A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 110

Chapter 110

As the last of the guests shuffled out, a satisfied sigh escaped my lips. The night had been a whirlwind – the judgemental stares, the power plays, and finally, Felix’s bold declaration. Exhaustion gnawed at the edges of my mind, but a thrill vibrated beneath it all. We’d done it.

Felix, still buzzing from the adrenaline of the evening, started the engine. The car roared to life, as Felix began driving. I was excited to get home after this tiring evening.

“You were amazing,” I said, turning to him. The city lights shimmered outside the window, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across his face. The way you carried yourself, the way you commanded the room…you exuded power.”“”

He chuckled, a low rumble that sent a shiver down my spine. “Easy for you to say,” he teased. “You were the real star tonight. Did you see the looks on everyone’s faces?” he smirked to himself, “You were the most beautiful woman there. You always are, everywhere you go.”

rin. “Thank you. They were taken aback when you announced about me. I guess no one knew.”

I couldn’t help but grin.

He squeezed my hand, his eyes twinkling. They never do, flower. That’s what keeps things interesting. He paused, the smile fading into a more serious expression. “But seriously, Flora, you were incredible. Your strength, your poiseyou held your own in a room full of dirty men of the mafia.”

“We held our own, I corrected, leaning closer. The thrill of the night had given way to a quiet intimacy. I lay a small kiss on his cheek. “You were there

for me.”

He nodded, a slow smile spreading across his face. “You, too,” he echoed, his voice husky.

“I’m excited to see what this next chapter holds for us. Excited to make you my wife. Flora Corsing.

“Me too,” I whispered, the words filled with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation

The city lights blurred into a tapestry of color as we sped through the night. The future stretched before us.

I leaned against the glass pane of the shotgun seat.

“I have a surprise for you, when we get home. So don’t sleep”

I nodded readily.

e car,

When we reached home, I was so sleepy. The iron gates rumbled shut behind us, a loud noise in the dead silence of the night. Stepping out of the exhaustion threatened to wash over me, but a smile stretched across my face anyway, fueled by the adrenaline that still buzzed in my veins.

Then, I saw it.

The garden, our usual haven nestled behind the imposing facade of the house, was bathed in an ethereal glow. Tiny white lights twinkled like a million little shining stars, strung artfully between the gnarled branches of the ancient oak and cascading down the climbing roses that clung to the rough brick wall.

My breath hitched.

In the center, a circular clearing had been transformed into a fairytale scene. Soft white lanterns, their flames casting dancing shadows, illuminated a carpet of velvety emerald green. A crystal table, adorned with a single, perfect orchid, stood at its center. And beside it, bathed in a spotlight that made him seem almost otherworldly, stood Felix.

But it was the music that truly stole my breath away. A string quartet, tucked discreetly behind a flowering arch, played a hauntingly beautiful melody. the notes swirling through the air like whispers of a forgotten dream.

My jaw dropped. “Felix.” I breathed, my voice hoarse with a mixture of surprise and emotion. “What is all this?”

My voice was barely a whisper. It was a wonder he had heard it. He took a few steps toward me.

He reached for my hand, his fingers warm and reassuring against my chilled skin. “Come, flower,” he said, his voice a low numble. “Let me show you”

Leading me through the garden, the scent of night jasmine and freshly cut grass filling our senses, we reached the clearing. The music seemed to swell around us, wrapping us in a cocoon of beautiful melodies.


“It’s beautiful.” E schispered, my gare sweeping over the meticulously arrange scene. “But why?”

pay that Was he gring

Felix, stopped in Tout of the table, his hand moving to cradle my cheek. His eyes, usually a steely green, were soft with a vulnerability I rarely saw, “Because tonight,” he said, his owe thick with emotion, wasn’t just about me taking ever the family, baby. It was about us.

Tears pricked my eyes. We’d been through so much together, a silent promise hanging heavy in the air. Tonight, it seensed, that promise would be

“Thora,” he continued, his gare searching mine, “I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know or would crud up like this, I ked you before I knew you, before I knew myself. I loved you when we were kids, and I love you now.

He took a deep breath, his hand moving to my check to cup it gently. The warmth of his touch sent shivers down my spine.

“Tonight,” he said, his wior dropping to a husky whisper. “I want the waiting to end. I want yms to be my wife. I want you to be mine, in all senses of

the word

He reached into his pocket, his movements slow and deliberate, Pulling out a small velvet hos, he knelt on one knee before me. The moonlight glinted off the polished surface, sending a blinding flash of silver across his face.

My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the backdrop of the music. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring the image of the box be held open.

“Flora White,” he

his voice thick with ensation, “will you mAITY WHE

voice the

Nestled within the box on a bed of plush black velvet, lay a ring that could have belonged to a queen. A platinum band, adorned with a single, pear- shaped diamond that sparkled with a brilliance that rivaled the stars above. It was breathtaking, a symbol of his love, his power, and his intent.

