Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 546 You Are Overthinking

Jean looked around in haste. "Moore, why is no one else here? Where is Avery? And the other passengers? Have you seen her? Did she say what clothes she is wearing?" Feeling anxious, she looked at Moore with worry. "The flight that we saw just now has been chartered by Vikki. Since, except for Vikki, the staff and her bodyguards, I haven't seen any other passengers, that looks like the case," Moore explained as he looked back at Jean. "What? Really? It has been chartered by Vikki? Wow, she really is a superstar, even taking a plane ride is very luxurious." Envying the superstar, Jean couldn't help but lift up a smile at the thought of her in the place of the wealthy and very fortunate superstar. Not long after, the smile on Jean's face quickly disappeared as she remembered what she really came here for. She turned to Moore and asked anxiously, "Wait, so, if this flight has been chartered by Vikki, how about Avery? Hasn't she arrived?" Seeing Jean's anxious look, Moore could not help but sigh secretly. "She has come."

Jean then immediately started to look around for a girl more beautiful than her. "Is she coming, Moore? Did she already arrive? Where is she? Have you seen her already?"

"Yes. I have seen her, and she has also seen me. But, she can't come to meet us now, so, I suggest we go back first!" Moore said to Jean, already turning his back and ready to go.

Jean stopped Moore and asked in a displeased voice, "Wait! Really? Where is she? And why can't she go with us?

Moore, is it because you haven't invited Avery to stay with us in my home?" She narrowed her eyes towards Moore and crossed her arms on her chest.

In reply, Moore smiled bitterly.

Indeed, he did not tell Avery to stay with them, because he felt that it was completely unnecessary given her situation.

Avery and he wasn't really close, and he wasn't lying about their relationship. Moreover, he wasn't familiar with her.

Yesterday, he might not have known the reason why Avery was suddenly coming to H City, but now he knew.

As he saw Jean's unhappiness clearly evident on her face, Moore opened and closed his mouth, not knowing how to explain the situation to Jean and ended up choosing to just smile bitterly at her.

"Don't worry too much, Jean. Let's get on the car, and I will explain it to you later," Moore said to Jean, already ready to turn and walk away, but again, he was stopped by Jean.

"No! I want you to give me a reasonable explanation now." Jean stared at Moore with anger and kept her place.

Moore looked at Jean helplessly and noticed how small crowds were already staring at them and murmuring, making him feel embarrassed. He sighed at Jean's stubbornness and decided to tell her anyway so as not to cause a scene. When Moore was about to open his mouth and tell Jean everything, his mobile phone rang, making him startled.

He took out his phone out from his pocket and when he saw Avery's name on the caller ID, he hesitated.

Jean saw the name on the screen and pushed Moore lightly to urge him. "What are you doing? Answer the phone! Quick!"

Moore looked at Jean and sighed once more before answering the phone with helplessness on his face. "Avery, hey."

"I didn't expect that you would call me like this," said Avery. Moore then tried to step away from Jean, but Jean only moved closer to hear their conversation. "I haven't heard you call me like this for a long time," Avery added. Moore stopped moving away from Jean, knowing how futile his efforts might be. "Moore, where are you now? I will come to you right away, so where are you?"

On the other side of the phone, Avery answered sweetly.

Still feeling uncomfortable, Moore couldn't help but look at Jean. She was still leaning against him and listening at their conversation carefully.

As he realized his options at the very moment after seeing Jean's frustration, Moore didn't want to upset her more for he knew how much he didn't wish to get on Jean's bad side, so he could only tell Avery, "Go to the entrance of the parking lot and wait for me there. I'm sure it is safe there, and also, I brought a friend with me. We'll head there right away."

"Okay, well then, see you!" After saying that, Avery hung up the phone call.

Moore then put away his mobile phone and felt even more uncomfortable as he saw Jean look at him meaningfully and with a naughty smile on her face. He thought of something and could not help but ask, "Jean, why are you looking at me that way?"

