A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 116

Chapter 116

We can’t leave just yet,” he said, his voice a low growl.

  1. wl. “Not until we settle the score with those who did this to you.”

My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the sudden surge of hope that bloomed in my chest. “But how?” I whispered, my voice hoarse. “They have men, and

Felix cut me off with a determined shake of his head. “I came prepared,” he said, his gaze flickering towards the entrance. “I knew there was a chance they might have you here.”

Relief washed over me, warm and welcome. He’d planned for this. But a flicker of doubt remained. “How many men do you have?”

A wry smile tugged at the comer of his lips. “Enough. Listen to me, Flora. This warehouse is big. I can stay hidden while you…” He paused, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Act normal.”

My brows furrowed in confusion. “Normal? After what they’ve done?”

“Exactly,” he said, his eyes hardening. They’ll expect you to be broken. That’s when we strike.”

He outlined his plan in hushed tones, his voice a comforting nimble in the vast emptiness of the warehouse. It was a risky plan, one that relied on deception and a well–timed attack. But with each word, the fear that had gripped me began to recede, replaced by a cold, steely resolve,

I wouldn’t just be a pawns in their game any longer. I would be the bait, the lure that would draw them in, and Felix and his men, the silent wolves waiting in the shadows.

A thrill of anticipation coursed through me, a sharp counterpoint to the lingering aches and pains in my body.

“Alright, I said, my voice surprisingly steady. “Let’s do this.”

Felix gave me a quick nod, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. “Sit down on the chair. Let me tie you up.”

I nodded. When I sat down, he tenderly tied me up. My hands and legs with rope. He placed kisses along my scars.

“Not how I want to tie you up, ever.” He mumbled

Despite myself, I giggled.

He then moved with surprising swiftness, disappearing behind a towering stack of crates in the far corner of the warehouse. From my chair, I watched as he adjusted a hidden earpiece, a glint of metal catching the sliver of light from outside. The sun was rising

Taking a deep breath, I forced a semblance of normalcy onto my face. My body still ached, but I straightened my posture, pushing down the tremor in my limbs. It was time to play my part.

The warehouse door screeched open, sending a jolt of nervous energy through me. Liam and Ascensio strode in, their faces etched with a mixture of anger and something akin to… disappointment?

Flora,” Liam snarled, his voice laced with suspicion. “You seem… different.”

I offered him a tremulous smile, my voice dripping with false gratitude. “Thank you for taking care of me, Liam. I was starting to think you’d forgotten

about me.”

A flicker of surprise crossed his face, but it was quickly replaced by a sneer, “Don’t get too comfortable,” he said, his voice cold. “This isn’t over.”

My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the growing tension in the air.

The game had begun.

I cracked a smile. “It’s time, Liam.”

Liam’s eyes narrowed. He raised a hand, his palm cracking with the promise of another blow. But before it could connect with my cheek, a deafening hang echoed through the warehouse.

My scream died in my throat as Liam yelped, his hand flying to his chest. Blood smattered on my face. Felix had shot Liam…right through the palm.

As if on cue, the warehouse doors burst open again, but this time, instead of just Felix, a group of his men hardened figures clad in black – flooded in. They didn’t charge, though. They fanned out, surrounding Liam and Ascensio, weapons drawn but held steady, waiting for Felix’s lead.

Felix, his face a mask of steely resolve, walked towards Liam, his steps measured and deliberate. Liam, clutching his now bloodied hand, stumbled back, his bravados replaced by a look of taow fear, Tears streamed down his face. Ascensio, didn’t hesitate a second – he whipped out a gun, aiming it at Felix’s head.

“Don’t move a muscle,” he growled, his voice strained.

Felix stopped just out of Ascensio’s reach, a cold smile playing on his lips, He raised his own gun, not aiming it at Ascensio, but at the hand holding the other weapon. With a swift flick of his wrist, he fired

The gun clattered to the floor, disarmed with a single, precise shot, Ascensio stared at his empty hand, his face a mask of shock.

“See, Liam,” Felix said, his voice low and dangerous, “that’s how it’s done.”

Liam looked from his ruined hand to Ascensios disarmed state, then back at Felix, The arrogance, the hate, the vengeful confidence on his face was gone. There was just terror..

to this, to

You thought you could break the Corsinos, He

Felix continued, his voice devoid of warmth. “Years of planning, years of anger, all bailling down to smiled. “You can’t.”

