Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 43

“What happened to her?” I can hear voices all around me, but I can’t see them. Everything around me is so dark. “Alex? Where are you?” I’m starting to panic. “I’m right here baby.” Suddenly his hand is in mine. “You’re okay. Just hold on a second.”

He peeled something off my eyes, light hurting my eyes. Opening them, I can see everyone standing around a hospital room, what the hell?

“What happened to me?” Sitting next to me, holding me close. “Baby you were convulsing in pain, then you passed out. We couldn’t get you to wake up.” Looking around the room, Raphe Rolf are there, but no Nick or Violet. Someone knocked at the door, looking up a doctor is standing there, holding a hospital chart.

“Come in. What did you find?” Alex asked, holding me all the tighter. The doctor closed the door, coming closer to us. Looking closer at him, he’s a demon; I’m just not sure what kind he is. “Z this is a friend of ours Max, we have friends in every hospital, police station, everywhere. He’s an ice demon.” Nodding. “Hello nice to meet you. What have you found out doc?” “Miss Lane. Congratulations. You’re four weeks pregnant.” Sitting back, did he just say, what I think he’s saying?

“I’m sorry, did you just say? Am I pregnant?” He nodded. “Yes you are. Other than that you are in fine form. I will give you a moment alone.” He bowed and left, closing the door behind him.

Looking at Alex, he’s staring out the window. Does he even want it? “Alex? What are we going to do here?” He still didn’t say anything, setting my hands on my stomach, there’s actually a baby in there. I never thought that I would have children, but now there’s this life growing inside of me.

“Alex? Please say something.” Turning to look at me, a huge smile on his face. “We’re going to have a baby.” Kissing me, I can’t believe he’s reacting like this. Kissing him back. “I love you. I love you so, so much.” He said pulling back. Smiling. “We’re going to have a baby.” He nodded. “Yes we are.”

The guys cleared their throats; looking over, they both have huge smiles on their faces. “Congratulations you two.” Raphe said, hugging us both.

“Thank you so much.” Clearing my throat. “Can I get out of here now? I would really like to get out of here, and go home.” Alex nodded, kissing my head. “I will go take care of it.” Rolf stayed with me while Alex and Raphe went and took care of the paperwork. Climbing out of bed, Rolf handed me my clothes.

“I am really happy for the two of you.” “Thank you.” Going into the bathroom, I changed looking at my stomach; I can’t believe there is a baby in there. How would Zack react to my news? If I ever see him again, now I’m really starting to wonder if I will ever see my best friend ever again.

Knocking at the door, I pulled on my jacket and walked out, Alex is there smiling at me.

“Are we ready to go now?” “Yes we are. Let’s head home.” Taking my hand we started out of the hospital, but Alex stopped me grabbing a wheelchair.

“Oh no. I am not getting in that thing.” “You are carrying very precious cargo, you are getting into that chair until we get to the car.” Sighing I know there is no way for me to get out of this, I sat in the chair, allowing them to push me like a baby.

I hope he isn’t going to act like this for my entire pregnancy, I will kill him if he does. I have never been treated like this in my life, and I don’t intend to start now. Except for the chair to the car, of course.

Walking into the house, it feels like ages since I have seen these walls, even though it has only been a few hours, a day if that. “We’re home.” Alex called. Suddenly Violet and Nick are both there, Violet pulling me into her arms, crushing me against her chest.

“I am so happy you’re okay. I was so worried.” Hugging her back. “I’m okay honey. Everything is okay.” Moving back, she’s crying.

Wiping her eyes, I said. “Now let’s go have a seat, we’ll talk and have something to eat.” Leading her to the dining room, she’s wearing my ring around her neck. I told her to keep it safe for me, and she did; just like I knew she would. Sitting next to her, she pulled the chain from around her neck.

“This is yours. I told you I would keep it safe for you.” Setting it back on my finger, she smiled. “Alex should we tell them now, or later?” “I think now is good.”

I nodded.

“Violet, Nick we have something to tell you. There is going to be a new addition to the family. Alex and I are having a baby. Violet you are going to have a baby sister or brother.” She jumped up, hugging me. “I can’t believe it. We’re going to have a baby!”

I’m glad she’s happy for us, I thought she would be upset about the baby, but now I know I was crazy to think that. “I am so happy right now. I can’t believe it.”

She sat back down as our food came in. We ate in silence for a while, Raphe is the first one to say anything.

“So what will you two do when the baby comes?” He has a point, we haven’t talked about that. “Well I don’t know. I guess we’ll have to talk about all that stuff.” I said looking at Alex. He nodded. Raphe cleared his throat. “I have an idea. I have this huge house, and you will need something large enough for the four of you. So if you want, you all can stay here. So this house will not seem so empty in the future.”

Smiling at him, I can’t believe this. “Are you sure? I mean this is very generous of you, but it’s a lot to take on.”

He nodded. “I know it is. But you all are my family. The only family I have left in this world. I would be honoured if you would stay here and have your baby. Have him or her grow up here.”

