Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 434: Lisely

"Ding Dong! It's best to stick to the plan!"

The system never lost hope in trying his best to make me forget about my plans and listen to his arrangements. "Sure, you know what's best for me," I laughed while moving out of the fifth village we conquered.

The fight couldn't be called a battle, or at least a fair one. My army numbered in tens of thousands already, with different myriads of legions that made the scene of the army mighty.contemporary romance

The first village we met took three hours from my village; a demon one.

I was very excited when I landed over these demons with my grand army. The demons tried to resist, yet after the first clash they knew they couldn't beat me.

So they all agreed to my offer and became my slaves!

I gained five thousand demon army and ten thousand population. I asked them to go back to the village and wait for me there at the entrance of the passage.

I sent a couple of the vampires to escort them, while I moved with my growing army annexing one village after another. Each village gave me ten thousand pearls at least; a small number compared to what I actually gained from the population.

Yet I didn't object. I knew the system cut off its generous habit and returned to its old self; being shameless, stingy, and greedy!

Despite that I kept my mouth shut and my eyes blind for this; after all I planned to gain all the villages in this zone and that alone would give me hundreds of thousands of pearls even with the system's efforts to stop me.

As I headed to the next village, smiling widely all the way by my earnings so far, a new development occurred.

"Is this your doing?" I muttered while glancing at the large cloud of dust appearing from far.

"Ding Dong! What do I have to do with anything?!!"

"Tsk, I can smell your dirty fingers miles away."

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

"Don't ding dong me!"

Everyone around me got used to my weird temper and strange talking to nothing. I glanced at the rapidly approaching uninvited guests while I shouted: "Jen, what villages are out there?"

"A rhinoceros head and crocodile head clans," she replied while feeling somehow strange by the incoming.

"You, go up and take a look," I turned to one of the vampires of my personal army and gave him the order. My personal army caught us midway, probably after the second or third village; couldn't exactly remember.

He flew fast while Omad came fast to me. "My lady, I believe they are enemies."

"They are," I replied with discontent. If this system didn't stop its shameless tricks, tsk! "Go and arrange the boys, we have a feast to celebrate," I said while turning to Jen, "your monsters will refrain from fighting first until we stop them."

"Won't we join the battle?" she asked with doubt and some annoyance in her tone. I knew she was warmangren but this time I needed her to hold back. "Not at the start, use your force as reinforcement, to create momentum after we stop their advance."

She got my meaning before nodding and vanishing. I glanced at my demon who I stood on his shoulder before saying: "Be ready, it seems this time the fight will be hard."

"The harder the better," yet the demoness standing beside me was the one to reply, while he laughed. He already had four swords from my skeletons. Just remembering them made me ask myself about their whereabouts and if they succeeded in reaching their destination or killed midway!

"Be ready!" Omar shouted while I moved to the forefront leading my personal army.

My personal army had grown to approach one thousand fighters of different races. I glanced with no fear, while the faces of those monsters started to grow clearer in my eyes.

"My lady, they are around fifty thousand monsters and races coming here united under one banner."

The vampire scout I sent returned with these news. "Banner? What banner?" I asked with doubt.

"The banner had a name on it… Lisely."

Lisely? I never heard of such a name. "Are there any humans?" I asked.

"Yes, around one tenth of them are humans," he replied, "one half are other races, and the rest are monsters."

"Combined hastily by many races? That's good, but…" I started to see the scheme of my system here. "Damn you!" and the vampire had his entire body shiver as he thought I was cursing him.

"Not you, go now and keep observing the sky with some others," I said before shifting all my attention to the cursed system! "You want to reduce the numbers I gain? Damn you!"

"Ding Dong! I have nothing to do with this! Go and speak to this Lisely not me!"

"Damn you!" I didn't buy a single word he said, while I moved a couple of tens of meters ahead of my army. I had an army approaching fifty thousand as well; which made me more sure this was the system doing!

Or else why my enemies would be equally matching my strength and the size of my army? That didn't make any sense!

"Listen up, our most priority is to kill the first wave, then try to divide them and force them to surrender," even if the system did his best here, I wouldn't allow it to fully succeed in its mission.

I wouldn't give up on gaining more fighters to me, even if they numbered only in hundreds! "Leave their leaders to me," I then turned to the front while muttering, "this time I will show everyone how brutal and deadly I'm… even to you damn system!"

"Ding Dong! It's not me! I'm innocent here!"

"Liar!" I spat on the ground before taking my spear and shouted: "All my personal boys heed to my words. I love battles, I hate words, and a dead enemy is better than a living one! Kill the head and the snake dies! Kill their leaders and the army will be ours! Don't leave none of them alive! Kill everyone we march into! Kill them all! Kill them all! Kill them all!"

My old motto, my lovable saying had appeared once more here. My army started cheering while my demon and demoness led the charge, running fast and starting to create momentum.

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

Shouts started to infect everyone in my grand army, and this cheer began to rumble the ground and thunder the sky! I moved fast on the top of my demon who brandished his four swords and laughed.

"Old times are the best!" he shouted while repeating my motto!

"Yeah, I'll never get tired of this," the demoness said while I laughed and threw my spear out, heading towards the middle of the incoming army, killing a bunch of races with crocodile heads and starting this bloody battle.

"Kill them all!" I snapped my fingers while sending my spear again to nowhere but the front.

"Keep pressing forward, don't stop!" I shouted while my demon was enough to hit anything in his way and clear the path! His four swords acted like snakes, killing everywhere!

Despite clashing with the densest part in this army, we never lost momentum! I took a quick glance at the battlefield, and I saw my army stopping the other in their tracks. And Jen came from far with a grand monster army to support!

"Great, see this?" I laughed, "this is what it means to be powerful!" I then pointed my spear up high while shouting with my loudest voice" Keep pressing forward boys; kill them all! Kill them all! Kill them all!"

The cheer coming from behind made the entire enemy tremble in fear! They started to be sluggish, and even if they moved swiftly to be in front of my triple tip of the spear; they wouldn't make a difference at all!

From this close distance my spear roared to the front, killing everyone it touched, showing no mercy!

"Press forward!" I shouted while raising my head to spot the vampires hovering over my head. "Which way?!" I shouted and all of them pointed both wings for a moment to a certain direction.

"Great, I'm so near then," I laughed as the direction they pointed to was the same I was heading to. I kept penetrating the lines and my personal army followed behind the three of us.

The enemy tried to surround us, mistaking our move to be a try to create a gap for the rest of the army to follow. Yet their attempts ended up in vain! I wasn't waiting for any army to help, and my army was already crushing their frontlines with the addition of the fresh monster army led by Jen.

And like that their frontline was crushed, and I spotted my army starting to divide theirs into many smaller groups, while many unclear shouts came from that direction.

"Good, they are doing great!" I laughed while I finally noticed a group of flags on the front. "Go there, they are there!" I even clapped my hands like a little girl while following that with a merciless attack of my spear.

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