A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 10

I want to believe it, deep down inside, something pushes me to wish it and I don’t want to fight against this force. I've spe too long being a shadow of my former self, feeling nothing, not to take this chance to feel alive at last. 1 slip one of my le between his. I'm going to believe him, trust him, after all, he's not him, he’s not going to play with me before he's cruel. My hand settles on the small of his back. I want to feel him, to touch him, as if to make sure there's no risk of him disappearing. - No risk, darling. 1 won't disappear. He passes over me without taking his eyes off me. He slips between my thighs as one of his hands grabs my breast. It's strange and fascinating at the same time. - You wanted to feel me, didn't you,” he says, undulating against me. My body arches in response, inviting him to possess me fully. My skin quivering, shivering, I spread my thighs wider, but f continues to rub against me languorously, yet firmly. With each movement, I tremble a little more. Despite the pleasure h brings out in me, I can't take my eyes off him. He's so handsome, and in his eyes I can see an almost wild spark, somethir animal that makes me moan a little more. I don’t know what it is, but I can feel it trying to make contact with me. My legs close around his waist, these wiggles become slightly more pronounced, enough for me to call to him. I want to him, I want to see what's hidden in his eyes, I want to see what I can only perceive. A growl emerges from his throat, the sound vibrating throughout my body, sending shocks of pleasure through me. - Show me," I say almost pleadingly as I feel my body ready to surrender. He growls a little louder and suddenly those eyes change color to gold. He's even more beautiful this way, more desirable this magnificent color, almost precious, as beautiful as he can be beautiful. I can't hold back this wave of pleasure, this surge that crashes over me, making me cry out his name. He smiles at me, proudly, before becoming more perverse and without giving me time to catch my breath, he thrusts into me, further fanning this fire that consumes my body. I close my eyes under the effect of these wiggles - You wanted me to show myself off, so look at me, he says. You can't imagine how beautiful you are when you take pleasure, when I feel you contract around me. Look at me, show me how much you want it too. His voice is so deep, it's almost t*****e, a delicious t*****e that makes me moan a little louder, but I open my eyes, it's crz how beautiful he is, it's crazy how much I love what I see. - Do you really think I'm handsome?” he asks, putting his arm around my waist as he speeds up. - More than that,” I say between sighs, “you're gorgeous. Tell me again” he growls. - You're 50 beautiful, so handsome 1 can hardly believe you're real. ~ I'll show you how real 1 am, baby. I never thought it would be possible,” he says, without me even knowing what he's talking about. But a wave of heat pulses through my mark and in a second, I can do nothing but cling to him, calling out again and agair My nails dig into his back as he pounces on my lips, running one of those hands up my thigh. My body surrenders along with my mind. In this moment, he’s all that matters, the only person who matters to me, I know it's crazy, but as the o**** overwhelms me, it's all I can think about. He collapses on top of me as I welcome him into my arms. It's crazy how good he can make me feel. How good it is to be with him. He puts his lips on my mark, making me shiver a little more. - You've got a lot of talents obviously, but I swear I give you the best of all marks for sx. I return the compliment. You're just remarkable and again I weigh my words. It's crazy how compatible we are. 1 feel the same way, it's as if everything flows naturally, as if everything is natural and that in the end we were just mad to meet. And believe me, I know it's crazy to think that and even crazier to say it out loud. - It's not crazy, obviously, we've both experienced failure and suffering, and maybe we're being offered a second chance. Your presence is so gentle and at the same time fiery. I constantly want to kiss you, touch you, breathe in your scent. You the light at the end of my darkness, my beautiful one, and I don't want to fight against that, against what makes me feel alive. 1 want you to be mine and mine alone,” he says softly in my ear. 1 still don't understand how it's possible, I was so resigned, so lost, and then suddenly you come along, you turn everything upside down and it feels so good that I don't want to fight it. For long minutes, we hold each other in silence, a kind of bubble cutting us off from the outside world, because to tell th truth, even if Melissa called now, I wouldn't answer. I'm comfortable where I am, I'm comfortable against him. - How about a nice breakfast before I show you around my workshop? ~The idea of seeing your studio arouses my curiosity. He smiles tenderly before kissing me and standing up. I take a minute to observe him, his body is magnificent, the fall of his loins, his buttocks undulating with every step. Just looking at him, I know it wouldn't take much for my body to wake ¢ again. I can make you breakfast in this outfit if you like,” he says, turning slightly towards me. I don't think you realize how tempting you can be, so for our own safety, I'll allow you to put your clothes back on, at leas temporarily. Because believe me, what I'm seeing, I'm not about to be able to look away. At the same time, a slight pain crosses my chest, but I ignore it when he smiles at me. Nothing else really matters, not at the moment. POV Dorian Her ability to reject her bond with another continues to amaze me. She's chosen me, and in doing so, she’s doing everything she can to forget him. I still don't know what happened between them, but from what she let slip, it happenec little over a year ago, around the time he became Beta, around the time I gave up all hope of getting back on track. But when I saw her, an electric current ran through me. That's why I told her where to find me, and when she came and approached me, I knew she was my second chance, my light, my spark, even if she wasn’t meant for me. Even if it wasn't made for me in the first place. since I marked her, it's more than obvious, and I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised by the way she’s reacted to all this. She wasn't afraid of my growls, nor of my eyes. On the contrary, she liked what she saw, what she guessed about me. She's not afraid of me, she knows I'm not like her, she knows I'm different, and yet she’s not afraid. Her whole body crave me, these most obscene thoughts come to me as I rise from the bed and I can only love it. It's so nice to feel wanted, almost loved to such an extent that the rest of the world might just fall away for a moment. As long as she's here. I've already lost everything, once, it won't happen again, never again. Now she’s mine and she’s accepted it, she knows I won't abandon her, ever. We finish getting dressed as I lead her into the kitchen and we prepare a nice breakfast together. We manage to talk abou everything with tender gestures, it's almost as if we've been together for years. We sit down next to each other to eat, her hand resting on my thigh as she attacks her plate. - How's your big case coming along? It's coming along. I've only been working on it for a short time, but I've already made good progress. I still have to prove myself, I'm new to the company, everyone thinks I've only got this job because my sister runs it. But I know I can do it, the can believe what they want, but I know what I'm worth. I'm going to close her file and she'll understand too that I know what I'm doing. - I'm sure you're going to make it, no problem at all - You bet I will," she says with a smile. She loves what she does, you can tell, you can feel it, and seeing her like this really pleases me. It's a family business,” I say, before seeing the shadow in her eyes. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Forget it. - No;" she says, putting her hand on mine. That's right, it's a family business, except there's not much of the family left. m parents died when I was a teenager, and the company belonged to my father. My sister was barely of age, but she did the right thing, she took over the company and kept it going, she even managed to expand it. I work for her, I follow her voice but deep down I also know that I'm doing this to be like her. To help her in turn. She's been looking after me for a long ti now. I think it's my turn to return the favor, to make her understand that, in turn, I can take care of her too. - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring back painful memories. - Not everything is painful. The relationship I have with my sister certainly wouldn't be as strong if my parents were still alive. There are always pros and cons. They're dead, they'll never see what she’s done with the business, or even how clo; we've become. In a way, she's more than a sister, much more than a sister. She's always encouraged me and I'm going to show her what 'm capable of. ~1 don't doubt it for a second, sweetheart.

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