Alpha of Nightmares

Chapter 1 - Crista

I shuddered as I smelled the flames, the distinct odor of burning flesh on the air. I could hear the screams in the darkness. The howls of pain echoing. Need to run. Need to get to safety. Need to protect them. Can't let him find us.

“Mommy!” “Dad...nooo!!!” the screams of my sisters wake me from my restless nightmare-filled sleep. I felt them shivering on either side of me as they clung to my ivory fur that was dingy from dirt, twigs, and leaves from running. Emilia whimpered in my head as I nudged Persephone first with my muzzle, then Delilah.

I'm the oldest. I'm supposed to protect my sisters. But how can I be the strong one when every time I close my eyes, I'm haunted by the image of Ignazio ripping my father's heart out of his chest and the sound of my mother's screams of agony as she rushed forward on instinct to try and help her mate only to die too.

“No one expects you to get over it. We just witnessed the destruction of our pack and the gruesome murder of our parents. All we can do is keep moving and find somewhere safe for them.” Emilia encouraged me. I sighed, knowing she was right.

My sisters both trembled as they opened their eyes. Blinked as they looked around the dark, dirty cave I'd stopped for us to rest only a matter of hours ago. I whimpered as I saw the tears in both their eyes. Like me, they'd had nightmares about our parents’ deaths, about the deaths of those we were closest to in the pack.

“We need to keep moving.’ I linked to them. Delilah sniffled as she nodded, rubbing away the tears from her forest-green eyes, the same eyes of our father. It was hard to look at her face and not see our parents. She had dad's eyes, but like me, she resembled our mother with dark hair, a heart- shaped face, and full lips. She was still in her green party dress from the attack. It was dirty and torn in spots.

We didn't have time to grab anything as we ran for our lives. My sisters at least still had their party dresses since they weren't old enough to shift. I had to turn to carry them. It was silly and undoubtedly stupid that I was sad to have lost my dress. It had been brand new. I'd picked it just for the party.

Thales was returning from his studies in France. He'd been sent to study and train with Luna Sherie’s brother Alpha Klaus before his first shift. The whole pack was eager to welcome our future Alpha back. And I'll admit, like many other unmated females of age, I was anxious to find out if he was my mate.

He'd always said gold looked good on me. That's why I and choosing a shimmering soft golden a- line dress with spaghetti straps, V neckline, front ruched detailing at the bodice, with a flowy floor- length skirt. It was beautiful, but I didn’t even get to see Thales when the howls began warning the pack of danger. I don't even know if he's still alive.

"How far do you think we will need to go to be sure we're safe?” Persephone questioned, wiping her hands on her shimmery blue skater dress. It was torn and not at all proper anymore. If she was to bend, someone would get a view of her underwear. Emilia growled at that thought. After all, Persephone is only fifteen. No one should be looking at her that way.

Looking at Persephone hurt just as bad as looking at Delilah. Other than having our mother's baby blue eyes, like mine, she looks so much like our father with her sandy blonde hair, cupid bow lips, and diamond-shaped face. “l don't know, Perse. But we have to keep moving. We aren't far enough beyond our pack border.’ I shook my head, rising to my paws and stretching.

This is the longest I've stayed in wolf form. And carrying both of them has been a strain on Emilia“s back. 'Il don't mind. It is our responsibility as the eldest and the only one who can shift.’ Emilia shrugged. “Are you sure you are ready to go so soon? Can Emilia continue at this pace?” Persephone questioned. I nodded.

'Yes. We can handle it. Get on.’ I gestured with my head for them to climb on my back. I'm not the largest wolf out there. Dad and Alpha Silvano were huge compared to me, but Emilia is more prominent than mom's wolf. We all froze as the sounds of howls reached us. I took a tentative sniff of the air.

Madonie Pack.

“We need to move.’ I instructed. Persephone nudged Deliah to my back before climbing on. My sisters gripping my fur as I pushed off and started running. I'm usually relatively fast. I hold the record for she-wolves in our pack for running.

I'm tired and have the added weight of my younger sisters. The only thing that kept me going right now was fear. Their howls were getting louder and their scents closer. I was trying to figure out how many were following us. I would guess at least six were on our trail.

Damn it. They are closing in on us. I can't let them get us.

I press myself harder, trying to run faster. I know it's pointless. They will catch up with us, and then we are as good as dead. I skidded to a stop as six wolves stepped out from the line of trees in front of me. “Crap.’ Emilia exclaimed. These aren“t the wolves chasing us. They smell different.

My sisters grip my fur tighter as I feel them shaking in fear. I don't have to look behind me to know the Madonie wolves had caught up. I could smell them and hear their snarls. The wolves in front of me were growling, teeth bared, ready for a fight. And I don't know if we've been saved.

Sensing the two packs about to clash, I dodged left. I nearly got away unhurt. But one of the wolves managed to nip my right hind leg causing me to misstep. I stumbled and readjusted to ensure that I was the one that collided with the tree and not my sisters. My sisters tumbled off my back at the impact.