Felix slowly pocketed his gun. One of them men began untying my ropes, and I stood up quickly. “Get back, Flora Felix ordered. I scrambled to get away from him and my two tormentors. I wiped the blood on my face with the back of my arm.

Felix’s hand connected with Liam’s jaw. The warehouse echoed with the sickening thud of flesh against bene. Felix, a whirlwind of controlled fury, unleashed a barrage of blows on Liam. Liam, who had moments ago been a menacing figure, now crumpled against a crate, his face a mask of pain. I felt good.

Gone was the cool Escade Felix had presented just moments before. His eyes blazed with a mw, primal anger.

“No one,he snarled through gritted teeth, each word punctuated by a blow, “hurts my wife and makes it out alive.”

Ascensio, momentarily stunned by the sudden turn of events, lunged for Felix. One of Felix’s men, however, anticipated the move and slammed a knee into Ascensios gut, doubling him over. The other men, silent and efficient, secured both Liam and Ascensio, their faces devoid of emotion but their bodies radiating a barely contained threat.

They had underestimated him, underestimated the lengths he would go to for me. They had underestimated the Corsinos.

Finally, with Liam whimpering on the floor and Ascensio spitting blood, Felix stopped. He stood above them, his chest heaving, a predator surveying his subdued prey.

“You wanted a game,” he spat, his voice dripping with icy contempt. “Consider it over. You played with fire, and now you get burned.”

He cast a cold glance at his men. “Take them away. Let them enjoy a taste of the hospitality they offered my wife.”

The men moved forward, their grip tightening on Liam and Ascensio’s struggling forms. As they were dragged away, Liam, his face a grotesque of his former arrogance, croaked out a threat.

“This isn’t over, Corsino,” he rasped, his voice broken with pain and humiliation. “We’ll get you for this.”


Felix met his gaze. “There’s nothing left to get,” he countered, his voice cold and final. “You lost. We won. And this time, there will be no more games.”

The heavy warehouse doors clanged shut with a finality that echoed through the vast space. Silence descended, broken only by the raged gasps Felix’s men regaining their composure.

Felix turned towards me, his face etched with the lingering remnants of his rage. But as he met my gaze, the anger melted away, replaced by a deep tenderness. He walked towards me, his steps heavy, and pulled me into a tight embrace.

He reached out, his hand hovering hesitantly over mine.

Flower,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “Are you alright?”

I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes. Relief, exhaustion, and a surge of love for the man who had saved me, all warred within me. In a choked sob, I

Chapter 118

launched myself into his arms, hirving my face in his chest. He held me tightly.

We stood there for a

Chapter 116

We can’t leave just yet,” he said, his voice a low growl.

  1. wl. “Not until we settle the score with those who did this to you.”

My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the sudden surge of hope that bloomed in my chest. “But how?” I whispered, my voice hoarse. “They have men, and

Felix cut me off with a determined shake of his head. “I came prepared,” he said, his gaze flickering towards the entrance. “I knew there was a chance they might have you here.”

Relief washed over me, warm and welcome. He’d planned for this. But a flicker of doubt remained. “How many men do you have?”

A wry smile tugged at the comer of his lips. “Enough. Listen to me, Flora. This warehouse is big. I can stay hidden while you…” He paused, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Act normal.”

My brows furrowed in confusion. “Normal? After what they’ve done?”

“Exactly,” he said, his eyes hardening. They’ll expect you to be broken. That’s when we strike.”

He outlined his plan in hushed tones, his voice a comforting nimble in the vast emptiness of the warehouse. It was a risky plan, one that relied on deception and a well–timed attack. But with each word, the fear that had gripped me began to recede, replaced by a cold, steely resolve,

I wouldn’t just be a pawns in their game any longer. I would be the bait, the lure that would draw them in, and Felix and his men, the silent wolves waiting in the shadows.

A thrill of anticipation coursed through me, a sharp counterpoint to the lingering aches and pains in my body.

“Alright, I said, my voice surprisingly steady. “Let’s do this.”

Felix gave me a quick nod, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. “Sit down on the chair. Let me tie you up.”

I nodded. When I sat down, he tenderly tied me up. My hands and legs with rope. He placed kisses along my scars.

