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Chapter ch 91

Six months later.

—Thorcitoo000000 —Andrea shouted and a second later Zack skidded in front of her.

“Are they coming already?” he asked, looking at his wife with those Shrek cat eyes.

“Yes,” she sighed. “They’ve had enough of kicking each other and now they’re kicking me!”

“Then it’s time to go to the hospital,” Zack exclaimed with a mix of excitement and fear on his face.

Without wasting any more time, he quickly prepared what was needed to take his wife to the hospital to welcome the babies. He helped her with her suitcase, opened the car door for her, and put his hand on Andrea’s shoulder to give her courage. As they drove to the hospital, she took deep breaths to stay calm, but Zack could see that her eyes were still filled with excitement for the babies that were about to be born.

Along the way, Zack remembered all the months of pregnancy filled with happiness. From the smallest and most tender things, like guessing the babies’ sex when Andrea was at the ultrasound; to those nights when he helped Adriana to look at her mother’s belly, giving her little massages.

When they arrived at the hospital they were taken straight to the delivery room. He was a little nervous, but he kept his cool for Andrea.

“Are you ready to see our babies?” Zack asked with a smile.

—Are you ready for me to break your fingers?

“Yes, my love, I’m ready!” he replied with an anxious sigh.

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They knew they would be there for each other and they were ready for what was to come.

Once in the delivery room, the real labor began. It was painful for Andrea most of the time, but that feeling became less so when she heard the sound of two beautiful voices crying. After several hours of a difficult labor, Andrea finally gave birth to her children, two identical twin boys. Zack was prouder than he had ever imagined. He and Andrea looked lovingly at their babies and hugged each other. Their children were beautiful and healthy.

“I’m going to die of love!” Zack exclaimed, watching them, bright red and bright.

Andrea’s face lit up as she held her children in her arms for the first time. Zack couldn’t believe how cute the babies were and was so proud of his wife for the brave job she had done to bring them into the world.

“I love you so much!” Zack said as he leaned down to kiss his wife on the forehead.

All her days of waiting had been worth it because now she had the most wonderful gifts in the world: her children.

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—We only need one more, she said with a flirtatious wink. —When do we do it?

Andrea glared at him and Zack kissed her on the lips to persuade her not to send him back to the couch.

When they were taken to the recovery room, Zack came out to give the family the incredible news.

—Soooooooon, baby boys! —she exclaimed and everyone rejoiced to hear that the babies were boys.

Uncles, grandparents and everyone else wanted to go in immediately to see the new members of the family.

It was a magical moment, full of emotion and love. Zack knew his life would never be the same now with his three little ones to care for, but he was ready for the challenge.

“Do they have names yet?” Luana asked, melted by her new grandchildren.

—Yes, this is Niko and this is Elias — Zack answered and everyone stared at them.

“And how do you know which is which?” Noémi asked, because they really were identical.

—Well, we’ll call them Elias and Niko until one of them starts responding to one of the names, then we’ll see — Andrea decided.

Needless to say, Adriana became overprotective of her siblings, and as soon as they arrived home they had to put her crib next to the babies’ cribs, because from that moment on she would never lose sight of them.

And that’s how the two new babies came into the family, with love and lots of happiness. Zack and Andrea were still as in love as the first day… and just as tired too!

The first few days at home were a wonderful mess, as the twins woke up all the time because they were hungry. Andrea and Zack did their best to share the work, but they were always exhausted.


Zack thought he was hearing it in a dream, but suddenly he opened his eyes and found Adriana next to his bed.

—Princess? Did you say something? Did you call me daddy?

“Daddy!” the little girl repeated, and Zack pouted as he picked her up and kissed her. Adriana threw her arms around his neck for a moment, but then pointed to the room, where her two little brothers were squealing with singular joy.

Andrea woke up and together they managed to give them their bottles and put them back to sleep.

“This is a crime, I don’t have enough boobs for both of us,” Andrea murmured as they lay down together to rest for a while before the day began.

“I love you,” Zack whispered close to her ear. “I love you with all my heart, Cupcake. There’s something I’ve been wanting to give you, but I was waiting for a special occasion, and this is it.”

She turned around and from her nightstand she took out a small velvet box that Andrea opened, instantly becoming speechless.

—Thorcito, this is… it’s beautiful.

The white gold bracelet was encrusted with diamonds and had a tiny phrase written inside:

“I hope you continue to be my first and last coffee.”

Andrea frowned in incomprehension and Zack smiled as he put it on her wrist.

—When you asked me to train you to be a representative… you bought me a coffee with the last coins you had — he told her.

Andrea’s eyes became moist as she remembered that difficult time in her life.

“I didn’t buy it, the guy at the cafe gave it to me,” she murmured. “But how do you know…” She was silent for a moment and then understood. “He didn’t give it to me, did he? You paid for it.”

Zack smiled.

—Then, like now, I would have done anything for you. I love you, Cupcake.

She put her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deep, loving kiss.

—I love you, Thorcito.

Dear reader: This isn’t over yet. In the next chapter, the story of Loan and her red-headed devil begins. Don’t miss it. See you soon!

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