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Chapter ch 86

—I don’t know anything! I swear I don’t know anything! At that hour Dr. Flynn was desperately drinking tea and shaking her head under Andrea’s watchful gaze. —I don’t even do that! I don’t record my sessions with my patients because… well, some of them are important, you know, public figures. So I just got used to taking notes. Andrea frowned. Zack had a copy of the recordings that Giselle had sent him, so it wasn’t a lie that they had been recorded. —Did anyone else have access to your office after you started seeing Zack? —she asked. Dr. Flynn shook her head. —No, no one new. — She tilted her head with a doubtful gesture. —Well, except for the cleaners, but they come every week to clean. I don’t know them personally, they’re hired by the building and I never paid attention to them until now. Andrea slowly stood up and began to pace around the place between unintelligible whispers. Dr. Flynn continued to watch her, the concern as clear on her face as if it were written on paper. She suddenly pulled out her phone, typed rapidly, and a second later leaned forward, showing her a photo. Andrea leaned forward and asked, “Do you know this woman? Thanks for reading LeeNovelas.com.” She saw the doctor swallow and took that as a yes. “She’s… she’s my patient,” she murmured. “But I can’t give her her details, medical confidentiality…” “Well, I’m afraid if she didn’t tell you her name was Giselle and that she was Zack’s ex, then she’s not your patient!” Andrea said. Dr. Flynn shuddered at those words. Giselle! Her patient’s name wasn’t that. The doctor was very scared when she realized that Giselle had used her office to infiltrate and, perhaps, even plant microphones to record the sessions with Zack. It was clear that she needed more information about all this. “Let’s go to the office!” Come on now…! Remember. Read this novel only on LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. Andrea realized that the doctor had really become ill, her heart was beating hard and sweat was freezing her forehead. They got into her car and in a few minutes they were already in her office. —God, how could this happen?! —exclaimed Dr. Flynn terrified—. I have dozens of elite patients in this office… If their therapies leak… Ruined! I will be ruined! Andrea looked around. —Do you notice anything out of place here? Anything? The doctor shook her head, frightened. —No, not really… God, the obsessives are my patients, not me! —she murmured—. I can barely find my cat. Andrea motioned for her to get to work and they turned the office upside down until the doctor stared at the stains adorning one of the lamps next to the couch and noticed that it had relief on it. She quickly pointed it out to Andrea and she pulled it out. It definitely looked like a microphone. “This is a mess!” the doctor exclaimed and Andrea pulled her out into the hallway.If this gets out, I’ll lose all my patients. Would they accuse me of complicity? Would they close my office? God! The media would have a party with me! Andrea shook her head wearily and denied it. —I’d better change offices, Dr. Flynn, let’s hope those recordings can be recovered without further harm to anyone. She turned her back and walked out. In the end, it wasn’t her fault, she had been fooled too, but the main thing was to recover those recordings. She spent that night without sleeping, desperate, because she couldn’t believe that this was happening. Whoever was writing her destiny must definitely be a sadistic and unnatural creator. She sat up in bed and looked at the ceiling as if she could see through it. —Hey, pretty girl, you’re going too far! —he murmured. “Don’t complain anymore, I give my greatest battles to my best warriors.” —Well, it seems to me that you confused me with Terminator, let’s see if you can tone it down a bit! —she grumbled and turned to the side to continue protesting as if the writer was really going to pay attention to her. The next day in the morning she heard a knock outside her door and just in case she grabbed the umbrella, however when she opened the door she saw that it was Chiara who had come to see her. —Is it true that you are not going to marry your brother anymore? —she asked directly. Don’t lie to me. Are you not going to marry him anymore? Andrea sighed and shook her head. —Not for now. Giselle is meddling in our affairs and threatening our lives and our family in a way that we must stop —she explained. That’s the first thing, get ourselves safe before thinking about anything else. Chiara frowned in annoyance. —I’m so sorry, Andrea. Giselle is not the only one responsible for all this; in the end it was Noémi