“Not how I want to tie you up, ever.” He mumbled

Despite myself, I giggled.

He then moved with surprising swiftness, disappearing behind a towering stack of crates in the far corner of the warehouse. From my chair, I watched as he adjusted a hidden earpiece, a glint of metal catching the sliver of light from outside. The sun was rising

Taking a deep breath, I forced a semblance of normalcy onto my face. My body still ached, but I straightened my posture, pushing down the tremor in my limbs. It was time to play my part.

The warehouse door screeched open, sending a jolt of nervous energy through me. Liam and Ascensio strode in, their faces etched with a mixture of anger and something akin to… disappointment?

Flora,” Liam snarled, his voice laced with suspicion. “You seem… different.”

I offered him a tremulous smile, my voice dripping with false gratitude. “Thank you for taking care of me, Liam. I was starting to think you’d forgotten

about me.”

A flicker of surprise crossed his face, but it was quickly replaced by a sneer, “Don’t get too comfortable,” he said, his voice cold. “This isn’t over.”

My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the growing tension in the air.

The game had begun.

I cracked a smile. “It’s time, Liam.”

Liam’s eyes narrowed. He raised a hand, his palm cracking with the promise of another blow. But before it could connect with my cheek, a deafening hang echoed through the warehouse.

My scream died in my throat as Liam yelped, his hand flying to his chest. Blood smattered on my face. Felix had shot Liam…right through the palm.

As if on cue, the warehouse doors burst open again, but this time, instead of just Felix, a group of his men hardened figures clad in black – flooded in. They didn’t charge, though. They fanned out, surrounding Liam and Ascensio, weapons drawn but held steady, waiting for Felix’s lead.

Felix, his face a mask of steely resolve, walked towards Liam, his steps measured and deliberate. Liam, clutching his now bloodied hand, stumbled back, his bravados replaced by a look of taow fear, Tears streamed down his face. Ascensio, didn’t hesitate a second – he whipped out a gun, aiming it at Felix’s head.

“Don’t move a muscle,” he growled, his voice strained.

Felix stopped just out of Ascensio’s reach, a cold smile playing on his lips, He raised his own gun, not aiming it at Ascensio, but at the hand holding the other weapon. With a swift flick of his wrist, he fired

The gun clattered to the floor, disarmed with a single, precise shot, Ascensio stared at his empty hand, his face a mask of shock.

“See, Liam,” Felix said, his voice low and dangerous, “that’s how it’s done.”

Liam looked from his ruined hand to Ascensios disarmed state, then back at Felix, The arrogance, the hate, the vengeful confidence on his face was gone. There was just terror..

to this, to

You thought you could break the Corsinos, He

Felix continued, his voice devoid of warmth. “Years of planning, years of anger, all bailling down to smiled. “You can’t.”

Felix slowly pocketed his gun. One of them men began untying my ropes, and I stood up quickly. “Get back, Flora Felix ordered. I scrambled to get away from him and my two tormentors. I wiped the blood on my face with the back of my arm.

Felix’s hand connected with Liam’s jaw. The warehouse echoed with the sickening thud of flesh against bene. Felix, a whirlwind of controlled fury, unleashed a barrage of blows on Liam. Liam, who had moments ago been a menacing figure, now crumpled against a crate, his face a mask of pain. I felt good.

Gone was the cool Escade Felix had presented just moments before. His eyes blazed with a mw, primal anger.

“No one,he snarled through gritted teeth, each word punctuated by a blow, “hurts my wife and makes it out alive.”

Ascensio, momentarily stunned by the sudden turn of events, lunged for Felix. One of Felix’s men, however, anticipated the move and slammed a knee into Ascensios gut, doubling him over. The other men, silent and efficient, secured both Liam and Ascensio, their faces devoid of emotion but their bodies radiating a barely contained threat.

They had underestimated him, underestimated the lengths he would go to for me. They had underestimated the Corsinos.

Finally, with Liam whimpering on the floor and Ascensio spitting blood, Felix stopped. He stood above them, his chest heaving, a predator surveying his subdued prey.

“You wanted a game,” he spat, his voice dripping with icy contempt. “Consider it over. You played with fire, and now you get burned.”

He cast a cold glance at his men. “Take them away. Let them enjoy a taste of the hospitality they offered my wife.”

