Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 425: Vampires and Werewolves

My words weren't that hard to get, and the angry vampire nodded with the eight others behind him. "Now go, and make sure this incoming army won't cause trouble."

They didn't delay to leave, and I returned fast to my army. The incoming vampire army was really huge, extending east and west. "Ten thousand vampires, tsk," I estimated their numbers to be this huge.

"Did Derky refer to this as fertility hailed from humans? Screw me, even rabbits pale in front of their ladies!" I smirked before reaching my demon.

"Everything ok?" he asked, and I just smiled as I climbed over his body towards his shoulder. "All these are insignificant if we didn't manage to get those golden oozes."

"Oozes? Do you mean vampire ladies?"

"They are golden oozes for me," I chuckled before glancing over the army that already arrived on the other bank.

The eight who returned just now had stabilized their smaller army, making them all be under my control.

Yet their numbers paled in front of the majestic army coming from far. The army had one hundred vampires flying in front of it. They looked slightly different from Derky and others.

Their bodies were bigger, thicker, and their wings were longer and broader. They had this strange feather like hair over their heads, and they had rudimentary breasts!

I checked mine, I was much bigger than them, fortunately.

As they reached the other bank of the river, a conversation seemed to occur between the two sides, one the females and the others led by Derky and that eldest brother of his.

"I forgot to ask about his name, hehehe," I laughed shortly as I didn't care about his name at all.

If he didn't prove his worth to me right away, he wouldn't deserve for his name to be known to me!

The conversation took longer than I expected, and after half an hour I noticed that big brother moving towards me alongside three of the female vampires.

"They want to negotiate?" I muttered before noticing Derky flying fast from behind, catching up with them. "Tsk, that bastard won't allow his big brother to gain anything."

I admired his care for his interest, hoping he wouldn't dare to double cross me in the future.

Or else… hehehe.

I waited for them to approach and land in the ground before me. Derky and his biggest brother knelt as the three females stood there with their heads raised up high.

"Trefor told us about you conquering and killing most of our big boys," one of them spoke first, and surprisingly her tone was so sweet.

"First introduce yourself," I didn't accept her arrogant nature and replied rudely to her.

Despite that my words didn't manage to make her annoyed at all.

"I'm Enly, what about you?"

"Me Agatha," I replied, "did you come here to surrender?" I asked the most important question.

"We came to understand more about our future," Enly replied, "after all we don't suit to fight, and our place in our tribe is unshaken."

"A place in a weak tribe about to be exterminated isn't something to be proud of."

"Bold words coming from one leading mere two hundred."

"And thousands as well," I pointed my spear to the smaller army belonging to me now.

"They are our boys."

"And they are my servants."

We both kept looking at each other for long moments, none agreed to succumb to the other.

"Do you want war then?"

"I don't want to lose priceless fighters," I shook my head before deepening my tone, "yet if no middle ground is reached, then it will be war."

"With these?" Enly glanced at my personal army.

"And those," I pointed my spear again to the distant vampires.

"You seem quite confident in the new army you just enslaved by force."

Just before I could reply, I heard a loud ruckus coming from the direction of my village. I raised my head and there I spotted a large number of horse-like monsters galloping the ground in great speed, leading an army of giant demons and weird shaped creatures I never saw before.

"Wolves?" I said to myself, "now I have giant wolves in my army?" I chuckled before turning to Enly. "and those are mine as well."

The new army coming hot wasn't less than ten thousand as well. I didn't know how but it seemed Omad and Dredly managed to come back with such a great number of new monsters.

They had escaped my wrath by this simple act, and they would be rewarded with pearls later on.

They deserved them.

"Your army…" Enly seemed quite astonished with the sudden appearance of such large army. "You deserve to act this high," she shook her head before adding, "May we discuss our terms of surrender?" and finally she succumbed to me.contemporary romance

"I won't treat you badly, in fact I will give you much more authority and attention in my empire than you even had now."


"Sure, I won't stop just at building one village or a couple. I want an empire, and in my empire you will enjoy special treatment."

"Me? Or all of my sisters as well?"

"Everyone of your kin will be treated special," I said, before adding, "either those one hundred ladies here, or others born in the future."

"Sigh, we can't have more females that easily," she bitterly replied, "we need great amounts of purified blood, much higher than the human blood. It's not easy to find such blood anywhere."

"Ding Dong! This blood is sold in the market."

I gritted my teeth towards my system's shameless act. This system… sigh! It never ceased to step in speaking about this market and coin of his.

"Alright, I will see if I can help later with this blood issue," I said before adding, "now go back and bring everyone to swear their oaths of allegiance to me."

"Right away, my lade," she replied and then the other two bowed their heads with her before flying off with Derky and his big brother, and I just watched the rose high up before muttering: "If just I can have one of you to be my flying ride!"

"I can grow wings in the future," my demon said.

"I bet you need more resources to do that."

"Pearls and some special herbs. That's all."

"Very cheap and easy indeed."

I laughed before turning to face Omad and Dredly coming here with their top speed.

In less than ten minutes they arrived and they seemed quite stirred and nervous. "My lady, sorry for being late," Omad apologized before glancing over the distant large army of vampires, "is it a war then?"

"No, we won't fight today," I said before taking two thousand pearls in one move and scattered them in front of both. "Each deserves a thousand of these," I said while their eyes went wide from shock.

"T- This is just amazing!" Dredly laughed before saying, "thanks for your generosity my lady."

"But what for?" Omad didn't refuse the gift as well, as both started taking them and motioning to others to come and grab some.

"You brought such a good army with you. Plus your appearance just solved this war without shedding more blood. You deserve this prize."

"They are a race called werewolves, found by chance on a distance from the valley," Omad said before adding, "we had a small challenge where I and Dredly killed their three leaders, gaining the power for ourselves."

"We divided them between the two of us, if you don't mind," Dredly said, while I smiled and nodded, without the need to say anything to them.

I promised them before, if they found anything they would gain it under their army. "Are they all?" I asked, as I hoped for them to have some other werewolves as ladies and kids.

"These are the fighters, others remained back in the village," Omad said before taking a token out, "this is their village token."

"Good job," I laughed as it was destined for this day to be special for me.

"Gather them up and make them ready to swear allegiance to me then," I said before turning to glance at the army of vampires coming towards me, crossing the river.

"Ten thousand vampires, ten thousand werewolves; this day won't get any better, would it?"

My grin was really wide, as I waited for the two sides to come. In batches the vampires landed on the ground, knelt while the werewolves came in lines, and knelt like them.

"We greet our lady," they said, in unison before they moved. Vampires returned to fly again on top of my head, while werewolves went to the front to stand behind me.

This scene kept happening for half an hour, and after the last vampires and werewolves knelt and called me their lady; the system finally came to bring me the big prize I deserved.

After all I gained such great numbers, plus a new race as well!

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