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Chapter ch 59

Andrea was furious when she saw Mason enter the interrogation room. She knew he had every intention of getting revenge and now she knew where it all came from. “You bastard! It was you!” she exclaimed, standing up because she had no doubt that this was Mason’s doing. He gestured to the police officers who quickly left the room leaving them alone. “You’re not the only one with good contacts in the police,” he said, turning off the small camera inside the room. “It turns out that if you pay enough, you can get a lot of help in the honorable police department of the city.” Andrea clenched her fists helplessly. “You’re a criminal, and you’re going to pay for this! Zack is not going to sit back and watch you frame me!” she spat with hatred. Mason had set up a trap for his own benefit, what Andrea didn’t know was that she was just the bait. Mason looked at her with disdain, as if challenging her to do something, and smiled cynically. —Well, the truth is that the evidence is irrefutable. Two kilos of the purest cocaine on the market in your truck… except that it’s not your truck, it seems that you are not a very lucky woman. Andrea froze. —It wasn’t for me… —she understood instantly—. You were trying to frame Zack. —And you, like an idiot, took his truck —Mason sighed lazily—. Either way, my goal was achieved. I don’t care who’s in jail, him or you, the point is that you’re going to be separated. Thanks for reading on LeeNovelas.com. —Damn bastard! How can you do this to us? How can you not think about the damage you’re doing to a little girl? You’re a monster! —You can believe what you want, but I’m going to get my revenge one way or another, even if it means I have to take you to jail —Mason growled—. Besides, if you’re so interested in the brat, all you have to do is tell the truth: that the truck belongs to your little boyfriend. “I’m not going to frame Zack for me! Is that what you’re looking for? For me to betray him?” she snapped. “The truth is that I don’t care, because either way I’m going to get what I want.” Mason moved a little closer. “If he goes to jail, you’re left alone, and I’ll take care of getting you even if I have to lock you up in a damn basement. And if you go to jail, they’ll take the girl away from him, I’ll ask for her again and in a few years, when you get out of here, the brat will be with me and you’ll have no choice but to kiss the ground where I walk again.” Andrea looked at him horrified. How could someone be so ruthless? “You can’t make them take my daughter away from me anymore!” she shouted desperately. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. —Ah, but I have powerful friends who can! After all, I got two kilos of drugs just to frame them, didn’t I? Andrea was speechless. She was furious, but also scared. She was sure that Mason was willing to do anything to get what he wanted. —Get out of here!—she screamed helplessly—. I’m not going to let you get away with this! —I already did it, Andy, I already did it! —Mason laughed—. You just have to choose who to betray, your daughter, or your lover. It’s as simple as that. —Mason looked at her defiantly—. But I’ve already learned that your millionaire only takes the most… legal paths, so now he won’t have any chance to stop me. Without saying another word, he turned around and left the room. Andrea stared at the empty space for a moment, and then rested her head on the table. She was alone and terrified. She didn’t know what was going to happen now, only that she couldn’t choose between Zack and her daughter, because in both cases she would lose Adriana. —I want my call and my lawyer— was the only thing that came out of her lips the next time the door opened. —But Mr…. —I want my call and my lawyer. I want my call and my lawyer. I want my call and my lawyer… —You can keep shouting it and you won’t get it today! “You’re going to sleep in this little room until I say so!” the policeman growled and Andrea pressed her lips together. “Then I’ll keep yelling it. I want my call and my lawyer. I want my call and my lawyer. I want my call and my damn lawyer!!!” The policeman left there frustrated and Andrea sat down in her chair and cried bitterly against the handcuffs. However, not even fifteen minutes had passed when a commotion was heard outside, agitated voices, screams and that door was violently opened to let in a furious man. Andrea felt her soul return to her body when Zack ran towards her and wrapped her in a hug. She felt like she was about to faint, she couldn’t even hug him because she was handcuffed to the