and I who brought her to this country and we shouldn’t have done it —she sighed—. But I’m not going to let her manipulate your lives like that, so if you let me, I’m here to help. Andrea smiled sideways and moved away from the door to let her in. “Coffee?” After that the conversation was brief and the decisions were final. “Let it be known that I’m doing this for you and only for you,” she murmured, taking out that card. “Because it’s a major surrender of my pride.” She sighed and dialed the number, and as soon as she heard that voice she had to sit down. Jhon? I’m Chiara… Yes, I know I told you I wasn’t going to call you, but I need you… No, for that I have a Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit that works very well, what I want from you is a little more… professional… Yes… yes… “She narrowed her eyes and became desperate. “Look Jhon, I’ll send the plane and you come! Since you’re here, you can do it up to my ears, but please, come! Okay?” On the other end, they must have given her some flirtatious enough response to make her giggle, but she finally hung up and turned to Andrea. “He’ll be here tonight. If anyone can help us, it’s him.”Would they accuse me of complicity? Would they close my office? God! The media would have a party with me! Andrea shook her head wearily and denied it. “I better change offices, Dr. Flynn, let’s hope those recordings can be recovered without further harm to anyone.” She turned her back and walked out of there. In the end it wasn’t her fault, she had been tricked too but the main thing was to recover those recordings. She spent that night without sleeping, desperate, because she couldn’t believe that this was happening. Whoever was writing her destiny must definitely be a sadistic and unnatural creator. She sat up in bed and looked at the ceiling as if she could see through it. “Hey, pretty girl, you’re going too far!” he murmured. “Don’t complain anymore, I give my greatest battles to my best warriors.” “Well, it seems to me that you confused me with Terminator, let’s see if you can tone it down a bit!” —she grumbled and turned to the side to continue protesting as if the writer was really going to pay attention to her. The next day in the morning she heard a knock outside her door and just in case she grabbed the umbrella, however when she opened the door she saw that it was Chiara who had come to see her. —Is it true that you are not going to marry your brother anymore? —she asked directly. Don’t lie to me. Are you not going to marry him anymore? Andrea sighed and shook her head. —Not for now. Giselle is meddling in our affairs and threatening our lives and our family in a way that we must stop —she explained. That’s the first thing, get ourselves safe before thinking about anything else. Chiara frowned in annoyance. —I’m so sorry, Andrea. Giselle is not the only one responsible for all this; in the end it was Noémi and I who brought her to this country and we shouldn’t have done it —she sighed—. But I’m not going to let her manipulate your lives like that, so if you let me, I’m here to help. Andrea smiled sideways and moved away from the door to let her in. “Coffee?” After that the conversation was brief and the decisions were final. “Let it be known that I’m doing this for you and only for you,” she murmured, taking out that card. “Because it’s a major surrender of my pride.” She sighed and dialed the number, and as soon as she heard that voice she had to sit down. Jhon? I’m Chiara… Yes, I know I told you I wasn’t going to call you, but I need you… No, for that I have a Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit that works very well, what I want from you is a little more… professional… Yes… yes… “She narrowed her eyes and became desperate. “Look Jhon, I’ll send the plane and you come! Since you’re here, you can do it up to my ears, but please, come! Okay?” On the other end, they must have given her some flirtatious enough response to make her giggle, but she finally hung up and turned to Andrea. “He’ll be here tonight. If anyone can help us, it’s him.”Would they accuse me of complicity? Would they close my office? God! The media would have a party with me! Andrea shook her head wearily and denied it. “I better change offices, Dr. Flynn, let’s hope those recordings can be recovered without further harm to anyone.” She turned her back and walked out of there. In the end it wasn’t her fault, she had been tricked too but the main thing was to recover those recordings. She spent that night without sleeping, desperate, because she couldn’t believe that this was happening. Whoever was writing her destiny must definitely be a sadistic and unnatural creator. She sat up in bed