Jean stood straight and crossed her arms again before responding, still with the smile on her face. "It seems like what you just told me yesterday isn't true at all. You said that you were just classmates and ordinary friends, not close at all. But just now, you specifically told her to go to the parking lot to wait for us because it would be safe for her there. Does that mean Avery is too beautiful, which makes everyone envy her?

To the point that she will be disfigured when she walks alone in the street?"

"It is not as exaggerated as what you said. You think too much. After all, she is a girl, and it is the first time that she has come to our country, so I just thought that she should be careful," Moore said vaguely with a shrug.

Jean eyed Moore carefully and asked with suspicion. "Why do I feel like you are hiding something from me?"

"Again, Jean, you are overthinking. Let's go!" Moore said to Jean before turning his back and starting to walk, not wanting Jean to ask any more questions and just let her see for herself.

Jean looked at Moore's retreating figure. He seemed a little uneasy, and that made her more suspicious of his words.

'Why didn't Moore tell me when Avery showed up?

Why didn't we meet in the arrival area and in the parking lot instead?

Is it because Avery isn't really a big beauty as Moore said but an ugly woman?

Then again, it doesn't matter!

There is no need for Moore to lie to me!' Jean huffed as she thought.

She then caught up with Moore and together, they walked towards the parking lot in silence.

They rode an elevator and arrived at the parking lot. Jean felt anxious as they were nearing the gate.

As they moved closer, she noticed a delicate figure from afar. Jean kept walking with Moore beside her as they came near the figure. They stopped in front of a lady wearing a plain white shirt and faded jeans, her back turned towards them. Suddenly, Jean felt like this woman seemed too familiar.

She reached out from her mind, trying to remember where she met this woman, but after taking a good look of the lady's long, blonde hair, her eyes widened in sudden realization. Jean immediately looked at Moore standing next to her. "Moore."

Jean murmured, and her hand was shaking as she grabbed Moore's shirt, too shocked to say anything.

Hearing Jean's voice, Vikki turned around and saw Moore, making her face light up into a huge smile. She immediately walked over to Moore with enthusiasm and gave him a big hug. "Moore, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

As they pulled away from each other, Moore looked at Vikki and praised her with a smile.

"Avery, you are becoming more and more beautiful!"

Standing next to Moore, Jean looked at him and then turned to look at Vikki. She immediately understood Vikki's identity, making her more shocked than she had already felt.

'Many stars have their own stage names. It seems that Vikki's real name is Avery!'

After knowing the truth, Jean smiled brightly. She walked over to Avery and cleared her throat before speaking in broken English. "Hello! Avery, I am Jean, Moore's friend."

After saying that, Jean reached out her hand to Avery. Avery couldn't help raising her eyebrows and looked at Moore intently, trying to ask a non-verbal question.

Seeing this scene, Moore felt funny but he tried to conceal his feeling and nodded. "She is my friend, and it was she who asked me to pick you up, knowing that you are coming to our country."

Jean's face immediately flushed. She thought she did all this for Moore, and she did not expect him to tell Avery straightforwardly.

"Oh no, no. It has nothing to do with me. Moore said that he hasn't seen you for a long time, so he wants to meet you," Still humiliated, Jean quickly shook her head and explained. Moore couldn't help rolling his eyes helplessly and chuckled under his breath. He didn't expect that Jean would lie to make himself look good in front of Avery. However, it wasn't appropriate to point out the lie in front of Avery, so he just let it go.

Meanwhile, Avery just smiled at them. Then she turned towards Jean, who had trouble speaking in English so she told her, "You can speak in Chinese. I can understand and speak Chinese as well, so you don't have to bother yourself."

Hearing that, Jean widened her eyes and looked at the beautiful Avery. "You can? You can speak and understand Chinese?"

Avery looked at Jean and nodded. She spoke in Chinese fluently, "Yes, when I was in college, I learned from Moore for two years, and after that, I practiced and so I can speak a little Chinese."

Jean's eyes suddenly brightened and became excited. "Vikki, you are so excellent! Did you know? The first time I saw you today, I really admired you, and I can't help but feel envy as well. I did not expect that you are Moore's friend, which made me even happier. Oh, well, not just because you are, well, a superstar, but also because you seem really beautiful inside and out."☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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