A Pinch of Cinnamon

Chapter My Valentine

Nick’s POV

I gaze down at the love I have nestled in my arms. She’s my light. My happiness. My forever. I couldn’t be happier in this moment.

She stirs in my arms, rolling slightly before cracking open her eyes. Her cheek rubs against my chest adorably as she starts to wake up. Peering up at me, she smiles softly when she sees me awake.

“Morning, baby.” I tilt her chin up, placing my lips against hers in a chaste kiss. But as soon as I go to deepen it, Spencer’s eyes widen and she shoots up, scrambling to the bathroom.

I wince, hearing her void the contents of her stomach, coughing and sputtering. I jump out of bed and pad over to her. Gathering her hair to hold away from her face while rubbing her back.

This pregnancy has really kicked her ass. We were so happy when we found out she was pregnant again. Our little princess, Octavia or Ava for short, was born two years ago. I’m not sure I’ve never cried so much in my life but staring down at that beautiful baby that I helped create, was indescribable. Watching the pain Spencer had to go through just to bring her into this world, made my love and admiration for her grow even more. She did it all naturally and screamed every cuss word she knew at me, but once Ava slid from her on the last push, she forgot all the pain, becoming present in the moment as Octavia was placed on her chest.

‘I didn’t mean what I said.’ She had looked up at me, tears streaking down her face from her emotions running high. ‘I would never want to chop your dick off and shove it down your throat.’ I remember laughing. Her threats were pretty imaginative when she was going through the worst of the pain. I had leaned down, kissing her softly and ensuring that I knew she didn’t mean any of what she said.

Spencer gave me something I never thought I would have after my divorce, a family. Jayden was overjoyed, meeting his baby sister. He helps me and Spence in caring for her. Ava wasn’t exactly fun until she started crawling and walking, but he was content to just sit on the couch and help hold her. He is the best big brother.

He’s turning six soon. Spencer and I have the whole party planned out with his friends from school coming. There will be a slip and slide and bounce houses and pretty much anything a six-year-old would like. He deserves the world. He is so excited for the newest additions to arrive.

Yes, additions. Spencer is pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. We were shocked. But hey, that’s two steps closer to the five kids I said we would have. Unfortunately, with this pregnancy, Spencer’s morning sickness has been awful. She’s in the second trimester but it hasn’t died down yet. The doctor said she might have hyperemesis gravidarum. Basically, just severe morning sickness that doesn’t go away. However, it can be dangerous as you can’t keep anything down. You can become dehydrated and lose weight. Luckily, Spencer has a milder form. She has periods in the evening where she feels better and can keep things down. But between the time she wakes up until about 5 pm, she is down for the count.

“Sorry.” She grumbles, hefting herself up before going to wash her mouth out.

“Baby, stop apologizing. You have nothing to be sorry for. I just wish I could make you better.” It has been so hard for me to watch her go through this. I have to stand there helplessly wishing I could take away all her problems. I do everything I can to make her rest, but I still feel bad watching her feel this crappy. Still, she wouldn’t give it up for anything. She loves being pregnant. Feeling the babies move inside her and watching their growth.

“Come on,” I lead her back to bed, “You rest. I will go get your meds and some ginger ale and crackers if you can manage it.” I tuck her back under the covers, kissing her clammy forehead before heading downstairs.

“Where’s mom?” Jay pops his head into the kitchen.

“Hey, bud. She is still in bed. She’s not feeling well.” He frowns. He hates watching her go through this as well.

“I’m going to go give her a hug.” I chuckle as he darts away. I gather everything I need for Spencer, hoping that the meds will help her this time. Creeping back upstairs, I toe open the door to see Jay and Spence cuddled together under the covers. Jay is holding a damp washcloth to Spencer’s forehead while telling her that he will be her personal nurse for the day.

He really is the best kid.

I hand Spencer her pills and the ginger ale. She takes them with a tiny sip, knowing any more than that will cause her to throw them up. Hopefully once they take effect, she can handle more. While Jay is watching his mom, I head to Ava’s room to see if she is up yet.

She really was the easiest baby. She loves sleep. Glancing into her room, I find her still sleeping on her bed. One leg was hanging off the bed, the covers were no longer on her, and her mouth was open with drool on her chin. She is the world’s heaviest and most active sleeper. The positions I have found her in have been comical to say the least.

The day goes on. Jay and I take care of Spencer and Ava. While Spencer finally drifts back to sleep, Jayden helps me with chores. I had hired an extra farm hand when we found out about the twins and I am patting myself on the back right now for that forethought. I haven’t been able to be out there much with how sick Spencer has been.

Pops and Mom have also been around frequently to help us. Pops goes and checks the farm and how everything is going to make sure mistakes aren’t being made and Mom helps me with the kids and cleaning the house. She also takes the kids on weekends sometimes so both Spencer and I can have a break. My parents are a godsend.

“Ok guys. Why don’t we do something special for mommy? It’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow so we can make her cards or a gift.”

“Yay!” Octavia claps her hands.

“I can do the cards! I will help Ava.” Jay raises his hand, bouncing excitedly.

“Ok.” I chuckle. “You guys do cards and I will figure out some food that would be fine for her stomach.

Jay and Octavia had a lot of fun making the cards. Glitter now decorates much of the living room. Not sure I am going to love cleaning that. I decide to make a fruit salad that hopefully won’t upset her stomach, along with some grilled chicken and rice pilaf. Not the fanciest but Spencer can’t tolerate much right now.

I hear the shower running upstairs, knowing Spencer is awake and feeling better. She always takes a shower to refresh herself before coming downstairs. That gives me time to prepare everything. I just need to set the table.

“Kids, grab your cards and bring them here.” They toddle over handing me their papers of globs of glitter and poorly drawn hearts. Spencer will love them. I set the table with dinner and a vase of flowers, just in time for Spencer to appear.

“What’s this?” She asks softly, a confused look on her face.

“Happy Valentines Mommy!” Jayden screams!

“Momma!” Ava yells, running over to Spence who does her best bending down to shower her with kisses.

“You guys. This is lovely. Thank you!” I grab her hand, pulling her to my chest. I hug her gently to me before kissing her softly. I love her soft lips against mine. I can never get enough.

“Ewwwww.” The kids screech at our display of affection. I roll my eyes as Spencer laughs, pulling away.

“Happy Valentines, baby.” I hand her a long, velvet box. She looks at me, eyebrow raised while I just grin. She always hates when I spend money on her.

She gasps softly at the necklace in the box. I chose this necklace specifically because you can add to it. It has a rose gold bar with the names of each of the children. Once we name the twins, I can add them to her necklace.

“I love it. I love you.” She pulls me in for another kiss.

“Momma. Momma. Ours next!” Jayden shoves the cards they made into Spencer’s hands.

“You guys these are so beautiful! I love all the glitter.”

“You wouldn’t love it if you see the state of the living room.” I grumble next to her. She has the audacity to laugh at me. Good thing I love her.

“You guys are amazing. I wish I could do more.” I shake my head at her.

“Baby, you’re bringing two new family members into the world. You have the hardest job of all. So, let us do the easy stuff while you get those babies to term.” I kiss her forehead.

Life has never been better. Only a few short years ago, I was a divorced and bitter man. Now, I am the happiest fucking man alive. I have three new children and an amazing son. And I have my valentine. The love of my life.

My soulmate.


Valentine’s Day special for you guys! Hope you enjoy it! Any requests on future special chapters?

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