A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 50

Emma's POV

When 1 open my eyes, night has long since fallen. The pain emanating from my leg makes me wince but seeing them both asleep around me manages to alleviate it a little. 1 would like to get up, but I can't and deep down, I have the best place there is.

I sigh as I realize what happened. All these Wolves who came here to kill us, all these beings who lost their lives when the thought we were trapped. I can't believe that all three of us are still alive, even though there were so many of them, so ferocious and so determined to kill us.

jason moves gently against me as his arm slips around my waist. He buried his face in my neck making me smile before saying,

~ How are you feeling love?

- Let's just say that I'm aware that it could have been much worse, I said, leaning my head against his. And how do you feel?

~ Ill be OK. In a few days there will only be a scar left, nothing more.

-And Dorian?

- same, it's going to be okay for us love, it's you who you need to concentrate on. We were so afraid of losing you, he said placing his lips on her mark.

~ No chance, now that I'm with you, I'll stay there, I said, turning my head enough to kiss him. Tell me we won, tell me it's over.

~ 1 would love love and I hope for it more than anything, but I'm not sure. My old Alpha had a partner, she was the one I fought against. She wasn't just anyone, in addition to being a Luna, she was the daughter of Dorian’s Alpha. Of course it was them who came to attack us, it was them who came here and we only defended ourselves, but for all that, I am afraic that his father is seeking revenge.

- It will be weeks before I can walk properly.

- 1 know love, I know. I'll reactivate the traps as quickly as possible, but first, we'll have to get rid of the bodies.

- You realize that you saved us, my heart. Without all the precautions you took, all three of us would have died.

~ Dorian is a warrior but I was raised to become a Beta, to protect and fight. Even though I left the pack, things haven't really changed, except that now it's you two that I have to protect, he said, looking into mine.

I smile at him tenderly, placing my fingers on his cheek. The glow of the moon shines into the room, caressing this skin th I continue to desire again and again.

~ I love you, darling, I said in a low voice.

- And 1 love you too, love, he replies, kissing me.

Dorian moves too, he moves a little closer to me before putting his arm around me. I feel their hands grip as he comes to kiss my shoulder.

- It seems that you are suffering a little less, my dear.

- A little, but I'm afraid it's only temporary, that's what woke me up I must say.

- Do you want another medicine? You need something ?

~ It's going to be okay handsome brown, what more could I want when I already have you both.

- Do you know how remarkable you were my dear, breathtaking even during this battle.

- Compared to you, I don’t think I was that remarkable. I must say that my Wolves are surprising when it comes to defending us, I said smiling.

~ They will do anything for you, my dear, like us, he said, kissing me tenderly.

~ I must say that I'm quite happy to have them on my side, I said, placing my hand on his cheek.

~ And I can tell you that they are very happy to have their love for you, Jason continues. But for now, how about we make you something to eat?

- It's the middle of the night, sweetheart, it can wait until tomorrow, I said, laughing softly.

- Out of the question, you must regain your strength to heal as quickly as possible, he said, standing up.

- He's right my dear, you haven't eaten anything for a long time and with the medicine and everything else, you have to e We let you sleep because we knew you needed it, but now you need to get your strength back if you want your leg to hea quickly.

- OK OK, if there are two of you against me, I capitulate, I said, raising my hands, thus mimicking an arrest, which had the effect of making them both laugh.

They both get up to leave the room, leaving me alone. Although I am happy that we got through it, I continue to fear for tl future. If this time they come back, I won't be able to do anything, I won't be able to help them except by sitting with the little ammunition I have left. 1 don’t know what I'll be able to do, I don't even know if we will have the strength to counter another attack.

I don’t understand why they are so persistent. Why they want to stop us from just being together at all costs. Now it's all going to turn into a sordid revenge story. His father will come, there is a big chance and this time, will we manage to survive? Nothing is less sure.