The men moved forward, their grip tightening on Liam and Ascensio’s struggling forms. As they were dragged away, Liam, his face a grotesque of his former arrogance, croaked out a threat.

“This isn’t over, Corsino,” he rasped, his voice broken with pain and humiliation. “We’ll get you for this.”


Felix met his gaze. “There’s nothing left to get,” he countered, his voice cold and final. “You lost. We won. And this time, there will be no more games.”

The heavy warehouse doors clanged shut with a finality that echoed through the vast space. Silence descended, broken only by the raged gasps Felix’s men regaining their composure.

Felix turned towards me, his face etched with the lingering remnants of his rage. But as he met my gaze, the anger melted away, replaced by a deep tenderness. He walked towards me, his steps heavy, and pulled me into a tight embrace.

He reached out, his hand hovering hesitantly over mine.

Flower,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “Are you alright?”

I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes. Relief, exhaustion, and a surge of love for the man who had saved me, all warred within me. In a choked sob, I

Chapter 118

launched myself into his arms, hirving my face in his chest. He held

Chapter 116

We can’t leave just yet,” he said, his voice a low growl.

  1. wl. “Not until we settle the score with those who did this to you.”

My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the sudden surge of hope that bloomed in my chest. “But how?” I whispered, my voice hoarse. “They have men, and

Felix cut me off with a determined shake of his head. “I came prepared,” he said, his gaze flickering towards the entrance. “I knew there was a chance they might have you here.”

Relief washed over me, warm and welcome. He’d planned for this. But a flicker of doubt remained. “How many men do you have?”

A wry smile tugged at the comer of his lips. “Enough. Listen to me, Flora. This warehouse is big. I can stay hidden while you…” He paused, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Act normal.”

My brows furrowed in confusion. “Normal? After what they’ve done?”

“Exactly,” he said, his eyes hardening. They’ll expect you to be broken. That’s when we strike.”

He outlined his plan in hushed tones, his voice a comforting nimble in the vast emptiness of the warehouse. It was a risky plan, one that relied on deception and a well–timed attack. But with each word, the fear that had gripped me began to recede, replaced by a cold, steely resolve,

I wouldn’t just be a pawns in their game any longer. I would be the bait, the lure that would draw them in, and Felix and his men, the silent wolves waiting in the shadows.

A thrill of anticipation coursed through me, a sharp counterpoint to the lingering aches and pains in my body.

“Alright, I said, my voice surprisingly steady. “Let’s do this.”

Felix gave me a quick nod, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. “Sit down on the chair. Let me tie you up.”

I nodded. When I sat down, he tenderly tied me up. My hands and legs with rope. He placed kisses along my scars.

“Not how I want to tie you up, ever.” He mumbled

Despite myself, I giggled.

He then moved with surprising swiftness, disappearing behind a towering stack of crates in the far corner of the warehouse. From my chair, I watched as he adjusted a hidden earpiece, a glint of metal catching the sliver of light from outside. The sun was rising

Taking a deep breath, I forced a semblance of normalcy onto my face. My body still ached, but I straightened my posture, pushing down the tremor in my limbs. It was time to play my part.

The warehouse door screeched open, sending a jolt of nervous energy through me. Liam and Ascensio strode in, their faces etched with a mixture of anger and something akin to… disappointment?

Flora,” Liam snarled, his voice laced with suspicion. “You seem… different.”

I offered him a tremulous smile, my voice dripping with false gratitude. “Thank you for taking care of me, Liam. I was starting to think you’d forgotten

about me.”

A flicker of surprise crossed his face, but it was quickly replaced by a sneer, “Don’t get too comfortable,” he said, his voice cold. “This isn’t over.”

My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the growing tension in the air.

The game had begun.

I cracked a smile. “It’s time, Liam.”

Liam’s eyes narrowed. He raised a hand, his palm cracking with the promise of another blow. But before it could connect with my cheek, a deafening hang echoed through the warehouse.

My scream died in my throat as Liam yelped, his hand flying to his chest. Blood smattered on my face. Felix had shot Liam…right through the palm.

As if on cue, the warehouse doors burst open again, but this time, instead of just Felix, a group of his men hardened figures clad in black – flooded in. They didn’t charge, though. They fanned out, surrounding Liam and Ascensio, weapons drawn but held steady, waiting for Felix’s lead.

