to know his past even though you just started dating him?"

"Don't get me wrong, Zed. I didn't mean to pry into his privacy and personal life. I just want to know how much that girl weighs in his heart. That way, I can judge if I really do have a chance to avert his feelings." Waving her hand in front of her, Avery hurriedly explained, afraid that Zed might misunderstand her intentions.

Zed looked at Avery, who stared back at him with an anxious look. He thought about it for a moment and then let out a deep breath before speaking again, "Avery, I know that you are a smart girl. You should know, however, that whoever Moore likes right now, you are still his girlfriend. Wasn't this what you longed for? What you worked hard for? So please, you shouldn't be wasting your time and energy on something totally deemed unnecessary for your situation."

Avery spared a moment to think about Zed's words before she replied with a bitter smile, "I know that I should be really happy and grateful to finally become Moore's girlfriend, but, Zed, the more he treats me with care, the more insecure I feel. It's like, he doesn't seem to be the Moore I knew and fell for before. Yes, he treats me well still, but I feel like he's only doing that to fulfill a responsibility, an obligation as my boyfriend, and not genuinely and wholeheartedly.

Does this make me sound ungrateful? I love him so much, but I'm worried that he might just be too nice on me after becoming a couple, because he's only doing his duties as my partner and not out of love."

Zed was stunned by how much Avery had thought this through and sighed deeply inside.

'Indeed, Avery doesn't just act impulsively. She is smart, but she is also sensitive.

It only took her less than a day to see through Moore's cover. At the very least, Moore should have done a better job and also considered Avery's feelings. Then again, Moore was just forced to accept her, and Avery now knows that he doesn't genuinely like her. That's why she came to ask me whom Moore liked. Still, did she find out something important?' Zed thought to himself.

He looked at Avery again and noticed that her face was now saturating with sorrow.

"Avery..." Finally, Zed spoke gently and attempted to comfort her with his words. "I know that you are a strong woman, and I'm sure everyone else can see that in you, but you should also know that things can't only be seen in one perspective. Everything has multiple sides and multiple lenses you can see through in. Even though Moore doesn't like you, he still accepted you as his girlfriend. He gave both of you two a chance. What you shouldn't do, however, is to question Moore's feelings for you or to pry about whom he likes before you come.

Instead, you should just focus on becoming a good girlfriend for him, so that Moore would fall for you. You should totally do that! Even though you don't have much time to invest in your relationship, since you have a career, I'm sure that you will be able to work that out just by your feelings for him.

And, Avery, Jean told me that you and Moore are a perfect match. She adored you so much that she even made so many efforts to set you two up. Even if you have doubts, just think about what Jean has done for you, and you can't definitely let her down. More importantly, you can't let all those years secretly loving Moore go in vain. So be brave, and follow your heart. Try to make Moore love you, because even though he doesn't like you, it doesn't mean that he doesn't want to try to fall for you. I mean, why would he even give both of you a chance, right? Just think about it, Avery.

Now if you ask my own thoughts and opinions about this, to be honest, I didn't think you and Moore would work earlier.

And seeing you in such great pain and trouble, I kind of identified with you.

I felt how strong and passionate your love for Moore is, and that's how I understood why Jean has tried to pair you two off.

She had felt what you felt, and with such a strong emotion, she couldn't help herself but act out on it to help you.

At first, I thought she had just done it for fun, but then I soon realized that I was wrong."

Zed heaved out a deep breath and looked at Avery in the eyes filled with sincerity.

Stunned and dumbfounded, Avery stared back at Zed. Although she wasn't able to follow him exactly since he spoke too fast, she still was able to gain the important gist and understood what he meant.

After a moment, Avery gave Zed a smile and said, "You're right. I should stop clinging on to the past, and just focus on what I have right now. Of course, not forgetting to look forward into the future too."

Seeing the big smile shining on her face, Zed felt relieved and smiled as well. He nodded approvingly and said, "Yes, that's right. Now, if you still have any problem, you can always come to me and Jean. Although I hope that you won't have to face so much."

"Yes, I know. Thank you, Zed. I really appreciate your words, and I feel so much enlightened after talking to you," said Avery, thinking about how right it was as she approached Zed. She then held out a hand to express her gratitude.

Zed took her hand in response and said, "Well, if there is nothing more to say, let's head back in."

Avery nodded and followed Zed back inside. She felt lighter inside after her talk with Zed, so she couldn't help but let out a small smile.

Meanwhile, Jean had noticed they weren't around a little longer and waited for them. When she saw them coming in, her eyes widened and she asked in surprise, "When did you two go out? I didn't notice." Her eyebrows furrowed into a frown. 'Of course, you wouldn't notice. You were busy chatting happily with Moore, 'Zed thought bitterly and gave a cold chuckle inside.

He felt a little jealous, but he made sure not to show that on his face.

On the other hand, as Avery stepped inside, she stopped and stood there. Her eyes focused on Moore as if he was the only person in the room.

She noticed that he was no longer smiling anymore, and for some reason, she felt somewhat relieved.

When neither Zed nor Avery spoke to acknowledge her question, Jean spoke and asked, "What? Are you two hiding something?"

"Of course not. We just had a little chat, and there's nothing to hide from you. Aren't you hungry? Let's go eat." Zed invited, changing the subject so Jean wouldn't push anymore.

Jean stood up, her eyes lit up by the mention of eating. "Yes, I am indeed hungry!" She then walked over to Zed and wrapped her arms on his before she jokingly complained, "If you hadn't come in sooner, I would have eaten without you."

Zed laughed at this remark. He knew that Jean was the typical food lover and would do anything to get ahold of food once her stomach was empty. Her eyes would sparkle at the sight of food as well, making him sometimes envious of food for she didn't usually look at him the way she looked at food. It was bit of a petty thought, but he was happy as long as Jean was happy and satisfied.

Because of that, he couldn't do anything but caress her hair as he led her to the dining room, giving her a huge smile as well.

Avery's gaze was interrupted by the couple. She couldn't help but stare at how sweet they were, making her feel a little envious and hoping that she and Moore too could cuddle like Jean and Zed did. After a moment, she shook these thoughts away and walked over to Moore, giving him a smile before inviting him to the dining room as well. O

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