and looked at the ceiling as if she could see through it. “Hey, pretty girl, you’re going too far!” he murmured. “Don’t complain anymore, I give my greatest battles to my best warriors.” “Well, it seems to me that you confused me with Terminator, let’s see if you can tone it down a bit!” —she grumbled and turned to the side to continue protesting as if the writer was really going to pay attention to her. The next day in the morning she heard a knock outside her door and just in case she grabbed the umbrella, however when she opened the door she saw that it was Chiara who had come to see her. —Is it true that you are not going to marry your brother anymore? —she asked directly. Don’t lie to me. Are you not going to marry him anymore? Andrea sighed and shook her head. —Not for now. Giselle is meddling in our affairs and threatening our lives and our family in a way that we must stop —she explained. That’s the first thing, get ourselves safe before thinking about anything else. Chiara frowned in annoyance. —I’m so sorry, Andrea. Giselle is not the only one responsible for all this; in the end it was Noémi and I who brought her to this country and we shouldn’t have done it —she sighed—. But I’m not going to let her manipulate your lives like that, so if you let me, I’m here to help. Andrea smiled sideways and moved away from the door to let her in. “Coffee?” After that the conversation was brief and the decisions were final. “Let it be known that I’m doing this for you and only for you,” she murmured, taking out that card. “Because it’s a major surrender of my pride.” She sighed and dialed the number, and as soon as she heard that voice she had to sit down. Jhon? I’m Chiara… Yes, I know I told you I wasn’t going to call you, but I need you… No, for that I have a Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit that works very well, what I want from you is a little more… professional… Yes… yes… “She narrowed her eyes and became desperate. “Look Jhon, I’ll send the plane and you come! Since you’re here, you can do it up to my ears, but please, come! Okay?” On the other end, they must have given her some flirtatious enough response to make her giggle, but she finally hung up and turned to Andrea. “He’ll be here tonight. If anyone can help us, it’s him.”Let’s hope those recordings can be recovered without further harm to anyone. She turned her back and walked out of there. In the end it wasn’t her fault, she had been tricked too but the main thing was to get those recordings back. She spent that night without sleeping, desperate, because she couldn’t believe that this was happening. Whoever was writing her destiny must definitely be a sadistic and unnatural creator. She sat up in bed and looked at the ceiling as if she could see through it. “Hey, pretty girl, you’re going too far!” he murmured. “Don’t complain anymore, I give my greatest battles to my best warriors.” “Well, it seems to me that you confused me with Terminator, let’s see if you can tone it down a bit!” he grumbled and turned to the side to continue protesting as if the writer was really going to pay attention to him. The next morning she heard a knock on her door and just in case she grabbed her umbrella, however when she opened the door she saw that it was Chiara who had come to see her. “Is it true that you are not going to marry your brother anymore?” she asked directly. Don’t lie to me. Are you not going to marry him anymore?” Andrea sighed and shook her head. “Not for now. Giselle is meddling in our affairs and threatening our lives and our family in a way that we must stop,” she explained. That comes first, getting ourselves to safety before thinking about anything else. Chiara frowned in annoyance. “I’m so sorry, Andrea. Giselle is not the only one responsible for all this; in the end it was Noémi and I who brought her to this country and we shouldn’t have done it,” she sighed. “But I’m not going to let her manipulate your lives like that, so if you let me, I’m here to help.” Andrea smiled sideways and stepped away from the door to let her in. —Coffee? After that the conversation was brief and the decisions were final. —Let it be known that I am doing this for you and only for you —she murmured taking out that card—. Because it is a major surrender of my pride. —She sighed and dialed the number, and as soon as she heard that voice she had to sit down. Jhon? I am Chiara… Yes, I know I told you I was not going to call you, but I need you… No, for that I have a Satisfyer Pro G— Spot Rabbit that works very well, what I want from you is a little more… professional… Yes… yes… —she narrowed her eyes and became desperate—. Look Jhon, I am in charge of the plane and you are