A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 127

Chapter 127

There is something extremely confounding about men.

I’m pretty sure they never know what they want. When they do, they don’t know how to get it. When they do get it, they don’t know how to keep it.

I’ve been around men all my life. I don’t even have many female friends, and I still haven’t figured any of them out.

Nico, Gabriel, Remi Ajax, and I are going to watch a horror movie. Nico presses that he will buy my ticket, considering I’m his partner on this movie \date. Of course its more of a group of friends hanging out than a double date, considering that Remi Ajax and Gabriel are the only couple here, but I humour Nico. He’s been acting really weird ever since I told him I’d hooked up with Julian.

I’m pretty sure it’s because the fact that I hooked up with someone in his family grosses him out. Julian isn’t a lot older than Nico, but he’s still technically his uncle. Nico even jokingly calls him zio sometimes..


A wild thought crosses my mind, and I snort out of nowhere. Gabriel and Remi are so invested in each other they barely notice my unseemly laugher, but Nico looks at me with a raised eyebrow, and says, “Periny for your thoughts?”

I shake my head. “Nothing important.”

“It made you laugh.” He pre

presses. “Id like to laugh too.”

I grin. “I just thought that if Capo Bastone and I were to get married, I’d be your aunt. Your za

ico frowns, then chuckles. “What the fuck, Ginnie? That’s never going to happen.”

I shrug: “Yeah, I know. It was just a thought, geez.”

He’s all you’ve talked about all day, today. I would have thought fucking him would get him out of your system. Nico’s tone is sour, and it pinches me a little.

“Yeah, sorry, you probably got annoyed.”

Nico presses his lips together, not saying anything. He puts his arm around my seat, and offers me some popcorn. I shove a handful into my mouth and shift against him.

Nico cuddles more into me, and we both stare at the screen

Before last night, I felt safe in Nico’s arms. Safe, Happy, Wanted.

But last night, I felt a different kind of safe safe. Happy. His. And now this, doesn’t seem enough.

Remi Ajax and Gabriel are full

into a make out session by the time the real scares in the movie start.

When we are leaving, Nico quietly whispers into my ear, “For the first time in history, the Cosa Nostra is going to have a Capa who is a man.”

(Capa wife of Capo)

I giggle, and Hemi Ajax turns back to look at us. “I heard you, Nico, Just because you’re not part of the mafia doesn’t mean I can’t kick your ass for disrespecting my boyfriend.”

Nico rolls his eyes. Sure, you will.”

Gabriel punches Nico on the arm playfully. “I’m not going to be Capa,”

“Sure, you won 1”

Remi Ajax looks at me nervously. “We haven 1 talked about that stuff”

“Sure, you haven L Nico says, then laughs to himself. “You guys wanna get pizza before heading home?”

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there even any place on your bosh which is not tattooed?” Donna says through a mouthful of food.

dum says without blinking, and casually takes a bite of his pizza.

thin wil

doesn’t have any tattoos on his legs either. But he doesn’t mention that

beat up at the mention of his privates.

What is with you Rivera men being so blant?”

Um not Munt. Nice says. I’m rather sophisticated. Right, Ginnie?” Nice looks at me with a grin, then steals a sip of my Coke.

The action doesn’t go unnoticed by Julian. His hand finds my thigh and squeezes.

Things like this mean a lot more in mafia life than they do in normal life. I wonder if Nico did

d what he did intentionally.

Julian’s hand ventures beneath my skirt as he pushes my legs apart a little, and his fingers skim the edge of my panties.

“Sure.” I squeak. “Sure, you are”

Dlook at hulian sideways, glaring at him.

“Stop,” I whisper, and his lips turn up in a smirk as he reaches inside my underwear and pushes a finger inside me.

Sweet Jesus

“I love Dave’s pizza” R

Remi Ajax groans,

Jalian pulls his finger out, and I shut my legs close.

“Yes,” he says throatily. Its rather“, pushing the same finger that had been inside me into his mouth, he sucks at it lowly, “delicious.

Julian Dante Lionelli Montefiore Rivera is going to be the death of me.

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