A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 136

Chapter 136

“What do you think of this? Nico asks, holding a dark green halter dress in front of use. “I could do a green tie.:

I shake my head. “Not

Green clashes with Julian’s eyes.

black?” Nieu

ng with a classic.

“Well, black?” Nic picks up another dress. “You never go wrong

Suddenly I want to cry. I miss Julian, I hate that he’s mad at me, and I regret having fought with him over something so stupid. But he should understand, shouldn’t he?

Nien is my best friend, And going with him doesn’t mean I’m choosing him over Julian, I love Julian. It’s not the same.

1 fake a smile at Nico. “I’m hungry. Let’s get some food, then go to another store.”

Nico shrugs. “Alright. Where do you wanna go?”

We get thes, and Nico’s phone buzzes as soon as I pop a hite in my mouth. It’s fullan, I notice, sneaking a peak at his phone screen.

Nico rolls his eyes.

“You should answer that.” I say quietly. “It might be something important,”

He shrugs, then answers the coll

A pause.

She’s with me. Why?”

Another pause.

You don’t men her, zin. Nico’s zio is malignant.

He hangs up, then looks at me.

“Dante was enquiring about you.” He says curtly. “He wants to know who you’re going with.”

What an asshole.

“With you, of course, I have no idea why he asked.” I shake my head and give a fake laugh. “Capo Bastone can be so weird sometimes,”

Nico nods, rolling his eyes. “It’s in the Rivera blood. He probably wants to fuck you.”

I gizle, and the waitress comes with our food, and Nico and I dig in. I’m glad that he is eating silently, because I am not in the mood to talk.

After eating Nico and I go to store and choose a silver dress for me, and get a silver tie for Nico, since he doesn’t own one. I like the dress. It’s sexy. but elegant at the same time. I hope Julian likes it.

The next day, I’m straightening my hair for the party when Gabriel walks into the room and tells me that Nico is here for me. Gabriel is going as well,

Ajax’s date. I suggested carpooling, cause you know, global warming. But all three men were adamant on going separately in the mafia it’s all about


Nico is waiting in the living room for me, and when I come out of my room he sighs deeply, then grins. What a drama queen. “You look stunning. Ganny.” He says.

I smile, twirling a little. My dress is nude with silver sequins on the top. I’ve curled my hair a little and let them down. Nico’s tie is silver, so are his cufflinks. I think we look cute.

Chapter 136

“Do you think it’s too revealing?” I feel awkward now, Julian is going to see me in this. Will he think it’s too exposing? Will he like it?

“You’re pe – it’s perfect.” He smiles. “Oh and, before I forget,” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small Tiffany’s box, “I didn’t give you a birthday gill. So I got this for you.”

I smile at him. How thoughtful. Everyone deserves a friend like Nico. I take the box and open it. Inside is a silver bracelet. It looks so delicate, I’m afraid to touch it, but

it’s so beautiful.

“I can’t take this, Nico,” I whisper, “It’s too much.”

He rolls his eyes. “Just put it on. You like it. Plus, we’re getting late.”

1 know from experience that Nico can get super adamant about things he cares about. So, I nod and put the bracelet on “Let’s go.

The party is already in full swing when we reached. Of course we aren’t one of the main members of the maha so it doesn’t matter when we reach. Julian is already there, nursing a drink. When Nico and I enter laughing, I see Julian straight across the room, and he fixes me with a smouldering gaze, his face hard. I try to seek approval in his eyes. Any sign of a truce. But there isn’t any.

“Do you want a drink?” Nico asks, and I nod

I use the opportunity to go speak with Julian, purposely walking towards him, when a pretty brunette in a sleazy purple dress joins him, stroking his arm with her sleazy finger. I know that she isn’t from our side of the mafia, but it seems Julian knows her. Jealousy burns within me, and I stride toward him, “Hey.”

Julian looks at me and smiles. It’s so fake I shudder a little. “Ginevra.” He nods.

His voice is cold. So is his tone. I hadn’t expected anything else.

“Can I speak to you, Capo Bastone?”

Two can play at this game, Dante

“I am with Giorgina –“

The girl in purple cuts him off. “It’s Todrina.”

If I wasn’t so consumed with jealousy I would almost feel bad for her. She seems nice enough, and its not her fault Julian is using her in

this game.

“Todrina.Julian gives her the fuckboy smirk. She melts. “I’m with fodrina, right now, I’m sure whatever you have to say can wait. Besides, your date is looking for you.”

I turn my head around to see that Nico is looking for me. Well Julian, fuck you. And fuck you in particular, Glorgina.

“Isn’t your boyfriend the son of Emilio Rivera? Your Consigliere?Jodrina intervenes. I don’t like her when she speaks.

ays harshly.

“He’s not her boyfriend.” Julian says

I give Capo Bastone a sweet smile. “Did you notice we match? Nico and I are twinning.”

“I think it’s childish.” jodrina says. Shut up, jodrina. “But I’m sure you’re barely eighteen.”

“I’m twelve.” I smile. ‘Oh and Georgia, careful with that,” I wave in Julian’s general direction. “He likes to suck toes in bed.”

To clarify, he does not. I just feel vindictive.

When Julian’s lips turn up into a sneer, and Jodrina’s into an expression of disgust, I turn around and make my way to Nico.

  • Little Flower

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