coming! Once you are here you can do it up to my ears but please, come! Okay? On the other end they must have given her some flirtatious enough answer to make her laugh under her breath, but finally she cut the call and turned to Andrea. —He will be here tonight. If anyone can help us it is himLet’s hope those recordings can be recovered without further harm to anyone. She turned her back and walked out of there. In the end it wasn’t her fault, she had been tricked too but the main thing was to get those recordings back. She spent that night without sleeping, desperate, because she couldn’t believe that this was happening. Whoever was writing her destiny must definitely be a sadistic and unnatural creator. She sat up in bed and looked at the ceiling as if she could see through it. “Hey, pretty girl, you’re going too far!” he murmured. “Don’t complain anymore, I give my greatest battles to my best warriors.” “Well, it seems to me that you confused me with Terminator, let’s see if you can tone it down a bit!” he grumbled and turned to the side to continue protesting as if the writer was really going to pay attention to him. The next morning she heard a knock on her door and just in case she grabbed her umbrella, however when she opened the door she saw that it was Chiara who had come to see her. “Is it true that you are not going to marry your brother anymore?” she asked directly. Don’t lie to me. Are you not going to marry him anymore?” Andrea sighed and shook her head. “Not for now. Giselle is meddling in our affairs and threatening our lives and our family in a way that we must stop,” she explained. That comes first, getting ourselves to safety before thinking about anything else. Chiara frowned in annoyance. “I’m so sorry, Andrea. Giselle is not the only one responsible for all this; in the end it was Noémi and I who brought her to this country and we shouldn’t have done it,” she sighed. “But I’m not going to let her manipulate your lives like that, so if you let me, I’m here to help.” Andrea smiled sideways and stepped away from the door to let her in. —Coffee? After that the conversation was brief and the decisions were final. —Let it be known that I am doing this for you and only for you —she murmured taking out that card—. Because it is a major surrender of my pride. —She sighed and dialed the number, and as soon as she heard that voice she had to sit down. Jhon? I am Chiara… Yes, I know I told you I was not going to call you, but I need you… No, for that I have a Satisfyer Pro G— Spot Rabbit that works very well, what I want from you is a little more… professional… Yes… yes… —she narrowed her eyes and became desperate—. Look Jhon, I am in charge of the plane and you are coming! Once you are here you can do it up to my ears but please, come! Okay? On the other end they must have given her some flirtatious enough answer to make her laugh under her breath, but finally she cut the call and turned to Andrea. —He will be here tonight. If anyone can help us it is himWhoever was writing her destiny must definitely be a sadistic and unnatural creator. She sat up in bed and looked at the ceiling as if she could see through it. “Hey, darling, you’re going too far!” she murmured. “Don’t complain anymore, I give my greatest battles to my best warriors.” “Well, I think you confused me with Terminator, let’s see if you can tone it down a bit!” she grumbled and turned to the side to continue protesting as if the writer was really going to pay attention to her. The next day in the morning she heard a knock outside her door and just in case she grabbed her umbrella, however when she opened the door she saw that it was Chiara who had come to see her. “Is it true that you’re not going to marry your brother anymore?” she asked directly. Don’t lie to me. Are you not going to marry him anymore? Andrea sighed and shook her head. “Not for now.” Giselle is meddling in our affairs and threatening our lives and our family in a way that we must stop,” she explained. “That’s the first thing, getting to safety before thinking about anything else.” Chiara frowned in annoyance. “I’m so sorry, Andrea. Giselle isn’t the only one responsible for all this; in the end it was Noémi and I who brought her to this country and we shouldn’t have done it,” she sighed. “But I’m not going to let her manipulate your lives like that, so if you let me, I’m here to help.” Andrea smiled sideways and stepped away from the door to let her in. “Coffee?” After that the conversation was brief and the decisions were final. “Let it be known that I’m doing this for you and only for you,” she murmured, taking out that card. “Because it’s a major surrender of my pride.” She sighed and