Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 492 God Might Take It Back

Seeing Jean being so generous, Moore smiled and sighed. "All right! You leave me no choice. It seems that I can't escape from this, so I might as well go together."

As soon as he finished speaking, Moore stood up beside Jean, whose eyes widened in happiness.

"You know me so well!" Jean laughed and started to walk with Moore beside her. "You are my friend just as how Zack is Zed's. It'll be so fun to be all together today!" Jean said happily with a bright smile.

A complicated expression flashed before Moore's face, but he quickly replaced it with a smile and focused on the warm feeling inside of him.

"Didn't you and Zed go to see Shirley today?" Moore asked, breaking the comfortable silence as they walked. "How is she?"

Jean suddenly stopped and looked at him with a serious look. "She's fine, Moore, but you should know that parents-in-law aren't aware of the matters in my family. Please, I don't want you to spill anything about it. I don't want them to be worried about me. Besides, they will go back in a few days. It's better for them not to know. We can handle it on our own without having them to worry and get involved."

"Okay, I know, and I won't bring it up," Moore said with a nod. He was about to walk again but noticed Jean didn't, so he looked at her with wonder. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Jean looked at him again with a serious look. "Zed told me that Joy might not die."

Moore was surprised and left speechless upon hearing it. He didn't reply for a while, so Jean repeated what Zed had told her about Joy to Moore.

"To be honest, I am bothered, and the voices inside my head are struggling. There's a part of me that wants Joy to receive the punishment she deserved. An eye for an eye. On the other hand, there's a part of me that feels pity for them ever since the Wen family have broken up into pieces. So believe it or not, when I heard that Joy might not die, I felt somewhat relieved." Jean paused and looked at Moore, then she asked in a bitter voice, "Do you think I let my deceased mother down?"

Moore shook his head and gave Jean a reassuring smile. "No, Jean. It's completely reasonable to feel that way. Joy must be in a very difficult situation right now since the Wen family have broken up. Imagine having one of your child dead and the other in prison. It is very disastrous for a mother. Besides, you give her the chance to live, so don't feel guilty. She would most probably have time to reflect on her own actions in jail and turn into a new life. In this way, your deceased mother can rest in peace. It's better than one life for another life. Moreover, I don't think your mother will feel like you let her down, especially that you grew up into an amazing person."

Jean pondered over Moore's words for a moment and realized how right he was. She suddenly felt relieved and gave Moore a bright smile. "Thank you, Moore. Earlier, I kept feeling guilty, and I was so bothered that I might let my mother down. However, what you said just now enlightened me, and I realized that you're right. Joy already received the punishment that she deserved. As long as she is repentant, my mother would forgive her."

Seeing Jean happy, Moore smiled back.

Jean excitedly gave Moore a quick hug before giving him another smile. "Thank you so much, Moore."

Moore was taken aback by the quick embrace but was able to regain his composure once more. He cleared his throat and said, "Don't thank me. I know that you will come around sooner or later, whether or not I mentioned it."

"It's still good to know, though." Jean let out a relieved sigh and looked forward with a smile. "Now I feel at ease. There's nothing bothering my mind anymore. I feel happiness surging inside me, Moore!"

Moore gazed at Jean's immature and excited face and chuckled. With a soft voice, he said, "You will always be happy, silly. So don't be too proud, or else God may take it back."

"No, he won't. I am such an adorable girl. How could he bear to take my happiness away?"

Proud, Jean raised her chin up and crossed her arms on her chest.

Moore was quite taken aback but continued teasing her. "Wow, Jean, I didn't know you have such a thick skin."

Jean pretended to be sullen and looked at Moore. "Don't you think I don't know what's on your mind right now? You are jealous of me being happy, so you say the opposite words." Jean stuck a tongue out childishly and continued, "So what if I have thick skin? Do you still want to be my friend if I don't have a thick skin?"

"To be honest, I didn't think you were thick-skinned when I first met you. Back then, you were easily flustered and embarrassed if I talked a few more words to you. Now, you've obviously changed." Moore sighed, shaking his head in pretend disappointment. Jean placed her smile back. "Well, I totally freaked out when I hit you! Since then every time I saw you, I was careful and full of guilt. Who can predict that we would be such good friends?"

'Even more than friends, ' Jean immediately thought.

'Now, the Bai family's matter is not only your problem. It's ours.'

Jean shook that thought away as Moore started to laugh, and after calming down, he said, "Okay, let's stop reminiscing about the past and whatever happened in it. Besides, we are not old enough to start reminiscing! Let's head downstairs now. Zed might be worried." Jean giggled. "Okay." She then gave Moore a smile before they started walking again.

As they reached downstairs, Zed and Zack were no where to be found, and only Sean was in the living room.

Jean walked to Sean and asked. "Hello, Father. I apologize for disturbing you, but where are they? Have you seen them?"

Sean looked up at Jean and smiled. "They are in the garden."

He then looked at Moore and gave him a smile as well before turning to Jean once more. "You go find them. You, young people, have more common subjects to talk about, and I couldn't keep up anymore. Besides, I am an old man. I should just stay at home and watch TV."

Jean sighed and walked towards Sean. "Oh, Father, you don't look old at all! If you are standing beside Zed, people will assume that you are his brother."

Sean was stunned at this, and Jean left him there surprised. She smiled at Moore and led him towards the garden.

As Sean finally grasped what Jean had said, he smiled and watched their retreating figure, feeling thankful to have such a wonderful daughter-in-law.

When they walked into the garden, Jean gestured for Moore to be quiet, so they could approach Zed without him noticing. Jean wanted to scare Zed, so they both tiptoed towards them.

Unaware that Jean was already close behind them, Zack spoke to Zed in a serious face.

"Magnolia told me that Christina killed herself because of you. Zed, do you think it's related to the video?"

Zed gave Zack a quick glance before returning his gaze towards the birds washing themselves on the birdbath. He shrugged and said, "I don't know." He shook his head, and with a complicated look, he added. "I have doubted him, but I have no tangible proof." Jean stopped immediately after hearing what they were talking about. 'Video?'

She thought still stunned about the mention of this once more.

'Everybody thinks it's already over.

No one has spoken about it for a long time, so why did both of them bring it up now?

Even Leo has no news about it until now.

Did Zed really never give up searching for the person behind the scheme?'

Jean looked back to Moore, and they stared at each other in the same confusion.

Moore put on a serious face and pondered. When he looked back at Zed's back, an idea struck him.

According to their conversation, it seemed that Zed and Zack had held some information from everyone.

It was also very likely that they already knew who was behind it, and they couldn't do anything for lack of evidence.

If that was true, then the problem might be serious. ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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