Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 41

Opening my eyes, I don’t know where I am, or what happened to me. My body won’t respond to any commands, calling my fire, it won’t even respond to me. What is happening to me?

Movement next to me, making me jump. Looking over, Alex is lying next to me, sleeping. “Alex? Alex wake up.” He moaned opening his eyes. “Hey. You doing okay?”

“No. No I’m not. Why can’t I move?” Sitting up, moving closer to me.

He started poking, and prodding all over me. “I don’t understand what’s going on, you should be able to move.” “Well I can’t.” “You need to feed.” Bringing his wrist to my mouth. “Drink, hopefully it will help you.” Nodding I bit into his wrist, his blood spilling into my mouth.

After four good swallows, I let go of his wrist, letting the sensation, flow through me. Ever so slightly, I can start to feel my limbs again. “What did you do Z?” “What do you mean? I didn’t do anything.” I said shaking my head. “Z Yesterday, you freaked out, and your demon side came out, as well as your fangs. Then you passed out on us.” Shaking my head.

“I don’t remember any of that.”

Managing to move, I sat up, looking at Alex. The doors burst open, Violet came running in; jumping at me. “Thank god you’re okay Mom!” Smiling, I held onto her, she just called me mom. “I’m okay baby. I’m going to be fine.” Sitting back, she stared at me.

“What happened to your eyes?” “What do you mean?” “There still blue, but there so pale now, there almost silver.” “Really?” She and Alex nodded. “And your hair is a lot longer than it was before.” “It’s okay. Are you okay?” “Me? I’m not the one that died. When I saw you, I was so scared, I never want to see you like that again. I lost my mom, and I won’t lose you too.”

Hugging her tight, Alex left the room, going to the bathroom to give us some privacy.

“You don’t have to worry. Alex gave me his blood, I’m all good sweaty. Do you know you called me mom?” She gave me a look. She had no idea she called me that. “I did? I’m sorry.” “It’s okay. You can call me mom if you want. It won’t bother me in the slightest.”

Her phone went off. “It’s Nick. He said dinner is ready, and will be served in a couple minutes.” “Ok. I need to go change.” Helping me up, my body still isn’t back to normal. “What happened to you?” “I don’t really know. I used both my powers, and it kind of drained me.” “You need to be more careful.”

Alex said coming out dressed in jeans and a button down. “I know. I didn’t mean for that to happen, she just made me so mad. I snapped.” “Who made you mad?” “Her name is Elvira. She’s an ice demon, and doesn’t like me all that much. And frankly, I don’t like her either. So I guess we’re even.” Going to my room, I grabbed a dress, since I’m not sure I can manage pants just yet.

Grabbing a long simple red and orange dress I went behind the screen to change.

“Hey Z?” “Yeah hon. what is it?” “Are you and dad getting married?”

Shocked I don’t know what to say right now. “I don’t know. He hasn’t said anything. Why has he said something to you?” “No. I just know that you two love each other, and I think it would be nice if you did. That’s all.” Stepping out, Violet got me a pair of flats I can step into. “Come on. You need to eat.”

Following her out, we made our way to the dining room, there’s flowers on the table, and candles lit everywhere. Alex Nick and the other are there waiting for us, sitting next to Violet, food came in, and we sat down to eat. “I’m so glad that you’re doing better Zaphira.” “Thank you I am as well.” Violet poured herself a glass of blood, and poured me one. Taking a sip, it tastes like heaven. Drinking the whole thing it’s like I haven’t drank anything in days. “So what is going to happen to me?”

Raphe gave me a look. “Whatever do you mean?” “Since I’m now, whatever I am, a hybrid. Where does that put me?” “Well we don’t really know. But we do know one thing, we are not telling anyone. Except for your eyes, you look like you did before, but we can tell them that your eyes changed from your demon form.”

Nodding I took a bite of my food. I don’t really want to eat, but I guess I don’t really have a choice in the matter, looking at Violet she won’t let me stop.

Our plates were cleared and dessert was served. Alex got up and set a red velvet box in front of me.

“What is this?” I asked looking at everyone. “It’s your new crest. For vampire and fire demon.” Opening the box, sitting inside is the most beautiful crest I have ever seen. Flames around a heart, only the heart has stitching going down the center. Sitting on a long gold chain.

“It’s beautiful. But why do I need this? I thought you said no one could find out about me?”

Leaning forward Alex said. “We did say that, but we wanted to give this to you. It’s what you are now, and you belong to both worlds.” Setting it around my neck, it’s perfect. “Thank you, I love it.”