dialed the number, and as soon as she heard that voice she had to sit down. “John?” I’m Chiara… Yes, I know I told you I wasn’t going to call you, but I need you… No, for that I have a Satisfyer Pro G— Spot Rabbit that works very well, what I want from you is a little more… professional… Yes… yes… —she narrowed her eyes and became desperate—. Look Jhon, I’m in charge of the plane and you’re coming! Since you’re here, you can really piss me off, but please, come! Okay? On the other end they must have given her some flirtatious enough answer to make her laugh under her breath, but finally she cut the call and turned to Andrea. —He’ll be here tonight. If anyone can help us, it’s him.Whoever was writing her destiny must definitely be a sadistic and unnatural creator. She sat up in bed and looked at the ceiling as if she could see through it. “Hey, darling, you’re going too far!” she murmured. “Don’t complain anymore, I give my greatest battles to my best warriors.” “Well, I think you confused me with Terminator, let’s see if you can tone it down a bit!” she grumbled and turned to the side to continue protesting as if the writer was really going to pay attention to her. The next day in the morning she heard a knock outside her door and just in case she grabbed her umbrella, however when she opened the door she saw that it was Chiara who had come to see her. “Is it true that you’re not going to marry your brother anymore?” she asked directly. Don’t lie to me. Are you not going to marry him anymore? Andrea sighed and shook her head. “Not for now.” Giselle is meddling in our affairs and threatening our lives and our family in a way that we must stop,” she explained. “That’s the first thing, getting to safety before thinking about anything else.” Chiara frowned in annoyance. “I’m so sorry, Andrea. Giselle isn’t the only one responsible for all this; in the end it was Noémi and I who brought her to this country and we shouldn’t have done it,” she sighed. “But I’m not going to let her manipulate your lives like that, so if you let me, I’m here to help.” Andrea smiled sideways and stepped away from the door to let her in. “Coffee?” After that the conversation was brief and the decisions were final. “Let it be known that I’m doing this for you and only for you,” she murmured, taking out that card. “Because it’s a major surrender of my pride.” She sighed and dialed the number, and as soon as she heard that voice she had to sit down. “John?” I’m Chiara… Yes, I know I told you I wasn’t going to call you, but I need you… No, for that I have a Satisfyer Pro G— Spot Rabbit that works very well, what I want from you is a little more… professional… Yes… yes… —she narrowed her eyes and became desperate—. Look Jhon, I’m in charge of the plane and you’re coming! Since you’re here, you can really piss me off, but please, come! Okay? On the other end they must have given her some flirtatious enough answer to make her laugh under her breath, but finally she cut the call and turned to Andrea. —He’ll be here tonight. If anyone can help us, it’s him.—Is it true that you’re not going to marry your brother anymore? —she asked directly. Don’t lie to me. Are you not going to marry him anymore? Andrea sighed and shook her head. —Not for now. Giselle is meddling in our affairs and threatening our lives and our family in a way that we must stop —she explained. That’s the first thing, getting ourselves to safety before thinking about anything else. Chiara frowned in annoyance. —I’m so sorry, Andrea. Giselle is not the only one responsible for all this; in the end it was Noémi and I who brought her to this country and we shouldn’t have done it —she sighed—. But I’m not going to let her manipulate your lives like that, so if you let me, I’m here to help. Andrea smiled sideways and moved away from the door to let her in. —Coffee? After that the conversation was brief and the decisions were final. —Let it be known that I’m doing this for you and only for you —she murmured, taking out that card—. Because it’s a huge surrender of my pride. —She sighed and dialed the number, and as soon as she heard that voice she had to sit down. Jhon? It’s Chiara… Yes, I know I told you I wasn’t going to call you, but I need you… No, for that I have a Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit that works very well, what I want from you is a little more… professional… Yes… yes… —she narrowed her eyes and became desperate—. Look Jhon, I’m in charge of the plane and you’re coming! Since you’re here, you’re going to piss me off, but please, come! Okay? On the other end they must have given her some flirtatious enough answer to make her laugh under her breath, but finally she cut the call and turned to Andrea. —He’ll be here tonight. If anyone can help us, it’s him.