A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 115

Chapter 115

Days bled into one another, of fear and despair the only emotions I was feeling. The warehouse walls seemed to be closing in on me, the dim light a constant reminder of my captivity. Ascensio, Liam, and Lydia a twisted family united in their hatred – kept me barely functional. They brought me food and water, enough to sustain me but not enough to make me comfortable.

I didn’t even know what day it was, I didn’t know if it was day or night.

The only thing keeping me sane anymore was Felix’s name in my head.

Their interrogations were brutal, Liam, fueled by a cold fury, used his fists and crude tools to extract information they believed I possessed. Ascensio, older but still possessing a chilling ruthlessness, employed mental torture, twisting memories and exploiting my vulnerabilities. Lydia, the sweet old lady facade a distant memory, stood by silently, a cold glint in her eyes betraying her complicity. She would always dress my wounds, though. And then her son and brother in law would give me new ones.

Each passing night felt like an eternity. The silence between their visits was deafening, broken only by the gnawing ache in my stomach and the throbbing pain in my abused body.

Felix hadn’t come. They had said he would. I knew that he would. But it had been so long…

Liam had taunted me with the prospect of their confrontation, relishing the thought of crushing him. But no matter how long I listened, strained my ears for a sound, a car engine, a single footstep- there was nothing-

Perhaps they had lied. Perhaps Felix didn’t know. Or maybe he did, and he couldn’t find me. The thought sent a fresh wave of despair crashing over me. Was I truly alone, again?

They took me from him once. He couldn’t find me then. But this time…and he promised, to protect me.

One particularly brutal session with Liam slapping me left and right, left me slumped against a wall, vision blurring, ears ringing. A choked sob escaped my lips, a pathetic whimper in the face of their cruelty.

Ascensio loomed over me, his face a mask of cold satisfaction. “He won’t come, girl,” he sneered. “He doesn’t care enough. His words were meant to break me, but a spark of defiance flickered back to life within me

“You’re wrong.” I rasped, my voice harely a whisper. “He will come.

He grunted. A scoll Laughing at me. They left soon after, Leaving me tied to the chair, alone and afraid in the darkness. I had been planning this for a while, I could leave. I could try. The surge of adrenaline that momentarily banished the dull ache in my limbs, I strained against the ropes that bound me. They were rough and abrasive, biting into my raw skin, but my resolve was stronger. Slowly, agonizingly, I rubbed the coarse fibers against the splintered wood of the chair’s armrest.

Time seemed to stretch into an eternity. The sound of every creak, every groan of the building, made me jump, fearing being discovered. But with each agonizing rub, the ropes began to fray. Finally, with a satisfying snap, one of them gave way.

Hope surged through me. I doubled my efforts, working on the remaining ropes with a fervor fueled by desperation. Minutes bled into what felt like hours, my raw skin screaming in protest. I was bleeding. But it didn’t matter. I could be free.

I collapsed onto the dus

dusty floor, the weakness in my body was too much, I had exhausted all my strength. I pushed myself up, legs wobbly but resolute.

Freedom. Felix. The words echoed in the vast emptiness of the warehouse. There was no time to waste. I stumbled towards the towering metal doors, picturing myself outside..

Reaching the doors, I threw all my weight against them, but they remained stubbornly shut. Panic built up inside me. No. No. No. Liam had mentioned sealed exits. But surely…

I pounded on the metal, desperate pleas escaping my lips. Silence. Only the echoing clang of my fists against the unforgiving barrier answered me.

Disappointment crashed down on me, a crushing weight heavier than any physical chain. They hadn’t just locked me in a room; they’d locked me in a cage. A soh escaped my lips.

I was free from the chair, but trapped nonetheless. The realization hit me like a physical blow. My escape attempt had been a foolish victory, a fleeting moment of freedom snatched away as quickly as it was granted.

I sank down to the floor. Crying and sobbing. There was nowhere to go. There was nothing left to do but wait,


The silviwe was shaltered by a sheatening clang that echoes through the torchons, making me jump in surprise. My heart hammered against my banije doma solo et fear and trepidation Was it another trap?

That as the dust settled, I saw them the heavy metal doses groaning open, revealing a lack tigone.

Doval Liam was here. He’d find out that I attempted to sun and beat me up

But then he steppest in. My breatly bilchest, a soh escaping my lips as my eyes met his. It was Felix.

Rebel washed over me. My knees buckled, and I would have crumpled to the floor if Felis Isalt taken a swift step forward, catching me arms. Trap stivamed dowon my face, soaking the hont of his shirt.

“Tora,” he whisperest, his voice thick with emotion. He held me tighth, as if atuand I might disappear.

in his strong

I batted imy Lace in his chest, the Lamiliar scent of him a babin to my battered mind and body. Telis, I choked out, clinging to him, chitching Tighth

He pulled back slightly, cupping my face in his calloused hands. His eyes were blazing with a Tury that sent shivers down my spine. His gaze flickered to the tw marks on my waists and the bruises blooming on my lace, his jaw clenching with a barely contained rage.

“Liam.” be goowlel, his voor low and dangerous.

Liam and Aseman,” I whispered, the names tasting like ash in my mou


“They it pas,” bir xand, his voice a steely promise. But then, his gaze softened, a fierce protectiveness replacing the anger.

His words washed over the, a avunduting wave in the wake of the storm I’d endured. Felix was here, and for the first time in days, I felt a flicker ni hope

We chong to each other for a moment longer, the silence between us speaking volumes. Then, with a determined glint in his eyes, Felix pulled back.

“We need to get out of here, he said, his voice tum. A grim smile played on his lips.

“But not like this,” he attamed. “I have a plan.

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