A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 109

Chapter 109

The double doors loomed before us, the final step before we entered into the night of flashing cameras and calculated smiles. Felix took my hand, his fingers warm and reassuring against my clammy skin.

“Alright, flower,” he murmured, his voice a low rumble in my ear. Remember, you’re a Corsino tonight. Head held high, shoulders hack, and own this

I met his gaze, the familiar grey depths swirling with a newfound intensity. He saw the nervous tremor in my jaw, the slight hitch in my breath. A tender smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

“Deep breaths, love,” he instructed, his voice firm yet gentle. “You got this.

I inhaled slowly, the cool air filling my lungs, chasing away the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. He was right. Tonight, I had to be worthy of being by his side, strong and confident, by his side. “You too, I breathed. “You’ve got this, lan“

As I exhaled, Felix leaned closer, his lips Isnushing my car. “And remember,” he whispered, a possessive edge to his voice, “you belong right here. With me. You’re mine.”

His wouls sent a thrill shooting through nie, a jolt of electricity that chased away any lingering anxiety. With a newfound determination, I straightened my posture, the blue dress shimmering under the soll glow of the entrance lights,

Felix offered me his arm, a silent invitation. I slipped my hand into his, the connection sparking a warmth that spread through me. Together, we took a confident step forward, the heavy oak doors swinging open with a flourish.

The ballroom was a glittering spectacle of wealth and power. Crystal chandeliers cast a dazzling light on a sea of opulent gowns and crisp tuxedos. Conversations ceased, heads supped in our direction as we entered. Whispers rippled through the crowd, speculation hanging heavy in the air.

But I held my head high, my gaze unwavering. Tonight, Felix wasn’t just the heir apparent, he was the king. He was always meant to be

We weaved through the throng of guests, a carefully choreographed dance of greetings and polite inquiries. Felix’s parents, impeccably dressed and radiating a practiced charm, were the first to swoop in. His mother, all diamonds and smiles, squeezed my hand a little too tightly.

“Flora, darling,” she cooed, her smile was bright and honest. I had a feeling I’d see very few real smiles tonight. “You look absolutely radiant, Felix is a hicky man.”

His father, offered a curt nod of approval. Gradually, others followed suit – associates, rivals with veiled smiles, wives of underbosses eager to curry favor. Their compliments washed over me, some genuine, some laced with a hint of curiosity.

I had known all these people, at one time. We had had dinners with them. Brunch parties. Barbecues.

They remembered me.

The whispers told the story. Muffled snippets about who I was, where I’d been all these years, and the whispers about my past, the things that had happened with my father, all echoed through the cavernous hall. A familiar anger bubbled within me, the urge to lash out, to scream at them for their judgmental glances.

The urge to cry.

But Felix, sensed the shift in my mood. His hand tightened around mine, a silent reassurance. He leaned in close, his voice a low rumble that only I could hear. “Don’t waste your energy on them, flower. You have to remember. You’re going to be much more powerful than any of these people.”

Taking a deep breath, I straightened my spine, meeting the curious gazes with a cool indifference. These people, with their carefully curated lives and whispered secrets, were beneath me. My future, my destiny, was intertwined with Felix, and in this glittering cage, we were about to rewrite the rules. Ignoring the minmurs, focused on Felix, his warm hand in mine. Tonight was just the beginning, and together, we were unstoppable. I nodded.

Suddenly, there was a clink of a glass. I clutched my champagne flute tightly. The time had come. Mr. Corsing was the one to clink his glass, to draw attention to himself. The room had fell silent, and all eyes were on him. The murmur of the crowd swelled as Felix’s father, all imposing stature and booming voite, took center stage. A lush fell over the room as every eye turned towards him. Glasses clinked to a halt, conversations died on lips. The air crackled with anticipation.

Felix’s hand tightened around mine, a silent communication of support. I could feel the nervous tremor in his fingers, but his jaw was set with steely

Chapter TOY

“Ladies and gentlemen,” his father’s voice boomed, echoing through the grand hall. “Tonight, we gather to celebrate a new chapter in the Carsino legacy. A pause, heavy with unspoken meaning, hung in the air.

“For many years, I have led this family with unwavering strength and purpose. I inherited this responsibility from my father, and him, from his own grandfather, who built our empire. I hope I have led you well, there were cheers of agreement. I was silent, listening with hated breath, “But all empires need succession, and the time has come for me to step aside and allow the next generation to take the helm.”

Another dramatic pause. All eyes darted towards Felix, the spotlight figuratively landing on him. He straightened his shoulders, meeting the gaze of the room with a cool confidence that mirrored the ice in his veins. I could see the flicker of pride in his father’s eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the mantle he was about to inherit.

“My son, Felix Corsing,” his father declared, his voice ringing with pride, has proven himself worthy of this responsibility. He is the next Corsino in line, born to lead this family to more success.”

A wave of applause erupted, the sound like thunder rolling through the hall. Respected associates pounded Felix on the back, their congratulations. laced with a hint of awe. Former rivals offered genuine smiles, acknowledging the shift in power. Even the wives, usually so quick with their barbs, murmured words of respect.

Felix, bathed in the light of newfound respect, walked towards his father, his steps measured and sure. They met in the center of the stage, a silent exchange passing between them. A nod from the elder Corsino, a hand on Felix’s shoulder, a symbol of the torch being passed.

This was it. The moment Felix had been preparing for, the culmination of years of training and sacrifice.

He took to the stage. The thunderous applause slowly subsided, replaced by a hush as all eyes remained fixed on Felix. He took a deep breath, his gaze sweeping across the expectant faces. There was pride in his eyes, but also a quiet humility that resonated with the room.

more than I can

“Thank you, Dad,” he began, his voice steady despite the tremor in his hand that I felt through our intertwined fingers. “This honor is mo ever express. Leading this family, this legacy it is a responsibility I don’t take lightly.”

A pause, letting the weight of his words sink in. He glanced at me briefly, a

, a flicker of warmth passing between us, before addressing the crowd again.

“My family has built an empire. My father and forefathers have given their blood and sweat for this family. In the last twenty years, my father has expanded our territory immensely. His shoes are large to fill, but I promise to do him proud. I will lead with strength, with fairness, and with a loyalty that is unwavering.”

Another wave of applause erupted, louder this time, a testament to the respect he commanded. Felix raised a hand, silencing the room once more.

“There is one more thing.” he said, his voice dropping a notch lower, a hint of possessiveness creeping in. As I step into this role, I do not stand alone. Tonight, I also announce the woman by my side, the one who has been my confidante, my anchor, and my strength.”

He turned to me, his gaze filled with something

gfar more potent than pride. A spotlight bathed me in its warm glow, making me feel both exposed and strangely empowered.

“Flora White,” he declared, his voice ringing through the hall, is not just my date tonight. She is mine, and will be the woman beside me as I lead you all. She will be a Corsino,”

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. This wasn’t on the agenda. But as I met his gaze, a silent vow passed between us; a slow smile spread across my face.

Tonight, the whispers wouldn’t just fade. Nothing else mattered. Just me and him.

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