Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 435: The Backstabber System

We were unstoppable! My personal army was small, yet everyone of them was enough to handle a group of a hundred on his own! Their pathetic tries to attack our rear failed, while all we left behind was a long trail of dead bodies and severed limbs and claws!

"Lisely!" The moment the main leaders appeared in my sight, I spotted a female human standing amidst many monsters and races. "Come to die!" I sent my spear to kill her, and despite that one of the monsters jumped to stop the spear and saved her.

Then they started to run away!contemporary romance

"Really? Coming all the way here then ran away?" I laughed before raising up my spear and shouted: "Your pathetic leaders are running and abandoning you… see for yourselves, see how cowardly they are!"

I then landed my spear to point towards the running group of leaders. Everyone, literally everyone glanced at that direction and froze!

"Kneel and live, surrender to a mighty courageous leader and I promise you glory, strength, and wealth!" I shouted again, using this moment of doubt to my advantage.

Just as I shouted these words, I noticed a couple of monsters and races starting to turn around. "Trying to stop my scheme, are you?" I sneered before my spear was the only outcome for them; ending their lives abruptly before interfering in my plan!

"This army is mine! MINE!" I shouted and declared my will to the system which I was pretty sure was now enraged by my triumph!

Those Lisely sent and killed made her hesitant, yet she kept running with all her strength, trying to futilely outrun my demon.

"Go after her," I shouted to my demon before adding, "Spread the news, let this army surrender to me!"

The demoness didn't speak by words as she turned around and started relaying the orders my special army was so deep now in the enemy lines, and I was also getting much deeper after Lisely.

She tried to instigate the surrounding army to move and stop me, but all were killed under my hand, my spear, and my demon attacks and gigantic body.

We were unstoppable, with nothing in her hands to stop me, I finally started to get closer to her.

I didn't know why, but this Lisely looked quite familiar to me. I didn't know where I saw her, but I was pretty sure we met once before.

"Is she a player?" I muttered before adding in a deep tone, "or is she a noble?"

This was the most logical thing, and I didn't plan to kill her. What she knew was priceless to me. Sending her in front of my way was something my system didn't perfectly calculate and plan this time.

"Surrender and live, run and I will chase you to the end of these lands!" I shouted while the distance between us got closer each minute.

My voice, promise and threat worked well on everyone but her! Everyone stopped and didn't run anymore, and as I just promised; I totally ignored them and went after her.

"Make sure to block her path," I said to my demon.

"Planning to kill?" he asked, "or take it as hostage?"


"Good," he then started to ignore killing any more monsters and races as he jumped so suddenly to cross the distance between me and Lisely and cover it in no time!

The moment he landed, his gigantic body blocked her path! Our appearance was sudden and she didn't notice him except when his vast shadow covered her.

So it was normal for her to hit him and bounce back for tens of meters, hitting the ground and many of her army soldiers before finally stopping with many wounds all over her body.

"Good job," I laughed while I climbed down his body. "Protect me," I said as I walked slowly towards the stand to stand Lisely.

Her body suffered great damage already that made her stand up with difficulty and with a shaken body. "Stay away!" she shouted in fear, yet I laughed. "C'mon, you brought this giant army to kill me, why should I not repay this kindness back to you?"

She retreated while climbing. She had a sword pointed to me as she shouted: "Stay away, you freak monster!"

"Hahaha," I laughed before I didn't halt my steps towards her. The more I got closer the more she panicked. "Stay back, don't come near me, I will… I will kill myself!"

"Do it then," I sneered, "if you don't then either be my slave or be killed by my spear," I threw my spear in the air for a moment as if I was preparing to throw it at her.

This greatly panicked her, making her jump in fear and trying to run. Yet how could she run from me? This battle was done for and it was my victory. Practically speaking she was running into an ocean of my warriors!

How silly this was!

She tried her best to shout at everyone around, ordering, asking, and even pleading them to go and stop me and save her.

Yet none moved! Only the first time she did that , some fools complied and their fate was done by my spear and my demon.

Then no one risked his or her life for Lisely. She was done for, a kid could tell that with just a glance!

Yet she kept running until she finally pumped into the main body of my personal army. My demoness led them and stood like a mountain in front of her, blocking any path for retreat.

"Surrender and be my slave," I said while leisurely walking inside the circle formed by my personal army, while my demoness and demon joined me in this circle, adding more pressure and instigating more fear into her.

"You will kill me if I do that!" she shouted while trying to glance for any place to run to.

"Don't be this frightened, I promise not to touch you if you have been nice and obeyed me."

I stood in front of her, just a couple of meters only. "Tell me, did we meet before?" I asked, while my mind kept bugging me with this issue.

"We once did," she replied, "back in the town you played at, we once crossed swords together and met inside the prestigious restaurant later."

Her words meant we actually met, but still I couldn't remember. Well that was predicted, after all I met many, and killed endless of these nobles.

"Alright, what do you say? Be my slave or be my next kill?"

She hesitated, yet there was no other option in front of her. "I will trust the words of the bloodthirsty witch descendant," she said while throwing down her sword, "I will… I will be your slave."

"Good," I laughed, before turning to everyone, "go and secure the new army. Interrogate them, and know where their clans and villages are, then send many detachments to control everything."

"I will keep you updated," the demoness said before she said to the demon, "stay here with the personal army and guard her well."

She vanished to do what I asked for while my full attention was turned to Lisely. "Tell me everything you know."

"About what?" she said with disturbed face.

"About everything related to the world here," I said, "first do you have a system as well?"

Her face changed the moment I asked, and this was enough to make me sure of my previous guesses. "So you were playing a dark trick from my back?" I said, and she seemed to be surprised and puzzled. She retreated couple of meters before I again shouted:

"You damn system! Speak or else I swear I will make sure to make you pay!"

She realized I wasn't talking this way to her, and she heaved a sigh of relief before me with a familiar glance. She thought I went crazy, yet I didn't care about her opinion like I never cared about others.

"Ding Dong! You can't give up on me! You need me!"

"A traitor?!! I need an ally, not a backstabber! Damn you!!!"

"Ding Dong! C'mon, you are trying to unbalance the game."

"Isn't this fair? Did I cheat or used my full strength to do that?"

Its logic was flawed and I didn't even get shaken by his words!

"Ding Dong! You started with things that made you quite stronger than others! Your spear, your two demons, and now your pearls!"

"These are mine! I earned them fair and square! With all my efforts!!"

"Ding Dong! That doesn't negate the fact of you being the threat to the equilibrium to this world. I can't let you have your way easy or else more damage will happen to this world!"

"Bullsh*t! this is just you trying to control me! I won't accept his nonsense!"

I cursed before declaring, "I swear next time you backstab me will be the mark that will put me against you!"

"Ding Dong! You can't be my enemy!"

"Say these words to yourself not me, damn selfish arrogant bastard," I spat on the ground before glancing over Lisely, "tell me everything about your system."

The face of her showed her hesitation. "It's asking me not to answer your questions."

"Ignore it or else I will kill you now!" I wasn't in the mood for such lowly games, and my threats were real. If she didn't comply at the moment, she would be instantly killed by my spear.


"No buts, answer me or face my spear!"

I glanced at her and waited for her answer.

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