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Chapter ch 90

Chapter 90: Awake for Two “Are you looking or am I looking?” It seemed simple but it wasn’t. Those five pregnancy tests were like seven-headed dragons. “Shall we both look?” she murmured and Zack took her hand in his in a comforting gesture. “Sweetheart, no matter what happens with these tests,” he said in a warm, deep voice, “I’ll always be happy with you. I love you.” He could feel the uncertainty in her eyes as she looked at the pregnancy tests. He knew they hadn’t planned on having another baby so soon, but whatever the result was they would face it together. “Let’s both look,” she told him, her eyes shining with anxiety. She knew something important was happening and whatever it was she just wanted to share it with him. The silence was so intense that they felt their hearts beating together as if they were one heart. They took the small pencil-shaped sticks and Zack picked up the first one. “Two little lines,” he murmured. Andrea held her breath and looked at another. —Two little lines… Thank you for reading on LeeNovelas.com. The third and fourth said “Positive” and the fifth said: “3 – 4 weeks.” —I’m… I’m… pregnnt… Zack hurried to catch up with her as Andrea fell into his arms wrapped in the lace of her dress. —That’s it, my love, calm down, you faint while I wait my turn, Zack whispered in her ear while her heart raced. She was pregnant! Andrea was pregnant and this time nothing and no one was going to stop that little life they had made together! Suddenly, Zack realized how much that moment meant to both of them. He realized how much he loved Andrea and no matter what happened, that would never change. Remember. Read this novel only on LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. He took her out of there and took her to one of the rooms they had for them, laid her down on the small couch and waited patiently for her to react. —Hi, Cupcake —he said, handing her a glass of ice water. She drank slowly and then looked into his eyes. —Thorcito… we’re having a baby boy. Zack bit his lower lip, trying not to let all that excitement overflow because then he would start screaming and scare everyone. —Yes, love, we’re having another baby. Are you okay? Do you want a massage? From now on, I offer myself as a s@xual toy for your hormones and as a chef… no, better not as a chef! He winked at her and she laughed. Uncontrollable laughter came out of her lips, expelling her fear and anxiety about the situation they found themselves in. —God! We’re having another child! —she exclaimed excitedly and threw her arms around his neck—. I can’t believe it! Are we ready? —But of course we’re ready, my love! You and I together are ready for anything! Deep down, they knew that there was no need to say anything because the love they felt for each other was enough.—And now? What are we going to do? —First we will go to the gynecologist to confirm it and then we will go on our honeymoon trip because we can’t miss something so important. Then we can tell the family, but for now I would love for it to be something that only the two of us can enjoy — he told her, kissing her tenderly. They tried to keep the secret for the rest of the evening, and no one was surprised that they looked exceptionally happy because everyone knew how much they were in love with each other. The next day they went to the gynecologist’s office to confirm the news. When they entered the office, the doctor greeted them with a big smile and sent Andrea to get some tests. Shortly after, he sat down in front of them again and smiled at them. —Congratulations, Mom and Dad. Yes, you are pregnant — he told them. The lady is only a few weeks along so we will have plenty of time to monitor that pregnancy. Zack and Andrea exchanged knowing glances and he whispered in her ear: —We did it, Cupcake, baby in the oven! Andrea didn’t know what to say, she was excited, thrilled, scared. However, that news only allowed one reaction and that was to celebrate. They decided to keep the secret for a few weeks to enjoy it between the two of them before sharing it with everyone else, so that afternoon they took the plane to their honeymoon and together they told Adriana that she would have a little brother. And it didn’t matter that she didn’t understand them yet, Zack still wanted her to be the first to find out, and above all to show her that no matter how many little brothers she had, she would always be his favorite princess. That was the most spectacular honeymoon of all, because the beginning of a pregnancy on a Greek island was definitely something memorable. Those two months flew by, leaving them with unforgettable moments. Starry nights near the seashore, breakfast under the sun with a view of the horizon, a garden party where they danced until the lights went out. Each day was more beautiful than the last, but finally the honeymoon ended and they decided to return home. It was time to share the big news with everyone, but first they wanted to know that everything was still going well. “We should wait for Adriana’s birthday, which is in a few days,” Zack said. “That way the whole family will be together.” “Yes, we can do that, plus I want to go to the doctor first. That way we can also bring you pictures of “the news,” Andrea laughed. They made their appointment with the doctor and the next morning after their return they showed up at the office. The doctor greeted them with a big smile and ordered Andrea to have an ultrasound. A few minutes later Zack held Andrea by the hand while the doctor brought the transducer to her. When the screen lit up, Zack and Andrea heard a lot of strange knocking noises from the speaker of the device and the doctor frowned over his glasses. “Is something wrong? Is something wrong?” Zack panicked. “Yes,“That’s a heartbeat you’re hearing,” the doctor replied. “Heartbeats? Is he playing a tumbadora or what?” Andrea asked because she didn’t remember Adriana’s little heart beating like that. The doctor smiled and confirmed: “Well, maybe one of the two will be a musician.” Zack and Andrea looked at each other in surprise. “Two? Do you mean…? Twins?” The doctor nodded as he showed them on the screen the two little bodies perfectly distinguishable from each other. “You’re not expecting just one baby, but two. And from what I see, they’re sharing the same placenta so… yes, it’s possible that they’re identical.” Zack was speechless but Andrea witnessed the biggest smile she had seen on her husband since the day they got married. “Can I faint now? It’s my turn!” Zack said and Andrea just pulled his hand to kiss it. “Of course not, now you have to stay awake for two, Thorcito!” she replied. They were happy, amazed, surprised. They were close to achieving their biggest dream: having two siblings for Adriana. They couldn’t believe it. They both left the doctor’s office happy. The days that followed were filled with joy and anxiety in equal parts. There was a lot to plan for the babies’ arrival, but the greatest gift would be sharing the news on their oldest daughter’s birthday. Finally, Adriana’s birthday arrived and the whole family gathered to celebrate.She was the first grandchild and the spoiled child of the family, so they were celebrating her the best birthday, giving her all the attention. After a lot of laughter, singing, and games, it was time to open the presents and blow out the candles, which everyone helped with with their best wishes. When they finished handing out the cake, Zack took Andrea by the hand and stood in the center of the room. “Family!” he said with a huge smile. “There’s still one more gift! One that we haven’t mentioned yet.” At that moment, all eyes were fixed on him, waiting for an important announcement. “Andrea and I are expecting siblings for Adriana,” Zack announced, while taking his wife’s hand. “We’re having twins!” he exclaimed. The news fell like an earthquake among the family who couldn’t believe what they had just heard. The explosion of joy was immediate. Grandparents, uncles, and friends with benefits began to hug them and congratulate them among exclamations of excitement. “Twins! Is it true? How wonderful!” —Mr. Nikola was excited as he hugged Adriana—. Did you hear, my love? We’re going to have siblings! But you’re always going to be Grandpa’s favorite, right? Happiness filled the air, that was wonderful news, but unfortunately it wasn’t the only news of the day and not all of it was good. That night, when a car parked to pick up Chiara, Loan came out of the house to talk to Jhon. —Is it true? —he asked, seeing the gloomy expression on his brother-in-law’s face. That woman didn’t lie to me? Is it true? Jhon handed him an envelope and Loan took out a document from it. It took him a second to see it and he doubled over, as if he couldn’t bear the meaning of that death certificate. —I’m so sorry —Jhon murmured—. Everything seems to indicate that yes, both Danna and the baby died… but I’m not so sure. Loan looked at him as tears ran down her face. —What do you mean…? —he murmured. —I don’t know, Loan, call it instinct, but if I were you, I’d keep looking.

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