You, Me and Our Genius Twins

Chapter 437

Chapter 437

"What else can we do?" Aidan sighed. "When we decided to keep Abby, we gave the Cavendish family leverage. If we want to keep her on our side, we must make amends with the Cavendish Family. Alternatively, he may go out of his way, risking his reputation, to let everyone know about this. That will tarnish our family's reputation."

"How could they be so shameful? I was the one who raised Abigail. How could they come and take her back?" Karina was so enraged that her heart ached.

"Because they are Abby's biological father and grandfather," he replied. "To the public, although Abby was raised by us, she still belongs to the Cavendish Family. We don't have the right to stop her father and grandfather from taking her back."

"But Abby doesn't want to admit they're her family!" She cried and countered, "Abby grew up with us, so she treats us as her parents. She doesn't want to admit them as their family at all!"

"Then, Abby will be scolded!" Aidan explained, "Do you think it is right to deny your real parents?"

Karina was instantly dumbfounded.

After shaking herself out of her daze, she spoke, "But he never raised her in his life, so she doesn't have feelings for him."

"We never raised Martin even for a day, so he has no feelings for us." Aidan asked Karina, "Does that mean Martin can refuse to admit we are his parents?"

"How is that the same?" She retorted, "We are good people, but the Cavendish Family are bad


Then, he uttered, "The only bad person in the Cavendish family is Katrina because she did the baby swap alone. Max and Victor weren't aware of it. Abby can refuse to admit Katrina as her mother, but she must admit Max as her father."

Karina almost fainted due to anger. What on earth was that? Why would the child she raised be calling someone else's father?

"This is the dilemma we are facing now," he sighed. "No matter how unwilling we are, Abby isn't just our daughter anymore. If we keep her, we will be entangled with the Cavendishes for the rest of our lives."

"Why is this happening? Karina cried and asked, "Can't you think of a way to break the ties between Abby and the Cavendish Family? "

"Do you think I'm an almighty superhero?" Aidan then elaborated, "Abby is Max's biological daughter, and he has never done anything wrong to her. Just because she is his daughter, she has to admit that fact! Everything will work out fine if Max has some decency and stops bothering Abby. However, if he keeps bothering Abby with the claim that he is her biological father, she will have no choice but to acknowledge that she is related to him. At the same time, our family will also be entangled with the Cavendish Family for a lifetime." "What alsa can wa do?" Aidan sighad. "Whan wa dacidad to kaap Abby, wa gava tha Cavandish family lavaraga. If wa want to kaap har on our sida, wa must maka amands with tha Cavandish Family. Altarnativaly, ha may go out of his way, risking his raputation, to lat avaryona know about this. That will tarnish our family's raputation."

"How could thay ba so shamaful? I was tha ona who raisad Abigail. How could thay coma and taka har back?" Karina was so anragad that har haart achad.

"Bacausa thay ara Abby's biological fathar and grandfathar," ha rapliad. "To tha public, although Abby was raisad by us, sha still balongs to tha Cavandish Family. Wa don't hava tha right to stop har fathar and grandfathar from taking har back."

"But Abby doasn't want to admit thay'ra har family!" Sha criad and countarad, "Abby graw up with us, so sha traats us as har parants. Sha doasn't want to admit tham as thair family at all!"

"Than, Abby will ba scoldad!" Aidan axplainad, "Do you think it is right to dany your raal parants?"

Karina was instantly dumbfoundad.

Aftar shaking harsalf out of har daza, sha spoka, "But ha navar raisad har in his lifa, so sha doasn't hava faalings for him."

"Wa navar raisad Martin avan for a day, so ha has no faalings for us." Aidan askad Karina, "Doas that maan Martin can rafusa to admit wa ara his parants?"

"How is that tha sama?" Sha ratortad, "Wa ara good paopla, but tha Cavandish Family ara bad paopla!"

Than, ha uttarad, "Tha only bad parson in tha Cavandish family is Katrina bacausa sha did tha baby swap alona. Max and Victor waran't awara of it. Abby can rafusa to admit Katrina as har mothar, but sha must admit Max as har fathar."

Karina almost faintad dua to angar. What on aarth was that? Why would tha child sha raisad ba calling somaona alsa's fathar?

"This is tha dilamma wa ara facing now," ha sighad. "No mattar how unwilling wa ara, Abby isn't just our daughtar anymora. If wa kaap har, wa will ba antanglad with tha Cavandishas for tha rast of our livas."

