A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 9

I put on my helmet and put my arms around his waist as he starts off. We get out of the city and into the countryside. I admit I rarely get the chance to get away from the city, but the ride is pleasant and feeling his body against mine is well worth the trip. It takes us less than an hour before he pulls up in front of a wooden house. He parks his bike and invites 1 to get off, holding out his hand. I grab it and look around. - You're okay," he asks, pulling me into his arms. That guy didn't give you too much trouble, did he? - Don't worry, I'm fine. - Are you sure? ~ Ill admit that being in your arms is probably part of what makes me feel so good,” I say, kissing him quickly. So, are you going to show me around, or did you bring me here to stay outside? He smiles tenderly before placing his hand on my cheek. Automatically, my head tilts to support his caress and I see his gaze slide over the scarf I'm wearing. My fingers move on their own, as if I knew what he wanted, as if I could feel it. I unti the fabric before removing it. His hand passes over this strange mark that seems to react only to him. His smile grows a little wider, as if he's enjoying the fact that I've acted on my own. He grabs my hand before moving towards the door and letting us in. It's different from my home, warmer, more personal. All the furniture seems tailor-ma carved with care, a real work of goldsmith. - You did all this," I say, letting my fingers run over a massive table. I observe it with care, from the various animals inlaid in the legs to its top, which would almost seem rough if it weren't s soft. -1 confess” he says, approaching me. I prefer to have furniture I've made myself, at least I'm sure I'll like it. - You're really talented," 1 say, blown away by what I see. ~ Thank you for that. I'l show you my workshop later if you'd like to see it, but first he breathes down my neck. I've miss you, sweetheart,” he says, resting his lips on that mark. I let out a low moan as a pleasant shiver runs through my body. - It's amazing how sensitive it is when you touch it. - Do you like it," he asks, putting his arms around my waist. Very, very much. - Any pain? ~ Not really a pain, but earlier it stung a little when he grabbed my arm. Really," he says, running his tongue over it. I close my eyes, savoring all the sensations he's managed to awaken in me. And the next thing I know, 'm naked on his table as he sways and gives me the ultimate pleasure. It's like we need this, to feel each other before we start spending t weekend together. It's so strong, and at the same time, I don't feel like fighting it. We hold each other for long minutes. I rest my head against his neck, the smell of him intoxicating. I sprinkle kisses acros his skin as he wraps his arms tighter around me. I couldn't say why, but he makes me feel so good. So good I forget everything else. ~ Tonight, no junk food. I'm going to fix you a nice little dish, baby. - 1 don’t believe it," I say, stepping back slightly. You're a knockout. In bed, I can’t even explain how good you are, you can dance, you make furniture and you can cook too? Admit it, are you an extra-terrestrial or something? He bursts out laughing before kissing me. 1 love the way you talk to me. You say whatever comes into your head, I like that. - You're evading the question. So I was right, you're an extra-terrestrial," I say, holding out a falsely accusatory finger. - 1 confess, you've seen right through me. Now it's up to you to tell me if you've got a problem with it. ~ 1 think I could live with that, but I'll help you prepare dinner. ~1 could be a very dangerous alien,” he says, resting his lips on my cheek. - with you, I'm willing to take the risk. His gaze locks with mine, his smile gentle. I may have said it in jest, but I have the impression that, just as for me, these f words have more meaning than at first sight. ~1 think we're already taking it,” he says. I feel a warmth pulsing from my neck that's a little stronger than the other times. He's right, we're already taking it, and i doesn't scare me that much. On the contrary, I must say I find it really pleasant to let myself go with him. To see that I car feel good enough to trust him. I've got a good feeling about it," I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. He kisses me quickly before taking. - Will you come with me to the kitchen? ll be right behind you. And it's true, I want to follow him, I want to be with him. He settles for putting his pants back on, while I steal his T-shirt, put it on and let him guide me into the kitchen. POV Dorian It's amazing how easy everything seems with her, how everything just flows. Neither of us has to force ourselves. She love being with me, just as I love having her around. Her mark is becoming clearer, which proves that the bond between us is getting stronger. She still hasn't asked me about this mark. She's reacting to it, enjoying feeling me through it, although she probably doesn't realize yet that it's really me she’s feeling. It's as if she trusts me, as if it doesn't bother her, as long as it comes. from me. We have a great time in the kitchen. We laugh together and don't hesitate to make tender gestures when we brush agains each other. I like to see her walking around wearing nothing but my tee-shirt, and I don't hesitate to make her understan It's almost as if we've been waiting for those few words to finally break down that last barrier between us, and I have to's I don't mind. I just hope she doesn't run away from me when she finds out what I am. I can see her turning her head towards me as she slowly stirs the meat as it finishes cooking. Maybe she’s beginning to pi up on my thoughts; if so, it won't be long before she discovers my true nature. She removes the pan from the fire before coming over to me. The way she observes me, I almost get the impression she's trying to find out what I'm thinking. I focus on a single thought and wait for her reaction, which is not long in coming. From her smile, I know she’s understoo and she confirms it by answering me, - You're beautiful too,” she says before placing her lips on mine. I can only smile back. What she's just done proves that she’s mine now. Definitely mine. With a possessive gesture, I put r arm around her waist and press her against me. Life's given me a second chance and I'll do everything I can to make sure nothing ever happens to her. POV Emma I wake up surrounded by her arms, by her warmth. It's so good that I snuggle up to him a little more, breathing in his scer deeply. It's been a magical evening, in every sense of the word I must say. I feel that we're getting closer, that we both lik what we feel. But there's something more. I heard what he was thinking, I'm sure. It only lasted a split second, but it was real. Part of me tells me this isn't normal, while on the other hand it didn't bother me, I wasn't even surprised more than that. He's different, I know it, I feel it, and yet I'm not afraid. On the contrary, I almost feel as if I've found my place, which is strange when I think that, in fact, we hardly know each other. He moves slightly before kissing my forehead. This simple gesture makes me shiver. - Is something bothering you, beautiful? - How do you know something's bothering me? - Ifelt it,” he says, pulling me a little tighter against him. He was asleep a minute ago, how could he have felt it? Is that what's bothering you, honey? ~1 can't really say I mind, it's just that yesterday I'm sure I heard what you were thinking. Which is impossible, but I could swear to it. - Don't forget I'm an alien. I must have superpowers. - 50 you're confirming that something did happen? - I'm telling you, sweetheart,” he said, letting his fingers run up the mark. Immediately, a sigh of well-being escapes my lips. It's so pleasant, as gentle as a caress. I plant my gaze in hers before asking, - It's thanks to this brand, isn't it? - Also yes, but it's mostly because we like being together, both of us. It's the combination of the two. Does that scare you - To tell you the truth, no, not really. It just surprises me. I've just wasted a year of my life convincing myself that I should forget a painful mistake with a man who never managed to make me feel as good as you can. I don't really understand what that means but I know 'm the one who almost begged you to do it and no, I'm not afraid. I love the way I feel with you. He smiles tenderly before leaning over my lips gently it's as tender as those fingers on my mark. - Do you want to know more, he asks? ~1 don’t think so, to tell you the truth, I kind of like this mark. Every time I look at it, it seems to change. I want to see hoy much it's going to change, I want to see what it's going to become. - She'll be beautiful, believe me, as beautiful as you. And if you have any questions, I'll answer them. Just ask me and I'll tell you the truth. - That's fine by me. I trust you even if it sounds crazy when 1 say it out loud. ~ 1 won't hurt you. I promise I won't.

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