table, but as soon as her eyes met his, she knew what she had to do. “Don’t let go of me,” she said in the most controlled voice she could. “I’m not going to do it, love, we’re going to fix this, I promise…” “Zack!” —she interrupted him, hiding her face in the crook of his neck and speaking very quietly so that only he could hear her—. Listen to me… you have to take Adriana with you. Zack tried to pull away to look her in the eyes but she let him. —Listen to me! They’re going to take her away from you… I can’t explain it to you now but they’re going to take her away from you, Mason is going to hurt her, you have to take her… —she sobbed desperately—. The suitcase that’s in the house… the plan B in case things didn’t work out… you have to do it. —Andrea…! —You have to do it! You have to get her safe. Promise me… When Zack leaned back his eyes were full of tears. —I can’t leave you alone…! —Yes you can! Yes you can because she comes first! —Andrea replied looking him in the eyes. Our daughter comes first! Promise me! Zack felt as if the earth was opening up beneath his feet. He didn’t even understand what was happening, but Andrea’s desperation and anguish knew no bounds and he knew it was for a reason. “I’ll explain it to Gazca, I’ll explain everything to him, but please go away,” Andrea sobbed.You have to do it now, you have to do it now! Please, I beg you…! A second later Zack’s lips hit hers in an urgent and sad kiss. Andrea tasted the salt of his tears mixing with hers, but she only felt relief when he took her face in his hands and nodded. —I love you, I love you with all my soul, I swear I’ll come back for you. Okay? I love you! —he said in a hurry and with one last kiss he left there. It was true that he didn’t know anything, but he wasn’t going to question her. He lifted Adriana from Milo’s arms and his brothers followed him to the parking lot. —Stay with Andrea, I have to travel. I’m going to the house to get some things and get on the plane. I’ll be back as soon as possible—he said. —But… what happened with Andrea… —Loan tried to understand. —I don’t understand it either,But I can’t stay and find out right now. Please stay with her. Let Gazca keep you posted and keep me informed. Okay? His brothers nodded and hugged Zack. They knew he would do what was best for Andrea, and that if he said he was leaving it was to help her in some way. Shortly after, Zack loaded Adriana’s suitcase into the car, put the baby in her car seat and drove off to the airport. An hour later a private plane took off for Switzerland, and Zack left in it, taking the baby with him. He was taking her out of Canada as Adriana Keller, and he knew they would probably never be able to return under her real name. He felt devastated to leave Andrea but he knew it was the right thing to do. He had made mistakes in the past that had put his happiness with her at risk, so this time he decided to act quickly to avoid further problems. During the flight he tried to understand what had happened, but the truth was that he had very little information until he received that call from Gazca. “It was for you.” Zack felt the world fall on him as he listened to the lawyer explain what had happened. “The trap was for you to fall for, for you to go to jail. In fact, he gave Andrea that option.” Zack held his breath as his heart raced. “What are you talking about, Gazca?” “That he gave her the choice between the girl or you. He told her that if she turned you in, that if she said it was your truck and blamed you, he wouldn’t do anything against her and the girl.” Zack didn’t even know what to say, he just understood the magnitude of what was happening. “And she didn’t.” “She was smarter than that. She chose both of you,” Gazca stated. “So don’t tell me what you’re doing because I don’t want to know, I just need you back as soon as possible to figure out the next steps.” “Will you be able to get her out on bail?” Zack asked. —I don’t think so, I’ll try, but we’re not talking about a simple drug possession charge, we’re talking about two kilos of coke, Zack, that’s trafficking, so it’s not going to be easy to get her out of this without a good plan. Zack nodded, but the more he talked to Gazca the more worried he became, however he had to face the conflicts one by one, the first of them: Where to leave Adriana? The trip was long but when they finally arrived, Zack had already made his decision, and less than an hour later, when he knocked on the door of that apartment in Zurich, one of the twins stood stunned looking at him. —Zack…? What are you doing here?

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