Alpha of Nightmares

Chapter 2 - Crista

Keeping my sisters close, we were loaded into the back of a black sedan. “When I give the signal, I want you to both tuck and roll out your doors. I won't risk letting that insane Alpha anywhere near you." l instructed my sisters as André got into the driver's seat. “Crista darling, whatever you mind linked your sisters. I wouldn't recommend it. Child locks.” André grinned at me in the review.

I narrowed my eyes. God damn it. “No one will hurt you between here and the villa. Why don't you try and get some rest?” he suggested. I didn't trust him. He's the son of the most feared Alpha in Europe. I won't feel safe till my sisters, and I are far away from the Incubi pack. “Suit yourself.” André shrugged as he started to drive.

We were at the edge of their pack, so the drive was almost two hours. Despite how keyed up we all were, knowing we were basically prisoners of the Incubi pack, my sisters both fell asleep. Their heads leaning against my shoulders as they slept. They would both sporadically whimper, and I knew they were having nightmares. I frowned and hugged them tighter, trying to soothe them. "What happened?” André asked, his curious gaze locking on me in the rearview. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Look, darling, I mean you no harm. I saved your ass back there from Santi. You cross into our territory, being chased by the brain-dead wolves of Madonie Pack. The little ones are in torn-up party dresses. And you look like you've been running for hours. So I'm curious. You aren't from the Madonie pack. You don't smell like them. So why were they chasing you? And better yet, what party did they chase you from?” he questioned.

I frowned. I didn't want to talk about it. It was all still too soon. “I can't help you if I don’t know the facts. And if you tell me, then I can relay to my father, so you don't have to answer him.” he pointed out. I sighed. He made a point. I'm not sure what Alpha Chesed is like beyond his reputation. And I don't know if I would be brave enough to speak to him.

"We are the daughters of Beta Christopher Fayte of the Nebrodi Pack. Our pack was celebrating the return of our future Alpha, Thales. When the Madonie pack attacked, led by their new Alpha Ignazio. They... the party became a massacre of wolves, including our Alpha Silvano and Luna Sherie. We... we watched Ignazio rip out our father's heart and then our mother's when she rushed him in a blind rage. Thales told me to run, to take my sisters and run. So I obeyed his command.” I painfully confessed.

“Ahhh... Ignazio. So bloodthirsty. Ignazio has always envied my papa and how people quake at just mentioning his name or our pack. But he's still just a little flea. He is a boy playing war.” André scoffed. I rolled my eyes. “A piece of shit is a piece of shit no matter their name. They all stink the same.”

André started to laugh. It was so carefree and not what I would expect of the son of the mad Alpha or really of anyone from the Incubi pack. It was unnerving. At least that Santi was what I expected of this pack. “Oh, my father is going to like you.” he smiled. I frowned. I don’t want him to like me, and I don't want to meet his father.

"Aw, don't look so pouty. My father's not that bad.” he smiled. “I think you might be biased. Unless he’s cruel to even to his own child.” I scoffed. “I suppose I am. I love my papa. He's good to me and is a strong Alpha that rules our pack well.” André shrugged. “Rules well? All I have ever heard about this pack describe him a cruel and bloodthirsty. Someone with no morals who takes pleasure in punishing others.” I wrinkled my nose.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, my father does take pleasure in punishments. But you gotta enjoy what you do. He is still a good Alpha. Our people are well cared for. They have everything they need. Roofs over their heads, clothes on their backs, and food on their plates. Sure they know not to break his laws because the consequences can range from extra work to public whipping. Santi is going to get the latter if I have any say.” he grinned.

The rest of the drive was silent. My sisters started to stir as we pulled off the highway and onto a dirt road. “A dirt road?” Persephone frowned. “It's to trick outsiders.” André explained. A half-mile of driving on the bumping dirty road, it switched back to the pristine smooth pavement with neatly painted lines. It makes sense that they'd want to keep people from finding the heart of their pack. We continued to travel through the dense forest in a winding pattern till suddenly there were signs of life. A limestone pillar with vines climbing its worn edges seemed out of place, but as we started to pass houses, I realized it was the city limit marker. “You don't have patrols?” I questioned, realizing I hadn't noticed any wolves as we crossed the border. “Not that you'd notice. But they are always there.” André smiled.

I simply nodded as my sisters, and I silently watched the building pass by. The city was quiet, all the lights off. If it weren't so late, I'd worry no one actually lives here. But I can faintly pick up all the scents coming in through André's rolled-down window. There are many living in this pack. We drove through the center of town, passed all their shops and everything you'd expect in a self-sufficient city. Soon we turned in the direction of the mountain.

We stopped at a gate as André entered a code on a pad. The iron gate slowly slipping open across the road to let us pass. “Your packhouse is separated from the pack?” I furrowed my brow. “We don't have a packhouse. There is a meeting hall at the center of town for pack gatherings. This, this is the road our ranked members live.” André explained.

The area was primarily fields of vines with a barn structure. I would assume it's their own winery. But then I saw large villas. Each more beautiful than the next. Till we reached the end of the road stood the most beautiful of them. A two-story sand-colored villa with white trim and a herringbone pattern driveway were illuminated by sconces that flanked the one-car garage on the left and the two-car garage on the right.

It's gorgeous. Not exactly what I expected for the most ruthless of Alphas to live in. The second floor had two full balconies and one Juliet balcony that overlooked the courtyard. I didn't see any lights in the upper windows, but I did see the light in a room on the first floor. “Here we are, darlings. Let's get this over with.” André smiled as he started us, opening Delilah’s door.

She eeped and clung to me. “I won't hurt you, little ones. Now get out, and let us go inside.” André instructed, stepping aside. Delilah gulped and looked at me. I rubbed her back. “It's okay. I'll protect you both.” I promised. Slowly and cautiously, Delilah stepped out. I followed her, then lastly Persephone. I took their hands and kept them close as André led us to the large double glass panel doors.

I stared at it in fear that I had to push down because I needed to be strong for my sisters. I was preparing myself to face the Mad Alpha. However, I was not ready for the doors to be flung open by a blonde-haired she-wolf rushing out. She was only wearing a robe that wasn't relatively closed, giving a glimpse at a bold red leather corset and panties with claw marks on the ribs, a pair of ankle-breaking red heels in her hands as she rushed barefoot.

André held an arm out to keep up to the side as he laughed. “Aw, did you realize I was right, Beatrice?” he taunted. “Fuck you, André.” Her eyes glowed green as she let out a growl snarling at him. “No, thank you. I don't touch my father's trash. I told you that you couldn't handle him.” he laughed as the she-wolf shifted to a light brown wolf and rushed away, leaving her heels and the torn shreds of her lingerie.

I felt like I was going to gag. I don’t want to know what kind of things this Alpha enjoys to drive that woman away. It also disgusts me the thought of being with anyone that isn't your mate. Though I suppose given André exists, perhaps the Alpha had a mate, but she died. And I can't fault a widower intimacy. But that woman was.... “Trash. She was trashy.’ Emilia finished my thought.

“Please ignore her. Females like to throw themselves at my father. They want power, and since we have no Luna, they think they could get the job. But no one but his mate shall ever be my father's Luna.” André explained, guiding us inside. “Was your mother not the Luna?” I found myself asked. He smiled and shook his head. “My mother was a human from a nearby town. She wasn't his mate.” he spoke softly, yet his tone wad detached. I wanted to ask more. I don't know why I was compelled to learn more. But now wasn't the time. So I stayed silent as he opened a set of heavy double doors to the room on the left of the entrance. “You will wait in here.” he said. Before I could question, he'd shut the door, and I heard the lock turn over.

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