A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 86

We stayed that way, and I cried until my head began to hurt. Aaron took me into his arms and brought me out of the hospital building. He placed me in the car and drove us home. When he stopped the car, he carried me into our room anc then moved to draw me a quick bath. He ordered the cook to make us brunch as we hadn't eaten yet.

I didn't have an appetite for food. I needed a bath and then coil up in a ball on the bed, but I said nothing as he gave the cooks instructions to follow.

Once he finished setting the water, he came to the bed and helped me out of all my clothes before taking me into the bathroom and setting me down in the bathtub. I sighed and settled in as I felt an instant relief did the ache, but not for t pain of loss.

“Thank you I moaned, my eyes lingering on him.

“You're welcome.”

I took hold of his hand. “join me” I beckoned to him.

He hesitated, “You're sure?”

“I don't want to be alone,” I told him. This was the most vulnerable thing I've said since the day began, and it was honest. He undressed before me the next second that passed, and there he stood before me naked with his scars, healing wound and tattoos. I never asked where he went yesterday that made him come home at two a.m., but I know it wasn’t a good place. My breath hitched as I thought of how beautiful this man was with all his scars and imperfections. He was so much perfect compared to me, though.

I scooted to the side to let him into the bathtub and he got in behind me before pulling me closer so my back rested against him.

At the touch of our bodies, I felt a sense of completeness and contentment, and I wanted to stay here for as long as I cou I knew he was what I needed to get over this grief and brokenness. I wanted to feel vulnerable with him more than anything, and I knew he would not run away if he saw that side of me.

I maneuver around in the tub so I laid sideways into him. I clung to him as if he'd escape if I didn't. “she’s gone, and it's a my fault” I began with a weak voice and tears rolled down my face.

His right hand wrapped around my middle. “It's not your fault. Do not let Betty get to you," he tells me, patting my back with his left hand.

“If 1 had exposed her to the supernatural world and told her what existed in our world, she would have had a better way protecting herself. But I kept her in the dark, believing I did the right thing. It wasn't the right thing. The truth about our world would have been so much better than death.”

“You didn’t know this would happen. You did your best to protect her, as any good sister would. You can’t blame yourself for what you didn’t know.”

I wanted to blame myself and wanted to carry all the blames. If I could bring Tia back, I'd do things differently. I should have protected her, but I didn't. I failed her.

He must have read my thought because he said. “It's okay to grieve. What's not okay to do is blame yourself for somethin you couldn't have changed either way. I don't think Tatiana would want that for you."

I nudged my head so I could stare at him and leaning in; I kissed his lips. Despite being taken aback, he responded by wrapping his hand around the back of my head and kissing back.

We did nothing else for the next few minutes that passed, just soft kisses and caresses that slowly awakened the desire t belong. I wanted to forget what had happened. I wanted to escape even if it was for a little while and Aaron was helping do just that. His palm found my left breast and gave it a soft but intensive fondle, earning a moan from my mouth even a we kissed. My back arched into him, wanting more of his touch, his caress, and his attention.

I felt him throb against me in the water and I knew his need had moved to a more intense state, and I wanted to satisfy him.

My lips lingered on his, still kissing and sucking while my right hand glided down into the warm water, trailing down his body to find him there, semi-hard and throbbing. I did not hesitate before wrapping my hands around him and stroking him. 1 heard his breath hitch in his throat, telling me how wanted I was and how much he needed me.

I needed him too, and I wanted him to take me and do what he pleased with me.

I moved my legs apart to accommodate him and eased the head of his c**k into me. He broke the kiss to drag in a deep breath, my position making my walls tighten around him, and I saw how hard it was for him to remain in control.

Our gazes locked, and I slowly moved on his length, earning a moan as compensation. He sat up and wrapped his arms around me, taking control of the moment, and I wrapped my legs around his middle.

He guided us both, moving me up and down his length, and I did my part to grind against him every time I dropped.

My mind, for a split second, didn't dwell on the loss in the family. It focused on him and what we were achieving as a tear The escape was what I needed.

After reaching the heights, I did not do much. My head felt hazy and my body weak and I remember clinging to him and n finishing my bath. He washed the rest of my body before settling between my legs. He ran his fingers over the sensitive parts there to wash it clean, only to turn me on and finger me into another blissful o***m.

He laid me on the bed, dried and wearing my pyjamas. It wasn't late at night, but I needed sleep and he knew what I needed.

He stood beside the bed, staring at me and not willing to join in yet.

“Thank you,” I mumbled. I honestly didn’t know what I'd do without him at this point.

“You're welcome.”

“Come to bed then?" I beckoned, and he nodded. He moved into the bed, pulling me closer, so I laid my head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat as I did in the bathroom. Except for this time, they would be no s*x.

I had never told anyone I'd been with this, but I wanted to share my story with Aaron. I haven't been closer to anyone as I was with him. He was my mate, the one meant for me, and so I felt safe enough to share it.

“My father was my favourite person growing up. We did things together and whenever he'd take Lionel out for any game, I would take me out as well. I loved him and he was a great person. One day when I was eleven, he came home with two tickets to see the state swimming team and I came along to watch. That was where I developed a love for swimming, and was more than proud when I told him about it. He enrolled me in the swimming school and I began taking classes.”

I paused and peeked up at Aaron and found him listening attentively. It made me continue. “Betty wasn't a lover of the whole swimming idea and told me I could look for something better to invest myself in. Father, however, was okay with m choice, and that was all I needed. I continued training and three years into it, I won my first inter-school competition. He was there to see it, but mother wasn't. When I turned fifteen, we had the regional competition and the school team took the second position, which made us qualify for the state competition. Our school flew us over to the next state to prepare but my father couldn't come with us immediately because he had work to finish. He promised he'd come over as fast as h could. Then he kissed my head and told me to stay safe. That was the last time I saw him, he never made it to the competition and all the while I performed, I thought he had forgotten or abandoned me, but little did I know he was involved in a terrible accident that left him dead on the spot”

Tears ran down my face and I brushed them off and blinked back the rest. “My school won the competition, and we were awarded scholarships to go further into the most prestigious university in the state, and that was great news to me. My jo died soon when I found out what had happened to my father. I blamed myself because there was no one else to blame. If had heeded Betty's advice and given up swimming just like she told me to when we first started, her husband and our father would still be alive. The same goes for Tia. Perhaps if she had kept to her path as never crossed way, she would still.” more tears ran down my face.

“shh. Don't say that, do not be hard on yourself” he hushed up.

“Bad things happen to people that come around me”

“That's not true, and this is Betty's words in your head doing the condemnation. I can list many people around you who love you and are safe. Bad things will always happen, but it is no one’s fault, definitely not yours. I know your dad would want you taking the blame for what happened, and he did everything he did because he loved you."

Aaron, being the great man he was, still defended me and looked for reasons why what happened wasn't my fault. “We never knew what happened or what caused the accident. The car was said to have been run into by another car because. the impact, yet the other car or its driver they never found, even after a year of investigation. The case was closed, and they tagged it unsolved. To this day, the killer is still out there. And with Tatiana, I doubt we'll ever find the one responsible”

“We will. Keep the faith.” he leaned in and placed his lips on my forehead. He pulled me against his body and after an ho of my mind running with different thoughts, my eyes finally shut.

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