A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 118

Chapter 118

Five Years Later

The rhythmic thumps and frustrated yelps coming from the living room pulled a smile to my lips. I glanced up from my research paper, the computer screen momentarily replaced by the sight of Felix wrestling a tiny whirlwind of blonde curls into a floral sundress.

Kaia, our daughter, a small bundle of energy with eyes the color of Felix’s and a stubborn streak that mirrored mine, was the living embodiment of our happily ever after. The happily ever after we had got after so many hardships. She squealed in protest as Felix attempted to button the back of her dress, her chubby arms flailing like a tiny windmill.

“Hold still, little monkey,” Felix chuckled, his voice laced with mock seriousness. He caught my eye, his own glinting with joy. This isn’t a jungle gym, it’s a dress,”

Kala giggled, a sound that was always music to my ears, and twisted away from her father, the buttons popping open again. A sigh escaped Felix, but there was no frustration in it, only a love so deep it warmed me from across the room.

The memory of the fear, the despair, the uncertainty of those dark days in the years that preceded us still flickered at the edges of my mind. But here, bathed in the golden light of the afternoon sun streaming through the window, it felt like a distant nightmare. Now there was just Felix and Flora. And the little life we had made.

We had built a life, a beautiful, messy, chaotic life filled with dirty dishes, bedtime stories, and the constant, comforting hum of love. Felix had taken over the family so well. It came so naturally to him. I was on the verge of publishing my first research paper. S

“Alright, alright, Felix conceded, his hands reaching for a hair clip adorned with a sparkly butterfly. “Let’s try this.”

He managed to secure the dress and clip back a stray strand of hair. Kaia, finally subdued by the shiny butterfly, beamed at him, a perfect replica of her

Fathers smile.

“There you go.” Felix

Felix said, scooping her up in a hug. “Now you look like a proper princess, ready for your playdate.”

Kala squealed in delight and buried her face in his neck. I watched them, a lump forming in my throat. They were my everything, these two beautiful souls who had brought so much light into my life.

Felix glanced my way, his eyes catching mine across the room. He winked, a silent message of love and understanding passing between us. He then made a funny face at Kaia, who erupted in another fit of giggles.

Smiling, I turned back to my research paper. There was work to be done, a future to build. But for now, in this quiet moment filled with laughter and love, I allowed myself to simply be happy. Here, in the sanctuary of our home, with my family by my side.

ent later, her delighted squeals drifted through the open window, a

The pitterpatter of tiny feet faded as Kaia disappeared into the backyard. A moment later. welcome counterpoint to the rhythmic tapping of my fingers on the keyboard.

I glanced at the nearly finished paper, a surge of satisfaction warming my chest. Four years of my undergrad and one year of my Masters filled with meticulous research, countless late nights fueled by coffee and determination, were finally culminating in this moment. Publication The very word sent a thrill through me.

I had thought of this a lot.

Just then, Felix came to me, his hands were covered with glitter. He cast a playful glance at the abandoned pouch of glittery slime on the table before turning his attention to me.

“How’s the paper coming along, Dr. Flora Corsino?” he asked, a teasing smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

“Not a doctor, yet,” I replied, mirroring his smile, “Just polishing the conclusion.”

He pulled up a chair beside me, leaning in to steal a quick kiss. The warmth of his touch sent a familiar flutter through me. Even after all these years, his kisses still had the power to make my heart skip a beat.

Im so proud of you, flower,” he said, his voice sincere. “This is huge. Publishing your first paper… He trailed off, but the admiration in his eyes spoke volumes.

I squeezed his hand. “Thank you, Felix. It wouldn’t have been possible without your support.”

Chapter 118

He scoffed playfully. “Nonsense. You’re the brilliant one. I just handle the diaper duty and the occasional glitter explosion.”

I giggled.

“Seriously though,” Felix continued, his voice turning serious. “You’re an amazing woman, Flora. Strong, intelligent, and the most incredible wife and mother a guy could ask for.”

His words washed over me, a warm wave of love and appreciation. He wasn’t just praising my academic achievements; he was acknowledging the woman I had become, the woman 1 was because of him and Kaia.

Leaning my head against his shoulder, I whispered, And you’re an amazing husband and father. We make a pretty good team, wouldn’t you say?”

He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. “The best team,” he murmured, his voice thick with love.

We sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the only sounds the distant chirping of birds and the gentle tapping of my fingers on the keyboard as I finished the final touches on my paper.

Outside, Kaia’s laughter filled the air, a joyful melody that underscored the quiet contentment that filled our home.

Felix peeked over my shoulder. All done, flower?”

I chuckled, turning to face him. “All done.” He leaned in, his warm breath whispering against my cheek. “Wanna celebrate?”

“Absolutely,” I replied, mischief dancing in my eyes. “But first, how about a shower?”

He raised an eyebrow, a playful grin spreading across his face. “Only if I can join you.”

Later, after a shower that turned into a very hot session, we emerged, wrapped in fluffy towels, the scent of lavender shampoo filling the air. I settled back in my desk chair, Felix pulling me close on his lap. We gazed out the window, watching the first stars begin to twinkle in the darkening sky.

“This view used to fill me with dread once,” he spoke softly.

Felix traced a circle on my back with his finger. “Hard to believe, isn’t it? This house used to feel so empty once. Before you came in to live here. And nothing has been the same since. You’ve made it a……

“Home,” I finished his sentence, a smile gracing my

lips. “Our home.”

He chuckled, nuzzling his head against mine. “I had a journal when I was younger.” He chuckled dryly. “I wrote about this. Gazing at the stars. Our own home. You, me. Our children.”

A shiver ran down my spine at the confession. “I thought of all these things, too.”

“I was always sure we’d have it. God, the thought of losing you, and Kaia, it haunts me.”

I reached up, tracing the worry lines etched at the corners of his eyes. “You won’t,” I said firmly. “We have each other. We always will

He turned to face me, his gaze searching mine. “You’re the most beautiful woman. I’m glad to call you my wife.”

Heat rushed to my cheeks, a familiar flutter stirring in my chest. And you, my love,I whispered, my fingers brushing against the dusting of glitter still clinging to his cheek; it hadn’t even washed away with soap, are still the most handsome, courageous, glitter covered man I’ve ever met.”

He laughed, a rich, deep sound that vibrated through me. He pulled me closer, his lips brushing against mine in a soft, lingering kiss. As the stars twinkled brighter in the inky sky, we sat in comfortable silence. Felix and Flora. Forever.

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