Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 424: A Meaningless Challenge

I waited for six hours before the vampires showed up again. During this time, the demons came from my village and they started working.

Their bodies and great physique helped to make a difference. Even those baby demons were giants compared to humans.

The ores extraction speed has exponentially increased by many folds after the addition of my demons. I thought to make my demon army join as well, yet I refrained when I noticed this wasn't needed.

I wasn't on a tight schedule right here, after all this mine was just next to my village.

The first appearance of the vampires came in such a grandiose manner of thousands! I didn't know if these were all the vampires in their village or not, and I hoped none of those arrogant brothers or female followers to be among them.

Fighting off all this number would prove to be hard! I noticed the appearance of a minute group heading towards them.

"Let's hope you have some influence in your village, and not be as useless as Respon," I muttered while remembering this good for nothing fiancée of mine.

I didn't know what happened to him, but my gut told me he was fine. I just hoped he would die stumbling on the ground, better than facing me in a fight and be killed on my hands.

Dreky stayed there in the air for long minutes. During which another army approached from far.

Just as I was tense and worried, I noticed him returning back; alone!

"Damn you useless bastard!" I inwardly cursed and lamented my bad luck in men. "Why don't I have capable men like Rog? Huh?" I shook my head while trying to vent my anger by squeezing my spear; waiting for the battle.

"Good news my esteemed lady," just as he approached me, and even before he reached the ground; Dreky spoke up in such an enthusiastic tone.

It seemed my dissatisfaction was so clear to him from mere glances, so he preferred to calm me down by speaking midair.

"Tell," I said, without putting much hope on him.

"My brothers are the ones leading the vanguard, and they requested a life and death duel with you."

"With me?!" I exclaimed in surprise, "are they insane?" I muttered before understanding the reason behind his joy. "What about the next army?' I asked, while gesturing with my spear towards the distant batch of vampires.

"They belonged to my army, and then the main army led by the females themselves are coming late," he said, explaining the arrangement of his clan.

His words meant only one thing for me; their numbers were really huge!

If I just laid my hands over half of them, not even a third would be enough!

"Alright, let them step there," I said while pointing towards a nearby area, "I will fight them there."

"Good," he paused before adding, "their number is fifty, would this be a problem?"

"No," I shook my head while already walking towards the area I randomly selected, "stay here and stay put, who knows what those vampires would do after seeing their leaders killed by my spear," I said to my demon and my personal army.

I would kill these spoiled arrogant brothers of Derky; this was a mere fact to me. Yet I didn't guarantee the reaction of the main army.

"May I suggest starting the duel when my army arrives?" Derky suddenly said, and I simply nodded. This idea of his was good, as with his soldiers staying in the pictures, things wouldn't turn messy. "Just make sure they will follow your command," I muttered before walking away.

The area I selected was vacant and spacious, enough to hold an army of hundreds. I knew this fight wouldn't be that easy, but I was totally sure of my win.

I waited there for ten minutes before the distant army of vampires arrived. Then fifty vampires came towards me, flying with much ease and confidence like they were already seeing me dead!


As they crossed the river, their annoying shriek sounds appeared while they hovered on top of my head. I wasn't that urgent to attack until they all gathered here, with their red eyes glaring in mockery towards me.

"Did they think Derky lost due to his weakness? Fool!" I said to myself before shouting at them, "if any of you wanted to save his life during battle, he can just fall to the ground and kneel to me and his life would be spared."




My words were met with these loud and noisy shrieks. "As you wish," I chuckled, as their refusal to my kind offer made me even laugh!


The next moment I threw my spear, killed one of them with much ease before snapping my fingers and calling it back. They glanced at their fallen brother, killed in just an instant.

Then another one fell. And another!


They suddenly shrieked in anger, perhaps that is what they were feeling right now. Yet my spear didn't wait for them to react and harvested three more lives.

Then they started to act!

They all descended upon me like thunder, yet all I did was to run, east and west, with my spear being thrown and retrieved in much shorter time.

A battle of speed erupted; were they faster than my spear or not? Of course my spear was faster, especially if they came near me, then it could even penetrate a couple of bodies before being called back.

And being so close to me made it easier for me to hit them; yet in just two minutes they closed up on me with their twenty three remaining alive brothers.

"Tsk, so I need to use this after all," I sighed, with no worry or distress whatsoever! Even when they were this close to hitting me, I wasn't fazed, calmly took out one pearl and let it fall while I kept running.

Once the pearl appeared, they all paused in place, glancing with greedy eyes towards the pearls dissipating wisps of energy.




I used this opportunity to create distance again while keeping my spear moving non-stop.contemporary romance


Just as one of them called upon the others to wake up from the effect of my pearl; I managed to reduce their number by half!

"Just give up and surrender, or else you won't leave here alive!"

As they woke up and realized what was going on, two of them got cold feet already and started to run away. They foolishly thought they could escape my attack, outrun my spear.

But they were mistaken! Gravely mistaken!

My spear harvested their lives easily as I shouted at the other nine flying in midair, fifty meters or more far from me. "Surrender and you will be treated nicely like Dreky, resist and you will meet the end like your brothers."

My voice came again before my spear came to harvest one more of them. Eight now remained, and I didn't care if none eventually remained!


This time their screams came softer and thinner, before a couple of them fell to the ground; kneeling to me!

It started with two and ended up with eight. The last one seemed quite stubborn to kneel, yet when I just waved my spear, preparing to kill him and end this fight, he hurried to kneel.


They all said in unison, and my system gave me another ten thousand pearls as a gift. "You seem quite generous of late, you need something from me?" I joked while it replied instantly: "Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

I didn't reprimand it as I laughed. It appeared to have an error in its systems or it really was desperate to ask me for something.

And I believed it was the latter!

"Alright, stand and go to follow your big brother's lead," I waved my spear without any care to them, as I glanced over the distance; a huge army was approaching; the real army!

"Who is the big brother? Derky?" one of them exclaimed in surprise and his tone seemed to annoy me with his arrogance, "I'm the eldest one and he is the youngest!"

My eyes shone for a moment before I laughed. "That sneaky one, hahaha, I like him," I was really content with this twisted mindset of his. He saw a chance and seized it, even manipulating me for his purpose.

"I just hope he knows his limits, or else," I muttered to myself before glancing over the arrogant elder brother, "he was the first to kneel and so he became your leader. You have an issue with that, feel free to either challenge me anytime to die, or compete with him for glory and gain rewards."

My words were clear, and the face of that elder son showed his discontent. "May I ask my esteemed lady about the conditions of this competition with him?" he asked, and I thought he misunderstood my words here.

"You will need to do the tasks I assign to you, the better you perform the more rewards you will get," I then moved towards the thrown away pearl, rubbed it against my clothes before taking a big bite from it.

"Like these," and I pointed my spear to the closing up army of vampires, "like those."

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