Felix, his face a mask of steely resolve, walked towards Liam, his steps measured and deliberate. Liam, clutching his now bloodied hand, stumbled back, his bravados replaced by a look of taow fear, Tears streamed down his face. Ascensio, didn’t hesitate a second – he whipped out a gun, aiming it at Felix’s head.

“Don’t move a muscle,” he growled, his voice strained.

Felix stopped just out of Ascensio’s reach, a cold smile playing on his lips, He raised his own gun, not aiming it at Ascensio, but at the hand holding the other weapon. With a swift flick of his wrist, he fired

The gun clattered to the floor, disarmed with a single, precise shot, Ascensio stared at his empty hand, his face a mask of shock.

“See, Liam,” Felix said, his voice low and dangerous, “that’s how it’s done.”

Liam looked from his ruined hand to Ascensios disarmed state, then back at Felix, The arrogance, the hate, the vengeful confidence on his face was gone. There was just terror..

to this, to

You thought you could break the Corsinos, He

Felix continued, his voice devoid of warmth. “Years of planning, years of anger, all bailling down to smiled. “You can’t.”

Felix slowly pocketed his gun. One of them men began untying my ropes, and I stood up quickly. “Get back, Flora Felix ordered. I scrambled to get away from him and my two tormentors. I wiped the blood on my face with the back of my arm.

Felix’s hand connected with Liam’s jaw. The warehouse echoed with the sickening thud of flesh against bene. Felix, a whirlwind of controlled fury, unleashed a barrage of blows on Liam. Liam, who had moments ago been a menacing figure, now crumpled against a crate, his face a mask of pain. I felt good.

Gone was the cool Escade Felix had presented just moments before. His eyes blazed with a mw, primal anger.

“No one,he snarled through gritted teeth, each word punctuated by a blow, “hurts my wife and makes it out alive.”

Ascensio, momentarily stunned by the sudden turn of events, lunged for Felix. One of Felix’s men, however, anticipated the move and slammed a knee into Ascensios gut, doubling him over. The other men, silent and efficient, secured both Liam and Ascensio, their faces devoid of emotion but their bodies radiating a barely contained threat.

They had underestimated him, underestimated the lengths he would go to for me. They had underestimated the Corsinos.

Finally, with Liam whimpering on the floor and Ascensio spitting blood, Felix stopped. He stood above them, his chest heaving, a predator surveying his subdued prey.

“You wanted a game,” he spat, his voice dripping with icy contempt. “Consider it over. You played with fire, and now you get burned.”

He cast a cold glance at his men. “Take them away. Let them enjoy a taste of the hospitality they offered my wife.”

The men moved forward, their grip tightening on Liam and Ascensio’s struggling forms. As they were dragged away, Liam, his face a grotesque of his former arrogance, croaked out a threat.

“This isn’t over, Corsino,” he rasped, his voice broken with pain and humiliation. “We’ll get you for this.”


Felix met his gaze. “There’s nothing left to get,” he countered, his voice cold and final. “You lost. We won. And this time, there will be no more games.”

The heavy warehouse doors clanged shut with a finality that echoed through the vast space. Silence descended, broken only by the raged gasps Felix’s men regaining their composure.

Felix turned towards me, his face etched with the lingering remnants of his rage. But as he met my gaze, the anger melted away, replaced by a deep tenderness. He walked towards me, his steps heavy, and pulled me into a tight embrace.

He reached out, his hand hovering hesitantly over mine.

Flower,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “Are you alright?”

I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes. Relief, exhaustion, and a surge of love for the man who had saved me, all warred within me. In a choked sob, I

Chapter 118

launched myself into his arms, hirving my face in his chest. He held me tightly.

We stood there for a long time, the silence broken only by my loud sobbing. “I love you, I love you. I love yini.” I mommerd.

He sighed against me. “I love you, flower. I’ve got you.”


We stood there for a long time, the silence broken only by my loud sobbing. “I love you, I love you. I love yini.” I mommerd.

He sighed against me. “I love you, flower. I’ve got you.”

long time, the silence broken only by my loud sobbing. “I love you, I love you. I love yini.” I mommerd.

He sighed against me. “I love you, flower. I’ve got you.”

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