“Cristal” My sisters shouted as they nudged me. I shook my head, trying to get back to my feet. My eyes were trained on the fight. Whoever these other wolves were, they were winning. They'd already killed three of the Madonie wolves, and soon enough, the others turned tail heading back in the direction of my pack.

I can worry about the Madonie wolves later. Now I need to worry about these unidentified wolves. Limping, I moved to place myself in front of my sisters. Growling, I shifted my stance, ready to fight. I won't let anyone touch my sisters. “When I give the signal, you grab Delilah, and you run. I will hold them off." I instructed.

'l... okay.’ Persephone whimpered. I know she doesn’t want to run. She doesn't want to leave me to fight them, not after seeing them kill three of the Madonie wolves. But she knows she needs to do what I say.

I furrowed my brow as the wolves moved back to the trees. There is no way they are just leaving. I was right as the six men walked back on wearing athletic shorts and, of course, no shirts. Nudity was common in the werewolf community. We learn from a young age to not think much about it. But this was different than seeing males in our pack after they shifted.

These men were strangers and bore scars that I wouldn't think a werewolf would have. Unless they are scars, they had before they shifted. Unless the wounds are from wolfsbane or silver. Either way, it made them look scary and intimidating. One of them seemed to be in charge of the group as he stood forward from the group.

A sinister smile crossed his face as he eyed us. “What do we have here? A trio of she-wolves all alone. I say we kill the pups and have fun with the older one.” he smirked, eliciting a laugh from the others. I snarled at him. Like fucking hell, I would let him or any of them have “fun’ with me. And none of them are going to touch my sisters.

I was ready to give the signal when a midnight black wolf that appeared to have blue streaks thundered out of the trees and chomped into the man’s shoulder, knocking him to the ground. My sisters gasped, as startled as me. I nudged them to start to back away, worried the five others would attack the black wolf. But oddly, they didn't.

Instead, the men all bowed their heads in submission. As the wolf stepped off the man, shifting without a thought to his nudity. He was tall, wiry but certainly muscular with almond skin, rich curly black hair, an electric blue mohawk, and a rectangular face with deep sapphire blue eyes. I kept my eyes on his face, still ready for a fight.

With a jovial grin, a bizarre juxtaposition to the blood on his face, he winked at me. Without a word, he walked into the trees and returned moments later wearing a pair of black athletic shorts carrying more clothes in his hands. “Go behind the tree and shift. You can wear those.” he commanded, tossing the clothes as me.

Cautiously I lifted the clothes in my jaw and back up, forcing my sisters to back up with me. “Don’t even think about running, darlings.” he added with a laugh. Fuck. I had intended for us to run "What will we do?” Persephone asked as Delilah hugged her. I sighed, setting the clothes down before shifting back to my human form.

“The fuck was that about, André? You didn't need to attack me, you bastard.” the sinister man growled, apparently finally getting to his feet. So our savior, so to speak, is named Andre. “Don't speak, Santi.” André growled, and I knew he was an Alpha. Is he the Alpha of this pack? No, I don't know of any Alpha André in Sicily. “Don’t take your time, darlings. Tick tock.” André called out his tone far too happy for the underlying threat in his words.

I sighed and quickly put on the black shorts and gray tee I was given. I took my sisters by their hands and stepped back on. “If we have crossed into your territory, we apologize. Please just let us move along. We will leave your territory without issue.” I said, bowing my head. “Sorry. But I can't grant that. Only Alpha gets to decide what happens with trespassers.” André shrugged, glaring daggers at Santi

Whoever their Alpha is, they fear him. I can tell because all six other men cringe, growing smaller at the mere mention of him. “And he will also be punishing the six of you for thinking you can undermine his authority. Id say I wish you luck. But I'm personally hoping for a public flogging. I'll make popcorn.” André grinned, his tone chipper.

“What the fuck kind of place did we end up?’ Emilia questioned. That's a good question. I don't know if I want to find out." I frowned.

“Now then. Manners. Nonna was always a stickler about that. Wouldn't want her to come back and haunt me.” André chuckled. “I am André D'Amore. And you three?” he gave an exaggerated bow. “Don’t tell him our names." Emilia said. “Il don't have a choice. We are outnumbered. And he's obviously of alpha blood.’ I sighed. “I'm Crista Fayte. And these are my sisters Persephone and Delilah.” I answered.

“Three Faytes. How interesting.” André smiled, sizing us up. “Welcome to the Incubi Pack, darlings. Now come along. My father will want to see you, then he will decide your fates.” he snickered at his own little pun. All the blood drained from my face as I felt my sisters cling tighter to my hands. Incubi Pack!? The pack run by Mad Alpha Chesed? The Alpha who lost his humanity and only a monstrous beast remains!? We are so dead.

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