Alpha And Luna

Chapter 35


-You're the best!

He laughs and kisses me.

-Go back to sleep now, sweetheart.

-One last thing, promise me you'll never cheat on me.

-I promise, Princess, I promise.

Ifall asleep, my body pressed against that of my lover.


It's been five months since I was kidnapped, I hardly see Kyle any more, I've taken my revenge on Tiffany. I have to admit I loved it, even though I don't really enjoy hurting other people. But with Tiffany it was different, torturing her and then ripping her heart out was a real liberation for me.

I sat down in Léna’s living room to talk to her.

-How are you, darling?

-I don't know, Kyle hardly talks to me any more, he comes home late every night, it's really upsetting me, I feel a huge lack inside me.

-I see, I don't know what to tell you...

-My parents are coming back tonight and I'll talk to them about it, but what about the pregnancy?

-Everything's going well, and as he's a wolf, I'm going to give birth in a few weeks’ time.

I smile.

-I can’t wait to see him, what are you going to name the future beta?

-We don't know yet...

IIook at the clock.

-I've got to go, I'l come and see you in a couple of days, as I'm staying on my brother's territory until Thursday.

“No problem.

I leave the house and head for mine, packing my bags when the doorbell rings. I open the door and see Kyle's parents. ~Hello George, hello Sarah.

-Hello Maeva, how are you?

-I'm fine.

Kyle's mum takes me in her arms and leads me to my room.

-What's wrong, darling?

Nothing, it's just that things with Kyle aren't going so well.

-What do you mean?

~We hardly speak any more, and every time I try to talk to him, he brushes me off or gives me a cold answer.

I burst into tears and Sarah hugged me.

-'m going to try and talk to him...

“Thank you, Sarah.

I'm about to close my suitcase when the door opens on Kyle.

Where are you going? he asks.

-'m going away for a few days to see my parents.

-No, you're staying here.

I approach him.

“You can't decide what I do or don't do.

He growls and his mother stands in front of me.

-Go and get your suitcase, Maeva, I'll Look after him.

I'll get my suitcase and go downstairs and put it in my car.

-Stay as long as you like, I might be staying with my parents for longer than I'd planned,” I say to Kyle's parents.

Sarah approaches me.

-'m s0 sorry, but...

It's not your fault, Sarah, but I need to think, for us, for myself

She smiles sadly at me.

I hope it all works out.

-Me too, me too,” I say so quietly that no one could have heard me.

I get into my car and drive to my parents’ house, and when I get there I give them a hug.

-How are you?

-I'm fine.

My brother comes in and hugs me.

-It's not nice to lie.

-I know," I say, bowing my head.

My dad brings my suitcase into the house and I go upstairs to a room with my mum.

-It's Kyle, isn't it?

I nod and start to cry.

-He doesn't speak to me any more, we hardly see each other, he's always at work, I'm scared Mum, scared there's another girl...

My mother takes me in her arms and consoles me.

~Everything’s going to be fine, but how long has this been going on?

-About four months, I don't know why...

-Come on, let's eat,” she says.

One month eclipse

I've been at my parents’ for a month now and today I'm going home. I haven't heard from Kyle, not even spoken to him, sinc the last time I saw him. Today I'm going back home, but I'm going to get my things so I can go and live in a house right next door to Josh and Léna’s. I'm going to put the key in the door so I can get my things.

I put the key in the lock and open the door, the house is in a mess, there are bottles of alcohol on the floor and it's dark. I head for our bedroom and the moment I step inside I find myself pressed against the bed.


-Let go of me Kyle!

I try to get out of his grip, but he holds me tight.

“You've got me, sweetheart.

-I'm not staying here, I'm just here to get my things.

-Listen to me Maeva! he shouts.

II0ok at him and let a tear escape my eye, I'm scared, scared that he's going to hit me and hurt me. When he sees my tear, his eyes soften.

-I didn’t mean to frighten you...

-You didn't!

-'m sorry, Maeva, for everything.

-Why, Maeva? Why did you do this to me? Am I not good enough for you? Did you look the other way when my back was turned? Were you playing with me?

-Of course not, Maeva! I had to work, I had to look after the pack, I locked myself up at work because I was ashamed, ashamed to see the woman I love not love me like she used to. Seeing you suffer hurt like hell.

-But it’s your fault!

I know, Maeva, it's all my fault! For the first month, we hardly saw each other because of your studies and my duty to my pack, and then I saw a flame go out in your eyes. That flame you had when you saw me coming home from work or just wher we were together. That flame disappeared and I told myself it was because you didn't love me any more, so I went to work, I'd stay in the office later so I wouldn't see the sadness in your eyes any more. To try and forget that the woman I love doesn't love me any more. I didn't want to talk to you, I wanted you to be the one to come back from your own gray, but I guess you don't love me any more to pick up your things and leave again.

He had tears in his eyes.

I love you Kyle, more than anything else in the world and the flame that disappeared was because we didn't see each other any more. I thought you were going somewhere else, that I wasn't enough for you any more...

He kisses me.

-I love you Maeva, I'm so sorry I let you down...

It's both our faults, we should have spoken to each other more often and explained ourselves...

He straddles me.

“You don't know how long I thought it was for that month, not seeing you sleep when I came home from work or holding you as I fell asleep. It's the most horrible thing that's ever happened to me in my life.

Ismile and kiss him.

~I'm never leaving again.

-I hope not.

We kiss and I unpack my suitcase.

-How's the pack? I ask as I put on a jumper.

I could feel his burning gaze on me.

-As I wasn't doing well and their luna wasn't doing well either, they weren't doing very well. They felt it through the bond of the pack... But now that we've made up and we're a bit happier, they are too.


-Right, I'm going to have a bath.

He nods and I run myself a bath, when it's ready I get in and two minutes later Kyle's hands grab my waist and press me against his chest.


He puts a finger in front of my mouth.

-Don't say anything princess, I know you need my body too, just do nothing and let yourself go...

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