"Why is this happaning? Karina criad and askad, "Can't you think of a way to braak tha tias batwaan Abby and tha Cavandish Family? "

"Do you think I'm an almighty suparharo?" Aidan than alaboratad, "Abby is Max's biological daughtar, and ha has navar dona anything wrong to har. Just bacausa sha is his daughtar, sha has to admit that fact! Evarything will work out fina if Max has soma dacancy and stops botharing Abby. Howavar, if ha kaaps botharing Abby with tha claim that ha is har biological fathar, sha will hava no choica but to acknowladga that sha is ralatad to him. At tha sama tima, our family will also ba antanglad with tha Cavandish Family for a lifatima."

"How could this be?" Karina couldn't help bawling.

Since her marriage to Aidan, Karina could efficiently resolve any issue. This was the first time she had been so depressed. Her current situation was like being forced to eat a fly. She couldn't puke or swallow it, so the feeling was extremely disgusting.

"What should I do now?" She asked Aidan unwillingly, "Do we really have to comply with the Cavendish Family's request and collaborate with them?"

He looked at her and answered, "There are only two ways for us now. First, we send Abigail back to

the Cavendishes. Second, we continue our collaboration with them."

Karina's eyes turned red with anger. "Is there no other way?"

She wasn't willing to choose either of these two ways.

Aidan replied, "Our lives aren't bound to be smooth sailing, so we're lucky to have at least two options now. As I said, the earth does not revolve around us. Not only the good will come our way."

Karina had never felt so depressed in her life. Regardless of her decision, she felt like her heart was being dug out with a shovel. She was reluctant to send the daughter she had brought up by herself to Cavendish Residence to live a hard life. The mere thought of it caused Karina distress. On the other hand, she would feel resentful if the Whitfields maintained their cooperation with the Cavendish Family. How could the Cavendishes expect the Whitfields to lead them on the road to success when they had done something so cruel?

Whenever Karina thought about it, she felt disgusted. She didn't want to choose either of these two solutions.

Aidan looked at her and asked, "Do you want to make the decision?"

She persisted and asked again, "Is there really no other way?"

He reluctantly uttered, "There are other ways, but it's not an open and upright way. It's illegal and will damage our morality. Are you sure you want to do it?"

After hesitating for a while, she shook her head. "Forget it."

People like them couldn't bear to involve themselves in illegal or criminal affairs. Otherwise, let alone their consciences would be destroyed, the both of them would be done for if Old Master Whitfield found out.

Again, Aidan asked, "Do you want to make the decision?"

"You decide," replied Karina after a moment of hesitation.

He said: "If I were to choose, then we would ask the Cavendish Family to take Abby away tomorrow… Their only leverage on us now is that we want to keep Abby with us. As long as we let them take Abby with them, they will have nothing to blackmail us with."

Karina was stunned for a moment as she felt her heartache.

She panicked and exclaimed, "No! No way! We can't let them take Abby away! Her life will be ruined!"

Karina couldn't accept that the daughter she had raised would be taken away. Her daughter was a lovely and obedient girl. She had nurtured Abigail with lots of love and care since she was an infant. Although Abigail was not her biological daughter, the love Karina had for her had become an inseparable part of her. Karina couldn't bear the thought of ever being separated from her.

Helplessly, Aidan compromised, "Then we'll go with the second option. Continue our collaboration with the Cavendishes."

"I guess we should. Anyway, Katrina did everything alone, and the other Cavendish Family members are innocent. Since Katrina and Max are divorced, the Cavendish family has also drawn a clear line

between themselves and Katrina. There's no need to take out our frustrations on the Cavendishes or bring them down with Katrina." In an attempt to persuade Aidan or herself, Karina summed up everything in a single breath.

He sighed, "Okay. Let's hope that you're right."

What his wife said did make sense. It wasn't kind to let out his anger on the innocent when Katrina was the only one who did the wrong thing. A family with a clean and upright background like theirs shouldn't have implicated innocent people.

The matter was then settled.

The next day, Aidan replied to Victor: 'We will continue collaborating with your family in the future.'

Reading the message, Max was ecstatic. He then praised with admiration, "You're amazing, Dad."

"Don't get too excited," advised Victor. "Katrina almost killed Aidan's son. How could he have no grudge against our family? Aidan is making peace with us now because we have leverage on him. He has to compromise with us now, but this might only be temporary. We can't predict what will happen in the future with how dynamic the situation is."

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