I sigh, grimacing as my leg hurts more and more. I stand up as best I can, trying not to put pressure on this broken limb. I manage to wedge my pillow behind my back. I almost feel like I'm a burden to them. If I wasn't here, they would have already left, far enough away that nothing could reach them. I almost come to regret not being like them, as strong, as resistant. My thoughts darken as the pain returns and after a few minutes, as I feel a tear slide down my cheek, Jason comes back and sits next to me before taking me into his arms. I had almost forgotten that they felt everything, which on made me feel a little more guilty.

jason’s POV

We felt it, as soon as we left the room, this change in her mood, these fears which came back galloping while she almost began to consider that we would be better off without her. How can she think that? How could this even cross his mind? \ love him more than anything, much more than anything.

We're in the kitchen when Dorian looks at me before saying,

You should go see her. She was brave but she had never done this before, killing Wolves who once dead return to their human forms. She is afraid, afraid of losing us and that is understandable.

~ Then you should go, you can calm her down much more easily than me.

- In general maybe but I'm as scared as she is for the future. I know Loic better than anyone, I know what he is capable of ~ He also knows what you are capable of, I said, taking him in my arms. We're going to get through this my Wolf, we're goi to get there.

“It's all my fault” he said, sighing. I was a real jerk, marking her even though I knew she was yours. If I hadn't done anything...

~ If you had done nothing, Emma and I would never have known the pleasure of being in your arms, the pleasure of kissir you, I said, joining the action to the word, the pleasure of you to like. Everything we experience is thanks to you, what we feel, the strength of this bond that there is between the three of us, it is only thanks to you. I love you Dorian, as much as Emma loves you, don't forget that. Never forget it.

I kiss him, taking more time this time. Emma needs me but so does he and I don't intend to leave him behind. No matter what his former Alpha does, we will be able to counter him. When I leave these lips, I find with pleasure this spark that or shines for the two of us, I smile at her tenderly, sliding my hand over her cheek before telling her, ~ You take care of the meal and I'll go find her

, but you better get your pretty little butt back to the bedroom very quickly, handsome.

“Come on, I'll hurry," he said, smiling at me.

I leave him by kissing him one last time and go into the bedroom to see what I hate most in the world, a tear running dov his cheek. I rush to her side, taking her in my arms. She doesn't resist, she blames herself so much even though she has nothing to reproach herself for. She was much stronger than we imagined.

These hands cling to my back, I feel how much she needs me. I hold her a little tighter before kissing her mark. Immediately, her body relaxes slightly and she sighs with relief, as if this simple caress had an almost magical power ove her.

- It feels so good when you do that, she said in a whisper.

~ Iwill do it as much as you want love, I said letting my tongue run over his mark.

~ Thank you, she says relieved as she clings a little closer to me, tilting her head.

~ Its really nothing to love, you're delicious, really delicious, I said, nibbling his skin.

- Don't raise the temperature too much though, I'm not in a good condition, sweetheart.

~ You have no idea how much I can satisfy you without you even having to move, I said, smiling against his neck.

- Don't tempt me, sweetheart, I could succumb very quickly, she said as her breathing quickened slightly.

My fingers slide over her chest as she tenses slightly against me, I quickly pass the barrier of her fabric and brush against her skin making her shiver.

- I can't darling, she said, almost holding back from moaning. I would like to, I swear, but I can't.

- I'm not asking you for anything, love, nothing at all.

I pinch the tip of these breasts between my fingers while my lips move up along her neck to reach these lips. She's shakir slightly and as her body warms up, I feel her pain lessen. She relaxes, she lets herself go, and I like knowing that I have tr power over her. This ability to make her feel good with just a few caresses. This ease of feeling good in my arms, under m fingers. I feel Dorian who is almost finished and who can clearly see the temperature rising. I want him to come, to understand that together it is even better.

I bite his lip, pinching the tip of her breasts a little harder and this time, her moan makes him tremble in turn. He's going join us, of course he will.

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