A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 49

And as soon as he rushes, Dorian stands up and lets these claws slash him from top to bottom, growling ferociously while the others observe each other by lowering their heads slightly. They could have attacked en masse, if only there were mo of them, I'm sure that's what they're telling themselves. But with only three Wolves remaining, no chance. Like the previo ones, one leaves first while the others follow. We howl when we see them run away and his Wolf approaches mine before rubbing his head against mine. I quickly lick the wound on his back while he does the same to me and we regain our forn to take care of Emma.

Dorian takes her in his arms as I open the door to get something to treat her. He rushes into the bedroom to place her or the bed. When I returned a few minutes later, he had taken off his jeans to examine his leg.

“So I said, putting everything on the bed. What do you think ?

- That the leg is broken. The neck to the head must have been powerful. It's going to take a few points.

~ What are we doing ?

~1 don't know. The nearest hospital is hours away and even if we sew her up, 'm not sure I know how to do the right thin for her leg. If she were a Wolf like us, I wouldn't worry, but right now, I'm overwhelmed.

I think quickly before remembering something. I leave the room quickly to go through the papers that Emma is putting away in the living room. I flip everything over and after a minute or two, I finally come across what I'm looking for.

- 1 knew it, I said, handing over the sheet before returning to Dorian. The former owner. She's a Wolf, an old Wolf, she mig be able to help us. If she lived here, she must have some medical knowledge. She's not that far away, I have her address. can find her and bring her back here.

- Are you sure ?

- Do you have another idea?

~ Not really.

~1 will contact you in case of problems, my heart. Watch over her while waiting for me.

- Don't worry, he said, kissing me quickly, I'll watch over her.

I quickly leave the house, grab a map, and head out. I have studied the terrain, I know the surroundings better than anyone. I know I can find it. Ancient Wolves are often full of wisdom and treasures of knowledge. I'm sure she can help us am sure, it must be.

We can't lose her, not after everything we've already been through together. She fought like a true Wolf, she was ruthless, she didn't hesitate to pull the trigger, she even protected us both. And when one of these predators hurt her, she didn't give up, she continued to fight and I have to say that I'm really proud of her, like Dorian in fact. None of us expected to se such fighting spirit, but I think it was the most beautiful thing I have seen.

I rush as fast as I can, forgetting about my injury and her pain and focusing only on her. There are several kilometers to g to this Louve and Emma can't wait for us too long.

POV Dorian

jason left a good hour ago, I trust him, I know he will do everything for her, as he would have done for me. I must say tha hadn't even thought about the previous owner of the place, however, the old ones have much more experience than us a I have no doubt that this Wolf must have suffered her share of battles in the past.

I did what I could to sew up his head wound. Luckily I managed to find some thread and a needle. I'm not a doctor but it should work. I wipe a wet cloth over his face, cleaning the droplets of blood that stain his skin.

She was so courageous, she was much stronger than I expected. She's both our wife. I place my hand on his cheek before quickly kissing those lips. It hurts me to see her like this, but I can't do anything but wait and finally, I feel him coming back. I feel him approaching.

I quickly leave the room and leave the house. There are bodies everywhere, blood in every corner but when I see him arriving with this Wolf on his back, a glimmer of hope lights up my heart.

She moves down his back as he quickly regains his form.

~ 1am young Wolf, show me where your companion is.

He guides her to the house and I am surprised to see that she does not flinch for a single second in the face of the carna before her. She moves forward without looking back and enters the house before being guided towards the bedroom. For several minutes, she remains silent, examining him from all angles before declaring.

- You must put your leg straight and hold it firmly so that it consolidates correctly. We will need wooden planks, not too wide, and sheets to hold it in place.

- What about his head, asks Jason?

- I'm not a doctor but I don't think it's serious. She's going to have a good bump, but I doubt there will be any after-effec the most important thing is her leg, she said, turning towards us.

- We will find wood in my workshop, I said, already leaving the room.

