Alpha And Luna

Chapter 32


“Thanks Josh, how are things going with Léna?

~Very well, we found out yesterday that she was pregnant.

-Congratulations to both of you! I'm so happy for you both.

-How are things with you and Kyle?

-It's going...

-Is he going to mark you tonight?

-No, I asked him to do it another day...


He nods and gives me a hug.

~Maybe we should do it again?

Suddenly kyle enters the room, his aura at its most powerful, choking Josh.

-Stay away from him!

He punches Josh in the face.

-She’s mine!


His eyes are blood red.

-Stay out of this, Maeva.

He comes dangerously close to Josh, ready to kill him for touching me, but I punch him in the stomach.

-Stop it, Kyle! Josh was comforting me! He didn't touch me, he was doing what you're incapable of doing! I spat in his face. He gets up and walks towards me.

-And what can he do that I can't?

-Understand me, listen to me and, above all, be there for me! You're my soul mate, I love you, but josh was here before you, he can understand me better than anyone. He's my second brother and I'd never cheat on you, especially not with him. He has Léna and they're expecting.

Kyle looks at his best friend.

-Is that really true?

Josh nods.

~Maybe if you were more present and less busy working, you'd have known.

~You know, Maeva, ever since you arrived I've looked after you, I've put my work aside to be with you, but you're just being pretentious. I'll only use you to reproduce myself.

The slap went off on its own.

-How dare you! I hate you!

I leave the room and head towards our house. How could he say something like that to me, he just told me I was his whore, who the hell does he think he is? I grabbed all my stuff and stuffed it into a suitcase. I was about to leave when the door opened on kyle.

-Sweetheart? What are you doing?


I was going to get out, but Kyle grabbed my arm and slammed me against the wall.

-What'd I do? What'd I do?

-Are you kidding me?

He looks at me with incomprehension.

You said I was your whore, that I was only there to breed your offspring and that I was temperamental.

I free myself from his grip and look at him for a moment, he looks really confused.

-Don't pretend you didn’t know you'd said that, you said it in front of me and Josh.

He hits the wall, where there's now a huge hole.

If I ind him again, I'll kill him with my bare hands!

~He looks at me for a moment and then at the door.

He looks at me for a moment and the door opens on Josh.

~Kyle..., he says breathlessly.

-I know it wasn't Kyle.

I know it wasn't you, it was Killian, he...he attacked the pack, now.

-Shit! Shit! Shit! I...Maeva stay here!

He runs out.

-What am I supposed to do?

-You come with me.

I turn to see Kyle.

-Kyle? But you just left...

A smile spreads across his face.


-Very good, now let's go.

He grabs my wrists, but I kick him in the privates.

You'll be sorry!

Suddenly two guys come up behind me and one of them puts me on his shoulders. I kick him, but it doesn't make any difference.

-Get off me, you bastard!

He kicks my b**t.

I see Kyle fighting a wolf, suddenly another one comes up behind him.

“Behind you, duck, turn right and punch left."

He complies and turns around, but when his eyes land on me, he turns red with anger and comes straight for us.

“To your right!

He ducks down and pulls out his claws at the same time, so that the wolf is open in the belly. The guy who was holding me lies down on the ground and straddles me.

I can see why Kyle loves you so much, you're a beautiful piece.

He smiles and touches me all over. I hit him, but it's no use, he's much too strong, suddenly he's thrown and kyle kills him before coming back to me. He takes me in his arms and strokes my hair.

-It's all right, sweetheart...

Kyle rips open his brothers stomach, but he's thrown further, he can't get up. Killian approaches me and with the last bit of strength he has, he digs his claws into my stomach. I wanted to defend myself, but the other bastard had tied my hands and feet. Killian collapses on top of me, his claws still inside me. I'm finding it harder and harder to breathe. I see Kyle come running, then I close my eyes, the last words I heard were:

-Maeva, don't leave me, please stay with me...

POV Kyle

I've been waiting for her to wake up for three days now, I burnt the body of my twin brother with his whole pack and I can’t wait for her to wake up. I called my parents and his family to tell them what had happened here and my father went into a rage.

I'm sitting in a chair in our bedroom when I hear her move, so I get up quickly and sit down next to her. She opens her beautiful eyes and smiles at me.

-Does anything hurt?

~My head hurts.

I getup and fetch the medicine the doctor prescribed.

-Take these.

She takes the medicine I give her and swallows it.

The ceremony...

-Don’t worry about it, my love.

“The pack is fine, nobody's hurt?

-We've had a few injuries, but nothing too serious.

She smiles at me and takes my arm so I can lie down on the bed. I grab her waist and press her against my chest, her head i on my neck and I can feel her breath on the back of my neck. She runs a hand over my abs and stops at the elastic of my boxers, causing me to let out a moan.

-I seem to be having an effect on you.

I take her hand and place it on my boxers, where a lump has already formed, she turns red and I laugh.

“You're having a f**+**g effect on me and you don’t know how much I'm holding back at the moment so as not to mark you and take you to seventh heaven.

I wish you would, but 'm very tired and I've got no strength left...

She closes her eyes and suddenly her heart rate drops, no strength left, what does it take to make her stronger? She hasn't eaten in three days! She's having a hypoglycaemic attack! I'll go and get the doctor to give her some intravenous food. -Why didn't you think of that?

sorry Alpha, but I thought she was going to wake up first and I've been far too busy with other injuries to check on her” he says, bowing his head.

He leaves our house and I go back to bed with my sweetheart.

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