Kissing him, he went back to his seat; and we continued to eat. Dinner is amazing, every bite is like an explosion to my taste buds. “Is this what it’s like for you Alex?” He nodded. “Yes it is. You get used to it after a while.”

Smiling he gave me another glass of blood; this is the weirdest feeling.

After we finished eating, Violet said she wanted to train downstairs for a while. I said I would join her, since I need to figure out what’s going to happen between my fire demon and vampire sides.

We went up to our rooms and changed, then headed down.

Looking around the basement, it looks so different in here. They have weights, and all this stuff set up everywhere. “So what do you want to start with?” Violet asked, sitting on the bench.

“Well I want to see how hard it is for my demon form to come out.” “Cool. Let’s see it.” Moving away from her, I called my fire to the surface.

Forming a small sun like I did before, spreading my arms until its large enough for me to step into completely.

“Z what the hell are you doing?” Looking over, Alex Raphe Nick and Rolf are standing there, staring at me. “I just want to know if I can still change. Please don’t try to stop me. I’m doing this, weather you want me to or not. If you’re staying then move back and watch.”

Taking a deep breathe, I gave Violet a smile, and her eyes shining as she waits for me to continue. Stepping into the sun, I felt is starting to seep into my body; as my form starts to emerge.

Feeling every part of my being change, my gown of flames, my wings and tail staring to form.

The sun drained into my body, stepping through in my other form, everything feels so different now. I love it. Turning to everyone, Alex is standing there, holding a camera. “Well? What do you think?” “You look amazing! I never thought that you would be this beautiful, when you change.” Violet said coming closer to me.

Taking a step back, I told the change to start, and within seconds I’m back to me.

Smiling at them, Alex cleared this throat. “That’s enough for today. Everyone upstairs.”

Following them up, Alex and I went to my room, closing the door behind us. Pulling me into his arms.

“You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. Now an even more amazing hybrid.” Kissing me, he brought us to the bed, quickly depositing of our clothes and quickly pushed into me, making me gasp, at the sudden intrusion. Quickly he started moving in out, thrusting deep into me. Pulling him down, pressing our mouths together, he pushed into me, making me come.

After a few strokes, he embedded himself as deep as he can, and emptied himself into me. His orgasm lasting far longer than last time, sending me over again, coming right along with him.

Collapsing next to me, pulling me into his chest. “I love you.” I said snuggling into chest. He moved slightly pulling something from his pants. Looking at it, he’s holding a small red velvet box.

What is he doing?

Sitting up next to me, pulling the sheet covering me. “Z I’ve wanted to ask you this for a long time.” “Alex what are you doing?” Setting finger to my lips. “Just listen. Ever since I first met you when you walked into my bar, you had no idea the world you had just stepped in. But from that first moment, I knew that you were the girl that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”

Opening the box, sitting inside is an amazing ring. Black gold setting, with a ruby sitting in the setting, two curves surrounding the ruby, with patterns going around the band. “Zaphira lane will you do the honors of becoming my wife?” “Yes! Yes I will merry you.” Setting it on my ring finger, hugging him tight, I’m so happy right now.

“I love you Z I love you so damn much.” Kissing him, holding onto him. I can’t believe he just asked me to marry him, I’m so happy right now.

Moving back, leaning against the head board, I can’t stop staring at the ring on my finger. “How are we going to tell the others?” “Well, dinner is in a while, I thought we would just tell them then.”

“How do you think there react to the news?” “Honestly I don’t know. Nick knows, but the others don’t. I haven’t even told Violet about it yet. But I think she will be happy for us. She already thinks of you as her mom.”

Smiling, pressing a kiss to his chest, moving back. “Then we should get cleaned up.”

Getting out of bed, Alex followed me into the bathroom. “What do you think you’re doing?” I asked stopping him. Smirking at me.

“I thought we were going to shower.”

“Well I was planning on showering alone.” Wrapping me in his arms. “You could, but I thought we would save some time, and just do it at the same time.”

He’s right it would. Taking his hand, leading him into the shower, closing the doors behind us, turning the water almost to scalding. We started washing, but quickly got distracted.

By the time we finished our shower, it had taken us almost a half an hour, and we kept getting distracted. Stepping behind the screen, I made Alex leave so I can get dressed. Slipping into a light dress, I don’t know how we’re going to tell everyone.

Will they be happy for us? Will they be mad? Looking at the ring again, he said it was made special for me, so it can withstand my fire.

“You ready Z?” “Yeah.” I said stepping out, Alex dressed himself in jeans and a nice dress shirt. Taking his hand I said. “Let’s go get this thing over with.”

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