Felix,” I chokes out, my voice thick with emotion. “Ves. A million times, ve

Tears of joy still glistened on my lashes as I slipped the ring onto my finger. The diamond, catching the soft moonlight, seemed to throb with an inner fire, minering the one burning brightly within me. Felix, in his knee, his face etched with a mixture of relief and joy, finally rose to his feet.

We stood there for a moment, lost in the quiet intimacy of the moment,

I was going to be his wife. His wife,

Felix grabbed my face, pulling me to him. I grabbed his hair. We kissed violently, like we wanted to eat each other.

His tongue in my mouth was rushed and violent. He hungrily slanted his mouth over mine, lightly grinning against my lips. “My wife,” he murmured. The music had stopped, I could tell, even as we were kissing ferociously. The musicians had left. Thank God, no one needed to see us go at it like this

“I’m yours.” I whispered. Felix lightly bit my lip. It stung, but made me kiss him deeper. His hands found my dress, fisting it. “This dress is too fucking long.” he whispered. He bent down for a second to grab the hem, bringing it up with him as he stood back, his mouth on mine again. His fingers found. my core, as he pressed against the heat with two fingers from over my panties.

“The night we get married, Flora, I’m going to fuck your ass.” He whispered, his lips leaving mine for a brief few seconds. My lips parted in surprise, or maybe because the statement turned me on. “You understand?”

I nodded slowly.

Soon, we found ourselves rolling in the grass. Me, on my back, the damp grass soft against my skin. Him, on top of me, his hands just beside each side of my head. My dress was hitched up. He’d tucked the hem into my underwear. God, if someone walked out right now… someone in the

ie staff. It’d would

Felix shifted the gusset of my panties to the side with his fingers. He stared at me, eyes hooded, lips slightly parted.

“This is going to be fast and hard, okay?” He warned. I said yes with a smile on my face. He buried himself deep into me in one single stroke. I gasped. He gave me a second to acclimatize, but not too much. He kept thrusting into me, hand and fast like he had promised. Even like this, so rushed and rough, he was so good at it, hitting just the right spots, nuling me moan koudly, like some kind of mad woman.

As he pumped into me, he pressed my clit with a fi

finger. It made me burst into flames. I came on his cock, hard and screaming. He followed suit in a few

Chapter 110

minutes, filling me with himself.

“You can’t always come inside me,” I whispered, my words coming out with ragged breath. “I’m going to get pregnant.”

He gave me an intense stare, “Is that bad?”

1 licked my lips. “I want to wait a few years.

“We’ll get you on birth control then.”.

I nodded. That would work. I did like when he came inside me.

He helped me settle my dress and sit up on the ground. Felix’s arm wrapped around me, as we both sat on the sudden thought, I pulled away from Felix’s embrace

“Wait,” I blurted out, a mischievous glint sparking in my eyes.

Felix, a bewildered smile playing on his lips, tilted his head in question “What is it, baby?”

e damp grass. Then, as if struck by a

“This whole night, I gestured around the fairytale setting he’d created, “it’s absolutely breathtaking. But… I paused, letting the suspense hang in the

“But what?” he prompted, his brow furrowing slightly.

“But,” I continued, my voice filled with a newfound determination, don’t you think it would be even more perfect it…we got married…today?”

The words hung heavy in the air, a challenge thrown down in the midst of our joy. Felix blinked, his surprise quickly giving way to a slow, seductive smile.

“Elope?” be echoed, his voice husky with amusement. “Tonight?”

“Tonight,” I confirmed, a playful fire dancing in my eyes. “Think about it. No massive reception filled with people who barely know us, no endless speeches, no suffocating expectations. I ran my hand along the cool surface of the diamond on my finger. “Just you, me, and this magical night”

A slow grin spread across Felix’s face. He knew what I was thinking.

“We’ve lost so much time,” I said, “Five years. God, Felix. I can’t wait to be your wife. I think we should get married tonight.”

“You are a brilliant woman, Flora Corsino,” he said, pulling me closer. His voice was a low rumble in my ear. “And a little bit crazy, which is why I love you.”

I laughed, the sound echoing through the quiet garden. “Crazy enough to marry me right now?”

“Crazy enough,” he confirmed, his lips brushing against mine in a searing kiss. “Then let’s do it.

A thrill shot through me as he pulled away. The adrenaline of the night, the unexpected proposal, and now the idea of an elopement – it was intoxicating.

“We’ll need some clothes…” I began, , my mind already racing with the logistics. “I want to wear white, And where should we go?”

“Let me handle it, Felix interrupted, a confident

it glint

I nodded. “I’m sure I have something.”

In his eyes. “You, my flower, just worry about looking stunning. Do you have a white


“Run along inside, then. I’ll meet you here, in an hour.”

He pulled out his phone, his fingers flying across the screen. Within minutes, a flurry of hushed calls filled the air. A small smile played on my lips. He truly did have everything under control.

His Little Flower

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