All I Wanted

Chapter 34

“Let's get married next week” he said through his faint voice.

My whole heart skipped and even though I hated Chase for what he did, I just wasn't sure if getting married to Justin would fix things right now.

I cleared my throat trying to think of the answer I would give him, “married?” I stupidly asked and he nodded his head. “Uhm... next week?” I asked again and he didn't seem to mind my attitude, he nodded his head in approval again.

“I don't want to lose you Jane" he said and took my hands in his.

“Okay” I silently responded and it seemed to have caught him off guard.

“Okay, like you want to be my wife?” He asked and I nodded my head unsure of how I feel about it.

He let out a happy laugh and rubbed his thumbs on my hand, u didn't seem to like the way it felt so I slipped my hand away. “I have to go check on something, I'll be right back” I excused myself and walked out of the room.

I lied, I didn't have anything to check on, I don't even know if i am making the right decision or not.

I walked outside the house and made my way to the garden, I sat on the carpet grass and folded my kneels to my chest.

In this type of situation I wished I had a mother to talk to or rather my father who suddenly abandoned me.

I started to wonder why everyone I've ever love seem to be leaving me, first it was my mother, then Chase and now my dad. Iwas lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that there was a warm liquid flowing down my cheeks. F**k it!

I didn't want to be weak, hate being weak but now I just feel I can't do anything by myself right now and I desperately need someone but who do I go to?

I slumped on the floor sobbing my heart out, I had agreed to marry him and I had put myself in this position, there's possib no way for me to get out of my predicaments.

Perhaps Justin could turn out to be a really nice person and maybe I would fall in love with him sooner after a child or befor a child.

The clouds started to get really dark and the thick clouds surrounded me, it was also getting chilly and cold so I decided it was time for me to go in.

I walked in the house and immediately went straight to my room, I threw myself on the bed and rubbed my temples trying tc ease myself of the throbbing pain that was in my head.

[ES ——

“Ma'am?” A knock on the door woke me up and I realized that I had slept immediately I got into my room, I checked my phone for the time and realized it was eight am already so I assumed the doctor was here to treat Chase.

“Ma'am are you in there?” The voice called again and I carried my sleepy body that still wanted more sleep away from the bed.

I opened the door and the maid that wasn't looking knocked on my face, “oh my gosh! I'm so sorry ma'am” she immediately went on her kneel but I didn't say much to her as I walked away.

Perhaps I should have thanked her because she somehow fully woke me up.

I headed to Justin's room and I could hear him conversating with the doctor, he wouldn't be in this mess if he hadn't just tried to hit Chase again.

I opened the door and he gave me a broad smile immediately he saw me and I returned the smile.

“How's he doing now?" I asked the physiotherapist that was drinking a cup of orange juice that was meant for Justin.

He gestured at me to hold on while he gulped down the juice and I wondered what type of man could be toying with his job, this much.

“He's getting better, fortunately no bone broke it was only fractured” he said and I smiled at him.

“He should be able to walk and do what he used to do as from tomorrow” he added and Chase smiled.

“Then tomorrow should be our wedding shower!” He excitedly announced and the physiotherapist whose name was Jack shone his teeth while laughing really hard.

I smiled broadly at them and even though it didn't come from my heart, I just had to.

Iwent to sit on his bed and stared at him without knowing what to say, “how do you feel?" I asked him and he smiled and replied with “fine”.

I wanted to ask if say more but I couldn't because I was short if words so I awkwardly left the room.

I walked straight to my room and thought of calling Susan, she’s married she should probably give good advice.

I dialed her number on my phone and she picked almost immediately.

“Hey Suzy” I greeted

“Heyl! Jane, how've you been?’ She asked and I was about to reply I heard a baby crying.

“Oh my gosh! Is that your baby?" I asked but she couldn't hear what I was saying because of the loud cry of the baby.

“You know what? We'll talk later!” She yell through the phone and hung up.

I guessed her baby’s cry couldn't make her hear me well so I just tossed my phone to the other side of the bed hoping to be swallowed into a universe where I would meet my mother and she would advice me.

No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't bring myself to sleep and I still didn’t know what to do, neither did I want to talk t Justin nor go to work.

I thought it going out on a stroll and maybe take Kiki on a walk. Kiki was Justin's house dog and she had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen with her white furs and pointed ear.

I thought that should be fun and maybe I would have the opportunity to think well.

I went outside my room and called her name and she soon started to run towards me wagging her tails excitedly with her tongue out.

She jumped on me and I almost fell but thankfully there was a walk behind me.

I requested her leash from a maid and the maid soon came with three leashes requesting me to chose a colour, I chose the white one because it fits her fur perfectly.

She seemed to have realized I was going to take her on a walk so she started to jump around happily.

It took quite some time to calm her down, when I wore the leash on her we both went outside the house.

Kiki seemed to be full of energy as she kept jumping and playing around;’mum look at that cute dog!” A kid pointed to Kiki flashing his removed front tooth.

“Can I touch it?" He dragged his mother's arm towards me and I kept on smiling at how adorable the boy was.

Flashes of when I used to walk with my mother and father went through my head.

“Please miss can I touch it?" He requested and there's no way in hell I'm turning him down, he has such a cute smile even though his front tooth was missing.

“sure” I nodded with a smile and his smile grew bigger, he touched Kiki and she immediately liked him. She was really a friendly dog.

The young boy seemed to be really happy with the way Kiki responded and in no time she was all over him licking his body and his mother kept on laughing.

“Come on Bruce, we don't want to be late” she told him and he seemed like he wasn't ready to leave Kiki.

“Bruce is a very lovely name” I said and the woman smiled at me, I used to have a crush on Batman and his actual name in the movie was Bruce.

“Thank you for letting me play with her” Bruce came to stand in front of me with the most sincere smile I have ever seen. “You're welcome” I said and his mother thanked me before they left.

Kiki seemed to be sad for a moment knowing that her new friend had just left but there wasn't much she could do about it. “0 think we'll call it a day, let's go home now Kiki” I said and we both walked back to the mansion.

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