—Is it true that you’re not going to marry your brother anymore? —she asked directly. Don’t lie to me. Are you not going to marry him anymore? Andrea sighed and shook her head. —Not for now. Giselle is meddling in our affairs and threatening our lives and our family in a way that we must stop —she explained. That’s the first thing, getting ourselves to safety before thinking about anything else. Chiara frowned in annoyance. —I’m so sorry, Andrea. Giselle is not the only one responsible for all this; in the end it was Noémi and I who brought her to this country and we shouldn’t have done it —she sighed—. But I’m not going to let her manipulate your lives like that, so if you let me, I’m here to help. Andrea smiled sideways and moved away from the door to let her in. —Coffee? After that the conversation was brief and the decisions were final. —Let it be known that I’m doing this for you and only for you —she murmured, taking out that card—. Because it’s a huge surrender of my pride. —She sighed and dialed the number, and as soon as she heard that voice she had to sit down. Jhon? It’s Chiara… Yes, I know I told you I wasn’t going to call you, but I need you… No, for that I have a Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit that works very well, what I want from you is a little more… professional… Yes… yes… —she narrowed her eyes and became desperate—. Look Jhon, I’m in charge of the plane and you’re coming! Since you’re here, you’re going to piss me off, but please, come! Okay? On the other end they must have given her some flirtatious enough answer to make her laugh under her breath, but finally she cut the call and turned to Andrea. —He’ll be here tonight. If anyone can help us, it’s him.“Since you’re here, you’re going to do it up to my ears, but please, come! Okay?” On the other end they must have given her some flirtatious enough answer to make her giggle, but she finally hung up and turned to Andrea. “He’ll be here tonight. If anyone can help us, it’s him.”“Since you’re here, you’re going to do it up to my ears, but please, come! Okay?” On the other end they must have given her some flirtatious enough answer to make her giggle, but she finally hung up and turned to Andrea. “He’ll be here tonight. If anyone can help us, it’s him.”—she said. Meanwhile, Andrea and Chiara began to work together on a plan to gain access to Giselle’s apartment. After much discussion, the twin suggested that the best option was for Zack to invite her on a date. —Well, that would definitely solve the problem, because we won’t need the recordings. If that shameless woman lays a finger on him, I’ll skin her right now! —Andrea growled. —I know you don’t like the idea, but you know it’s the only way to keep her out of the building without arousing suspicion. Her objective was clear: to turn Giselle’s apartment upside down until she found all the recordings. However, telling Zack and getting him to agree was the hardest part. —The idea was simple and ingenious —Jhon agreed twelve hours later, while the four of them met in absolute secrecy at Andrea’s house—. That’s why it has to work. —What if she saves a copy of the files in the Cloud or something? —Chiara asked and the CIA Director of Organized Crime looked at her as if he wanted to eat her right there. —That’s what my technicians are for, as soon as the originals are in our possession, they will erase any trace of Giselle on the network, but we need to get the originals and those must be on a USB or on a computer. Finally everyone agreed, and convinced of her decision, Andrea immersed herself in the preparations for Zack’s date. She chose a luxurious restaurant, the most expensive in the city because she imagined that was her style and while Zack adjusted his suit, she couldn’t pull on his tie. —You’re not allowed anything! Do you understand? Not even to keep up appearances! —she warned him. Zack smiled tiredly, nodding. —I’m not going to do anything, but what if she jumps on me? —he asked and she showed him her fist. —Well, if it’s to distract her you can let her kiss you… But if I see a tongue I swear I’ll cut it out, Zack, I’ll cut it out! —The tongue? —And everything else too! Is that understood? He wrapped her in a tight hug and nodded. —Of course I do, boss —he murmured. Andrea swore that she had never felt worse in her life than at that moment when she had seen him walk out the door, ready to meet that bitch. But there was no time for helplessness because five minutes later Chiara parked her sedan in front of the house. —Ready for the show, sister-in-law?

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