A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 119

Chapter 119

the mista Tawah member

lisa bilar of girdi and yellow, the late allement mon casting long shadows

bool, water sted familiar, was faced with mine, his Hemodi absentmindedly

ladiesing in my stomach. Today, we were on

that world for the core, fait l’il parer dared to go for the cemetery where all

weight of sken geli cel the hombict used nomy sonde to plans tide trip, a single glance fee is in the quiet of the morning had sealed

My gee wed to the passing scenery

aled, a way to finally move in from the Tragedy.

had been that day.

Telix spirered no hand, a silent reassurance, In that side, I knew Tvmild fusally lay some

It wouldnt la envy, but with him by my

e countery.

arkly, I remembered folding my mom’s hand here.

staraling. Taking a deepi lavalls, I followed him out, legs feeling heavy with a mix

belis led me through the moner of wh

steady anchor. My step fallered, Init fapulckly steadied myself.

Înaisdies casting a grutte shade. Eiched The striple headstone were the words: “Cara

Hose White Beloved Mothes, Friend, and Sister, Alvorys Hemmerlin.”

Teats welled by my eyes, bibining the fiscription. A lifetime of Invigst, las way the word aloial. Yet, hese she was, finally a tim

alior. My wedding she’d never attrist. My gumbation betrayed by the man she loved.

dint the and manswered questions swidded within me. Mom. It felt strange, almost

now and unlitered, washed over nar. It wasnt just the loss, but the missed moments olda’t be at. Her diemin of moving to Greece when she turneil 50. My mother had died

Felix kachi beside me, his as cinching my trembling body, the lidt try to talk, simply held me close. My body melted into his,

Letting the tears flow freely, I allowed myself in natin the modber I had lost. 11 was a poloful but necessary release, a first step on the long rond of healing

Antarting silence settled between us after the tears lund subsided. Fells squeezed my hand one last timar, Tl be here by the car, he whispered, his

Thank yon, Iraked, the words thick with cother.

With a mud and a reassuring smile of his misit, he furned and walked away, leaving in alone with the whispering wind and the memory of my mother.

Man, Ebegan, my voice barely above a whisper. “It Hot Inally came to see yo

esence, a sense of prase that soothed the rave ache in my chest.

I resounded the schürbeid of the past few monddo, my voice trembling

bei abunt bells, the man whord saved my life, whod stood by me Litescilled how he, alongside his father, had avenged her death. A littersweet feeling flooded me

lastice had been served, but it couldn’t bring her back.

Tears welled up again, but this time with a tinge of joy. “I’m happy, Mons,” I confessed, surprised by the truth of it. “Happy in a way I never thought I could be. I miss you every single day, but I know you wouldn’t want me to be sad.”

A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the tree overhead, sending a single white flower fluttering down. It landed softly on the headstone, a silent tear from the heavens. I picked it up, its delicate petals cool in my hand.

A smile bloomed on my face. Tucking the flower behind my ear, I felt a renewed strength. This wasn’t goodbye. It was a promise. A promise to live life to the fullest, a promise to honor her memory, a promise to find happiness, just like she would have wanted me to.

“I love you, Mom”

standing up. I brushed a stray tear from my cheek and tumed towards the path where Felix waited.

He stood by the car, his back to me, gaze fixed on the horizon. As I approached, he turned, his eyes widening in concern. But before he could speak, I surprised him.

Reaching up, I cupped his face in my hands and pulled him into a gentle kiss. It was filled with gratitude, unspoken words of thanks for his unwavering support, for understanding my need for this solitary moment.

Pulling away, I met his gaze, my eyes shining with newfound clarity. “Thank you, Felix, I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. “Thank you for everything

He smiled, a relieved smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes. “Always,” he replied simply, his hand reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear, his fingers brushing the cool white flower.

Together, we turned and walked away from the cemetery, hand in hand. The weight of the past was lighter now, replaced by the promise of a future we would build together. The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, a vibrancy in our future that was going to be endless

Chapter Comments

waited five plus years before she went to visit her mother’s grave

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