Jason follows me and we return a few minutes later with two boards of what we consider a suitable size.

- You're going to have to help me, she said, looking at Emma. When we touch her leg, there is a chance that she will wake up and struggle, we will have to hold her steady so that we apply the splint as tightly as possible. His leg must remain straight, do you understand me?

We each place ourselves on one side of Emma and place our hands on her shoulders. This Wolf sighs deeply before tellin us,

- Ready?

- Ready, we said in one voice.

So she puts her hands on her leg and as soon as she lifts it slightly Emma opens her eyes and screams. She tries to stan up but we hold her firmly.

- it's going to be okay, my dear. We will treat you and you will quickly get back on your feet, I said, trying to reassure her. - You will see love, everything will be fine. We will take care of you, we will do everything for you.

She replaces her right leg and places the boards on each side as she takes the sheets to pull them together. Emma screar a little louder as her hands grip the sheets as if that will give her relief.

- You're going to get through this, young lady. You'll be walking on crutches for a few weeks but you'll be fine. Your Wolve will take good care of you, I'm sure of it, she said almost tenderly.

She tightens the linen around her leg a little more before tying a knot and takes out several bottles of medicine from the pockets.

~ This is all the painkiller I found at home, but it's strong, it should be enough, she said, handing them to us. You will nee to watch that his leg does not change color or become cold; if this is the case, go to the hospital.

- Thanks, Jason said, putting a hand on her shoulder. Thank you for everything you have done for us.

- You don't have to thank me, young Wolf. I know that as a Wolf we are not free to love who we want as we want. As soon I saw you, I immediately knew that you formed a close-knit group, much more than if you were simple friends, not to mention that your marks do not go unnoticed. You remind me and my partner of a long time ago, a long time ago. When I met him, I immediately understood that he was the love of my life only, he did not belong to the right pack and our respective Alphas forbade us to unite. But the bonds between companions are stronger than anything, I'm certainly not going to teach that to you. So we decided to flee, as far as we could and finally, although some people tried to stand in o way, we managed to get here. We spent our best years there, we had a child there, a son who has since joined a pack. We stayed there as long as we could, but unfortunately all stories have an end and my Wolf died a few months ago.

~ I'm sorry, I said, sensing his pain.

- Don't be young Wolf. It won't be long before I find him again, my time has passed on this earth, but I am happy to know that I have helped other Wolves, Wolves who like us at the time, are fighting for what is there. The dearest thing in the world is love.

Emma is breathing quickly, she’s sweating, but her gaze quickly passes over all of us and when she sees our wounds, she frowns before telling us.

- You need to take care of yourself.

- Don't move, young girl, Ill take care of your Wolves. Don't worry about them, they're strong, all this will soon be just a bad memory. You need to focus on healing yourself, she said softly.

She hands him a pill as I hurry to get him a glass of water.

- Three times a day, no more and within a week you start reducing the dose, okay?

Emma nods with a grimace, the pain emanating from her pierces my heart, but at least she’s alive and honestly, it could have been a lot worse than just a broken leg. She quickly swallows the treatment before this Wolf begins to take care of Jason.

“You don’t have to” he said. Dorian and I can take care of this.

- Certainly, but your partner would be more reassured if she saw you both being cared for.

- 1 agree, Emma said through gritted teeth.

So he lets it happen and for a few long minutes, she cleans his wound before dressing it and coming to take care of my back. Clearly, Jason was right, this Wolf is remarkable and full of wisdom. When she’s finished, she's already trying to leav but Jason offers her a drink which she gladly accepts. The scene is surreal, the outside is full of corpses and yet Jason prepares her tea as if nothing had happened. I don't know yet what's going to happen. I doubt Loic will let Ophélie’s deat 20 unpunished, but for now, we all need to get our act together.

jason takes her home while I stay with Emma. The bodies will wait a little longer, I don't want to leave her alone. I hold he hand in mine as she begins to fall asleep, the medicine is working and I hope it will be enough to ease her pain.

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