Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 547 The Heartthrob

Jean's infatuation with Avery was completely out of the blue. Nobody least of all Moore thought that this would happen.

In the past months, he had seen Jean exercise control over her emotions. But apparently, not this time, not in front of Avery. Clearly, this was a googly.

Avery too was taken by surprise at Jean so openly expressing her emotions. Still, her face had the same smile that she'd probably have if some stranger had walked up to her and had said a friendly 'Hi!'

But when she turned to Moore, she shrugged her shoulders and gave him a meaningful smile.

Moore got it at once and told Avery, "Don't be mistaken about her. She just really likes you. She..."

"Exactly. I like you so much. Avery, you are Moore's friend. So you are my friend too. I know that international superstars like you are usually put up in 5-star hotels. But can I have the honor to invite you to live at my house? I took the liberty of preparing a room for you," said Jean.

"Jean, Avery is here on business, not leisure. And you've seen that she has got so many bodyguards and staff following her. It's not convenient for her to live at your place. Please don't embarrass her,"

Moore said before Avery uttered a syllable, trying to bail her out of such an embarassing situation. Naturally, he wanted Jean to change her mind.

Avery might have understood something and looked at Jean doubtfully. "I think I've just heard that you want me to live at your house. Moore, do you live together?"

Jean felt the sharpness of the comment. To add insult to injury, she saw Avery's smile frozen in an unwelcome way.

Jean realized that Avery was just being polite.

But when she turned to Moore to look at him, her smile suddenly became warmer like the sun had just risen on a dewy field.

'Is it my illusion?

Or is it that Avery dislikes only me?'

Jean reflected on Avery's question. Suddenly she realized what was wrong with the girl.

'It's Moore who did not tell me the truth.

Just schoolmates? I don't think so. She is learning Chinese now. Could she be more obvious?'

"Yes. We live together," Jean answered ahead of Moore. Jean instead sported a radiant smile at Avery to show how happy she was about the situation.

Jean's reply left Moore speechless. He didn't know how to clear the air between them.

Avery's eyes darted back and forth from Jean to Moore. She clenched her fist in indignation, and then asked Moore, "Why did you tell me that you are 'just friends'? I think you forgot to put the word "girl" in front of it, didn't you? She is your girlfriend, isn't she?" "Please don't get us wrong. That's not true." Moore sighed at Jean's mischief with Avery. She wanted her to misunderstand them, which is why she was flaunting their 'live-in'. But before he could open his mouth to put an end to this hogwash, Jean quickly reacted. "Well, as for girlfriend, It's up to him." Jean slyly didn't look at Moore once but kept on staring at Avery before their eyes met, after which she pretended to be shy.

Avery looked really unhappy. Hurt, she glared at Moore, demanding an answer from him.

Looking at the reaction of the two people in front of her, Jean couldn't help and burst out giggling.

Moore cast a stern glance at Jean. Then he explained to Avery awkwardly, "Don't listen to her. She is making fun of me. Avery, which hotel are you at? I'll drive you there."

Avery turned her beautiful eyes to Jean who was still giggling aside. She took a deep breath and then looked back at Moore to say, "Moore, Miss Wen just invited me to live with you, so if it won't bother you..."

"Of course not," Jean said without letting Avery finish her words.

Moore was shaking at Jean in anger. 'You sneaky woman!'

Avery frowned at them and looked at Jean in astonishment.

'Did I misunderstand them? Or is Jean really a pure girl?' wondered Avery. She felt a little confused by Jean's hospitality.

No matter what, it seemed that Avery had made up her mind about something.

"Well, then I'll be disturbing you from today," Avery broke into a smile as she said this to Moore.

"Then what about the bodyguards and staff following you?" Moore asked.

"Avery will be living with us and they can put up somewhere else until then. Moore, you worry too much. It's not your business, really. So, stop getting bothered." Jean smiled at Avery as she finished her words. "Please come with me. Our car is over there." As soon as Jean walked in front of a limited-edition Bugatti, a bulky man opened the door for her.

Avery couldn't believe this sight. "Moore, is she really your girlfriend? She seems quite wealthy."

"She is not my girlfriend. Are you sure that you want to live at her house instead of a hotel?" Moore asked. Jean who was quite far away couldn't hear their exchange. Still, she beckoned them to get into the car.

"Yes. I am sure," Avery smiled at Moore and continued, "What's wrong? It seems that you don't want me to live with you, do you?"

"I didn't mean that." Moore sighed and continued, "Alright. It's all up to you. It's safe there."

Moore took out his hand to hold Avery's in a gentlemanlike manner.

Avery smiled happily and clasped his arm tighter, getting into the car.

To Avery's surprise, Jean was sitting on the seat next to the driver's. Moore and she were sitting together at the back.

Avery carefully looked at Jean again.

She felt Jean was not that simple.

'Obviously Jean knows Moore well. They are not ordinary friends.

But why would she let me live at her house?

Why does she sit on the co-passenger seat?

Why does she choose to trust me?

Just because I'm a superstar?

Or is it Moore who she trusts?'

Clouds of confusion hovered on Avery's face. She looked at Moore sitting next to her. He too looked preoccupied with troubling thoughts on the horizon. "Moore, what are you thinking?" Avery asked.

It was too quiet in the car. She cleared her throat to disturb the disquieting silence.

"Nothing," Moore replied, snapping back to his senses.

"Are you guys feeling bored?" Jean turned around facing Moore and Avery and said, "Why don't you tell me an anecdote from your college time?"

"College time? There is nothing special." Moore refused Jean's suggestion bluntly.

Moore couldn't fathom the actual reason behind Jean's friendliness to Avery

until he calmly thought about it in the car.

Jean had misunderstood their relationship.

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