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Chapter ch 58

As they began their short road trip, Zack and Andrea headed north and the scenery quickly changed. The air smelled of pine and the sky was brighter. They drove with the windows down and the wind in their faces, while Zack sang along to the radio and Adriana laughed in her car seat in the backseat. After a few hours, they turned off the highway onto a gravel road and drove a few more miles until they reached Mrs. Wilson’s residence. It was a small, picturesque villa surrounded by grass and trees. As they approached, they saw numerous elderly people exercising in the middle of the garden, while others settled into the rocking chairs and chairs on the terrace. Mrs. Wilson welcomed them with open arms and a huge smile on her face. She told them about her life at the residence and the new friends she had made. “The truth is that I really like it here. I thought I wouldn’t, but you see, all these people go at my pace,” she smiled. “We always have some news about our families and on weekends this place is full of children.” To Andrea’s relief, Mrs. Wilson looked well taken care of, her room was private, clean, and cozy, and the nurses were always very attentive to her medications. By the time the visit was over, Zack could see that Andrea was truly happy, because she knew that one of the people who had helped her in her time of need was happy and protected. As the sun began to set, Zack and Andrea thanked Mrs. Wilson for her hospitality and said goodbye. The old lady gave them a big hug and waved goodbye as they walked away. When they arrived in Vancouver, Zack took Andrea to dinner at a cozy little restaurant near their house and they talked about their day. They laughed and reminisced about Mrs. Wilson’s prospective boyfriend and how much fun Adriana had had. The next day, Zack woke up more sluggish than usual. Thanks for reading at LeeNovelas.com. “Let’s see, Mr. Lazybones. Aren’t you going to work?” she tried to wake him up by giving him a kiss. —Cake, please, I spent the whole night making love to you, even studs need to rest! Andrea choked on laughter, but she had to give him credit, he had really done an excellent job. —Well, I have to go to the office to get some papers, how about you come with me just for a little while? —Andrea asked him. —But of course not! If I go with you that little while will turn into the whole day and I want us to rest before we leave. So you go, I’ll wait for you here naked so you can hurry back —he coaxed her. —You convinced me! —Andrea exclaimed caressing her naked chest. —I’ll take your truck and I’ll be back in less than an hour. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. —Fine, but be careful. She nodded and gave him a little kiss goodbye. As soon as Zack heard the door close he took his cell phone and made a call.“She just left,” he told the team of bodyguards he had hired for her. He didn’t want Andrea to be apprehensive and scared all day, but he wasn’t an idiot. He knew he had to take care of her because Mason was still a threat, so when he wasn’t with her, a couple of professional bodyguards followed her around to protect her. Already scared of sleep, Zack got up and carrying Adriana headed to the kitchen. He needed to start the day with energy, so he got to work preparing a tasty breakfast to greet Andrea with when she returned. Adriana was curled up in her little chair by the table, watching as her dad opened the refrigerator to take out the milk from her bottle and prepare it. She was a happy little girl, and Zack melted at the sight of her smile. He took her in his arms while he fed her the bottle and she tried to grab the strands of his hair with her tiny little hands. Adriana was taking her first sips, when her phone started ringing. With a sigh, he approached the cell phone when he saw the number and answered it in a worried voice. “Hello?” He expected to be told that Andrea had arrived at the office without problems and that everything was calm, but no such luck. “Mr. Keller, we have a problem,” said the voice of one of the bodyguards on the other end of the line. “What happened, is Andrea okay?” he asked, his heart in his mouth. “Healthwise, yes, but the police stopped her truck at a roadblock and they’re arresting her right now,” the bodyguard told him. “It doesn’t seem like a simple ticket… it seems like something more serious.” “Follow the patrol car and tell me which police station they’re going to!” Zack exclaimed, and then everything around him became urgent calls and rush. Andrea, for her part, hadn’t had any idea what it was about until one of the police officers had ordered her to stop the car on the side of the road. The truth was that everyone was rushing past until they reached her. She frowned as she watched them unleash dogs around the car and rolled down the window to hear an officer ask her to get out of the car. That was when the nightmare began. The police searched the truck thoroughly. Andrea didn’t understand, it was as if they knew there was something illegal there, and in what seemed like an eternity they began to move everything around and took out two white packages that were under the spare tire. “We have it,” one of the officers said and another approached her, reading the name on her license. “Andrea Brand,” he said, holding her hands behind her back. “You’re under arrest for drug possession and trafficking.” Andrea’s eyes widened in horror. “Drugs?! What…? What are you talking about?!” she exclaimed, frightened. “We found two kilos of cocaine in your vehicle,” another officer said. “We’re taking you to the police station for questioning immediately.” Andrea felt like she was going to faint from fear. Drugs? The truck wasn’t even his to begin with, but she was sure Zack wouldn’t get involved in something like that either.Luckily, he had been close enough to the company’s numbers to know where Zack’s money was coming from and that everything he did was completely legal.So if it wasn’t hers and it wasn’t Zack’s either, it could only be a trap. After all, those police officers seemed to know very well what and where to look for. So she knew that denying that those packages were hers wouldn’t be enough for the officers, they didn’t listen to her explanations. While she tried to defend herself, one of the female police officers approached her. “If you haven’t done anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about,” she growled hoarsely. “Now get in the patrol car before they also charge you with resisting authority.” When they put the handcuffs on her, tears began to fall from Andrea’s eyes, she knew something was wrong, and the situation became even more tense when the patrol car received the order to take her to the Police Station for questioning. Meanwhile, the bodyguards had informed Zack where they were taking her and he was trying to locate Gazca to go help her immediately. She felt helpless not knowing what was going on, but whatever it was, she would do everything possible to get her out of there as soon as possible. “I’m not going to talk without a lawyer,” she murmured when they handcuffed her to the table in that little interrogation room. “I think you’re mistaken, Mrs. Brand,” a policeman laughed in her face. “This isn’t a Hollywood movie. If you don’t declare, everything will be worse for you.” “And you’re mistaken if you think I’m ignorant. I was a teacher for several years, and I know that I don’t have to tell you anything without my lawyer because everything you say can be used against me,” she replied in a firm voice, although she couldn’t hold back her tears. So I want my phone call, and I want a lawyer.” “Don’t push my patience, ma’am.” “I want a lawyer.” “It’s best for you to cooperate!” “I want a lawyer!” Andrea shouted, banging the table. She couldn’t believe that all this was happening, but she wasn’t willing to allow herself to be hurt again. A brief knock on the door stopped the detectives and when they looked inside someone said something important. “It seems you no longer need to call me, Mrs. Brand, there is someone asking for you. Would you like to see him?” Andrea’s heart filled with relief because all she could think about was Zack. No one else could be so attentive to her. However, when that door opened completely, the figure that appeared in her field of vision was not the one she expected.

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