A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 85

“What?” I exclaimed, tears already streaming down my face.

“She didn’t show up to work today or yesterday, and her boss called me to check up on her” he took a pause and draggec in a shaky breath, “I went over to her place to check up on her and found her dead this morning” he finished, sobbing terribly.

I was unconsciously tugging at my hair as he spoke, and it was hard enough to pull them off from the roots. “The ambulance just arrived to take her, Zera, and so I thought to call you. I will send you the address of the hospital they are taking her body to today.”

I was already pacing around the room, and this woke Aaron up. He rubbed at his sleepy eyes and pulled himself up to sit down, his eyes following my every move.

“Zera, my love!” he called out as I lowered the phone from my ear.

“Tatiana is dead, Aaron." was all I could say. He stood before me the next second and pulled me to himself and I sobbed into his chest.

What were the odds that Tia dies amid this chaotic time? This was an attack on me and my family. Aaron once said they couldn't get to him and would attack the weakest link. They couldn't get to me and they took the most vulnerable one, Ti Tia didn't deserve this, and I should have done more to protect her. I should have done something. This was my fault, it all my fault.

I felt angry, and I wanted to scream and shout, but I couldn't do any of that. I could only cry and I didn't like that.

I pulled away from the hug and rushed to the wardrobe and picked out a pair of black trousers and a polo shirt. I noticed their lingering gaze of Aaron on me, but I didn't pay any mind to him. He walked over to his side of the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of grey joggers and a white shirt. All this he did in silence.

I wore my jeans and shirt and grabbed the car keys from the nightstand and headed out without thinking about him. “Wait for me! You're not going-1" Aaron spoke as he pulled the polo over his head, his voice commanding.

I cut him off. “She's my family, not yours! You do not get to tell me I can't go there. Unless you tie me to the bed, I'm going my voice came out snappy. this wasn't his fault, but I didn't like the words or the command attached to it. A part of me fe they took Tatiana because they couldn't get to me. She got caught up in the heat of what was going on with us.

I knew there was a price to pay for being with him, but I didn’t know it would be this grave. I didn't know it would be this unbearable price. It came with unbearable pain.

This was all speculation, and I was jumping to conclusions, but I couldn't help it. I was looking for who to blame and all fingers pointed at me.

“I was going to say you're not going alone” he completed his words, “Ym coming with you, Zera” he said, and that was an order I couldn't rebel against.

He took the keys from my hand and led us out of the house. I told him the address of the hospital Lionel send to me and he drove us down there.

Not waiting for Aaron, I ran out of the car and into the building, dialling Lionel's number so he could tell me where he wa He picked up the call. “Where are you?”

“The fourth floor." I ended the call and ran into the elevator, pressing the fourth-floor button before realising I came here with Aaron. I would call him as soon as I got up and tell him where I was.

The floors counted down and as the door opened on the fourth floor to let me out; I found Aaron already standing and waiting for me. I didn’t ask how. I knew he had super hearing and could have easily listened to my conversation with Lion Being his mate meant he could read my thoughts as well and with his super speed, everything was possible, but most times like now, I forget all of that.

He didn’t look thrilled, and I knew he wanted to tell me my safety was important and he was right; it was, but it was hard remember that when the situation at hand had to do with the death of a loved one.

“Ym sorry," 1 told him and we both made our way to the waiting room, where we found Lionel pacing around in the waitin room with his arms crossed over his chest.

He looked disoriented and shaken and it must have been from having found her lifeless body first. It brought back image of almost two years ago when I found Lionel face down in his apartment when he had overdosed. It was a horrific sight, and it shook me for days even after the doctors assured me he was stable. That memory was one that still shook me whenever I went back to it. So I did my best not to go back. I didn't know how he was coping with what he saw, and I knev he'd need help and therapy.

Lionel paused as if sensing our presence and he turned to the door, his eyes weak and wounded. My heart went out to hi and I rushed over, wrapping my arms around him.

“Ym sorry," 1 said while stroking his hair and he shook his head as if to tell me it wasn't my fault.

“Tia is gone,” he repeated and my eyes welled up and I blinked the tears back.

“What has the pathologist said so far?”

He pulled away, “Nothing, yet. They are running an autopsy on her to determine the cause of death” he turned to Aaron, who stood at the entrance watching us and nodded at him. “The last time we spoke, she told me about the guy at work tt asked her out. The date was this Friday and I remember how excited she was about it. I can't believe she is gone.”

A tear ran down my face, and I quickly brushed it off. I opened my mouth to speak but shut it when I heard.

“Where is she?” Betty's voice demanded, and I knew she was asking for Tia as well.

Lionel, knowing who it was, excused himself and stepped out to go meet Betty. I didn’t want to go close, but I couldn't hel it. There was something Betty and I had in common. We loved Tatiana and so I knew I shared in her grief.

I moved to the door, watching Lionel wrap his comforting arms around her as she sobbed aloud. Tears ran down my face and 1 brushed them off.

“It can't be, my baby can't be gone!” her denial showed itself in her voice when Lionel consoles her.

The last time I saw her, she was excited about starting up her part-time class in business studies since she had dropped out to get married over six years ago and wanted to get back into her life. She told me how she thought I was brave for pulling my life together and doing better for myself, even after everything. We had plans to meet two days ago, but we never did. Aaron had reasons to believe I was in danger and brought me home instead. Since then, we had only communicated over the phone. If she was here with me instead of in my old place, she would still be alive. If I had told h the truth and pulled her closer, she would still be alive.

“I told her the city wasn't for her. I told her to stay with me in the countryside. She needed a quiet life, but she wanted to belong and she wanted to be like her sister and be brave. Look where that brought her” Tears streamed down Betty's face and she turned to me. “This is all your fault! You took Tia from me the same way you took your father from me, and I will never forgive you."

“Mom, stop!” Lionel spoke up in my defence. “This isn't her fault”

Betty had her mind made up and would not stop, though. I had always been the villain in her story, and that will never change.

“But it is her fault. Everything is her fault!” she insisted. “she’s filled my life with so much misery and pain and she deserves nothing but the worse in life!”

I couldn't stand and listen to it anymore and I took my leave. I wanted to stay and know what the next preparations for Ti were and I wanted to know what my contribution would be in achieving it, but I couldn't stand and have Betty tell me hoy her life was miserable because of me and so I took my leave.

“Zeral” Aaron called to me, but I didn't want to stop, not until I was out of the building.

He caught me by my hand and pulled me closer to himself, and 1 struggle to set myself free from him. I needed to be awa from him and from everyone as well, but he didn’t let go. He knew the last thing I wanted was for him to let go and so he didn't. There I broke down, sobbing in pain and weeping for losing my sister. I didn't even get to see her before leaving ar it hurts so much.

“Let it out. I'm here,” he assured, stroking my back tenderly.

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