Looking at Alex to see what he thinks about all this. He nodded. “Raphe I think that is an amazing idea. Thank you so much. We would love to stay here with you.” “It’s settled down then. What about you Nick, Rolf. What will you do when all this is over?”

Rolf set his glass down. “Well I guess I’ll head back to my pack and get things back to normal for everyone. We have a lot of cleanup to do when all this ends. Whenever that might be.” “What about you Nick?” He shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t really have anywhere to go.” Raphe nodded, almost as if he knew that was the case for him.

“Well you may stay as well. I have all this space and there will soon be a new baby to take care of.” Nick put a huge smile on his face, like he just won the lottery. “I would love to stay here. Thank you Raphe, for everything.”

We finished our dinner, Violet and I said we were going to her room to talk. Giving Alex a kiss, we left heading upstairs. She jumped on her bed, while I closed the door, watching how happy she is right now. “I can’t believe it. I’m going to have a little brother or sister.” “I know. I still can’t believe it myself. With everything going on right now, this could be really dangerous for the baby.”

“Mom. I know you’re worried, but dad and everyone else will be fine. Nothing is going to happen, to any of us.” “You know, I love hearing that.” “Hearing what?” “You calling me mom.” She smiled, looking down at her hands. “When my mom died, I never thought I would have that again, but now I do. I have this whole new life here, and I never want to lose that again.”

Taking her hand, forcing her to look at me.

“I know. When I found this world, I was alone like you were. But then I found Alex. He was the one that told me everything I know about it. I love this world, I want to protect it at all cost, but I also want to protect the human world. And those rogues are going to pay the price for their own stupidity.” “Don’t worry we’ll deal with the rogues, they won’t hurt the humans, we’ll get them long before that happens. I know we will.”

Giving her a hug. She is so brave, I love this girl. “Come on, let’s see if we can pick out the new baby room.” She nodded, jumping off the bed.

Going out, I heard someone knocking on the door. “Who could that be?” Going down, Alex and Raphe are already there. Opening the door, a young guy is standing there, he’s a vampire; I know he is.

Alex pulled a gun on him. “Who are you, and what do you want?” He raised his hands in surrender. “I’m not here to hurt anyone. I swear it.” “What do you want?” “Please. Just let me explain everything.” Lowering his gun, he allowed him to come into the house. “Come in.” Closing the door, he looked up at Violet and I.

“Come with us.” Alex said starting up the steps towards us. Going to the den, we all took a seat while I lit a fire in the hearth.

“Why are you here, and what do you want?” He cleared his throat. “I’m one of the rouge vampires.” Alex pulled his gun again pointing it at his head.

“Please. I didn’t come here to fight. Just put the gun down and let me explain what I’m doing here.”

“You have two minutes.”

He nodded.

“Alright. I didn’t have much of a choice in becoming a rouge. I was forced by the others. I want all this fighting to stop. Too many lives have been lost because of that monster there all following.” “How did you get through the wards?” “There not as strong as you think they are. I came here to ask for your help to stop all this. I know where they are, and what their plans are.”

“Why do you want to get rid of them?” “Like I said. I never wanted to be one of them. I was forced to be one of them. I want them all destroyed, once and for all.” Alex nodded, putting his gun away. “If you really mean that, then start to tell us everything you know.” He nodded. He did just that, telling us everything he knows. We called a meeting, and we headed to the office. Walking through the building, this place will be the beginning of the end of this war.

I didn’t want Violet to come, but Alex said she has to, so everyone knows that he now have an heir.

Will he tell them about the baby, or will he wait until all this is over? Walking in, everyone is separated into their groups, while we went to the rest of us went to the center to get this over with.

“Thank you all for coming.” Raphe bellowed. “We have new information about the rogues. We know where they are, and we are going to take them out, once and for all.” Cheers went up around the room.

“Silence! Now we have to be smart about all this.” They made a plan and I tried my best to pay attention to what they were saying.

“We are set then. We meet at the location tomorrow at dawn. Everyone move out.”

“Come on we have to get out of here and make preparations.” Nodding, we all made our way back to the car. Rolf left us to go meet up with his wolves.

Alex’s phone started going off.

“Hello? What? What the hell did you do?” He listened, then swore some more. What is going on? “Just get it done. Have it done when you call me next.” Hanging up, he ran his fingers through his hair. “What is going on?” “They lost Zack.” “What? What the hell happened?” “He somehow got out. They woke up and he was gone. They’ve been looking for him, but he somehow managed to cover his tracks.” Rage rolling through me.

“They had better find him. Or they will have me to deal with.” Setting his hands on my arms. “I promise, we will find him. You don’t have worry.” “I better not.”

Going out to the car, I climbed in slamming the door.

What hell is wrong with him? Doesn’t he know what is going on? Why would he possibly leave? He was being protected, he was going to come back when all this was over and dealt with.

Sighing I leaned back against my seat as we drove back to the house.

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