You Broke Me First Phoenix Mountain Series Book 3

Chapter 7


I woke with the morning light pouring into my room.

I rolled to my back and covered my eyes with my arm.

Holy shit! Did last night actually happen? I've never ever had anything like that.

She was a rabid animal. My God. The way she works that body. Damn. My fantasies don’t even compare. The girl’s a fucking pro.

I reach over to her and feel cold sheets.

I turn my head. She’s gone.

My brow stitches together as I lift my head. “Allie?” I call to the bathroom.

I pull the blankets off and scrub my face. I grab my phone and look at the time. It’s 7:30am. I grab my pants and pull them on.

“Allie? You in here?” I walk to the bathroom, give a little knock and peek in.

I turn and bite my cheek.

Heading downstairs, thoughts of the wild gymnastics we did run through my brain. I chuckle to myself and shake my head as I get to the first floor.

“Allie, I have to say, you are one wildly hot…” I get to the living room and look around.

Her stuff is gone and she’s nowhere.

She ditched me? Me. She pulled a morning ditch? Really?

I heave a sigh and head upstairs to get ready for work.

Maybe it’s not what I think. Maybe she had to get to work and she just didn’t want to wake me up. That’s probably what it was.

There’s no way she’d ditch me after what we did last night.

You don’t walk away from that kind of hot, sexy, sweat inducing sex. I don’t care who you are. It was the kind of sex you can’t get enough of and I definitely want more.

I’ve never hit a conquest twice, but Allie makes me want to hit her again and again and again. My core craves it now. Her control and aggressiveness had me so fucking hot, I didn’t want to stop. I don’t want to stop. This is one prey I’m going to continue to hunt.

I grab my keys and head for work.

I wonder what she likes for breakfast. I swing past a donut shop and pick up some food and coffee.

I’m humming to myself as I enter the recruitment center.

I’m joined by Peter again. “You got that list?”

I roll my head back. “Shit. I forgot.”

“Darcy!” He scowls.

“I’m sorry Ok. I’ve just been…distracted.” I say as I pull out my key card and swipe it.

Peter opens the door. “With your memory?”

I smirk. “Yeah. Let’s go with that.” I say as I enter the hallway.

“Please tell me you didn’t forget the list because of a girl.” He groans.

“Dude. Not just a girl. She’s a fucking animal! She stopped by my place last night. Holy fuck. My condo shook, man. It was incredible.” My brows shoot up.

Peter holds up his hand. “Ok, Darcy. First of all, I don’t need to hear about your latest score. Second, get that list! Like today.” He scowls.

“Ok. I will. First, I need to find my little sex kitten.” I throw a huge grin at him.

He shakes his head. “See you on the field.” He claps my shoulder and walks away.

I walk through the office area to the halls of the main Security unit building. My chest is fluttering at the thought of seeing Allie again.

I get even get the perma grin off my face. I’m freaking flying high this morning.

As I round a corner and walk into the main hall of the building, I see her. She so fucking hot in a black business skirt suit.

I put a hop in my step and jog around people walking in, to catch up.

I'm all smiles as I jog up beside Allie.

“Good morning.” I lean to her, catching her slightly off guard. “Got breakfast.” I grin as I hold up the coffee and food.

She glances at the food then me. She turns forward, holding her head high. “I already ate.” She mumbles.

I droop my hand with the tray a bit. “Oh. Ok.”

I walk with her to the elevators. “So, listen. Last night was absolutely…” I start, smiling and slowly shaking my head.

She whips around. Her face was stone. “Last night was last night.”

My jaw goes slack and my eyes are unblinking. “What?”

She gets on the elevator and turns to me. “It meant nothing, Alpha. It was pure release. Just be glad I knocked on your door at all.”

I stood there as she arches a brow and hits the button.

I stand in disbelief as her unchanging face is covered by the closing door.

What the hell just happened? I’m so confused. Did she just...?

I get bumped by people rushing for the next cars.

My sneakers squeak on the shiny marble floor as I turn to head back to the recruitment unit.

Her words rattle my brain. I don’t get it. How? How is this even possible?

I get to the locker room and throw out the coffee and food.

I get to my locker and open it. I don’t know how to feel right now. Rejected is a good one. A little mad. Mostly just confused that this woman is pulling my own game on me. I think that’s what pisses me off the most. She’s throwing my shit at me and I’m not liking it at all.

“Hey, bro.” A large hand slaps my back.

I roll my head to Brody. “Hey.”

He leans on the locker beside mine. “You ready for some new recruits?”

I glance at him. “Yeah. I guess.”

“What’s up? You seem off.” He asks.

I grab my bag and slam my locker. “You ever had a girl just jump your bones then fuck off and act like it never happened?”

He rubs his chin. “No. Can’t say that I have.”

I look down. I shake my head. “I don’t get it. She blows me off for weeks, she comes at me like a fucking banshee and then blows me off again. What do I do?” I look at him.

He rubs his neck. “I don’t know, bro. It sounds like you’re a hook up.”

I stop him and point at him. “Darcy Bourne is not a hook up. I do the hunting.” I thump my finger into my chest.

He puts his hands up. “Bro, I’m just saying. It sounds like you were this chick’s hookup. Just enjoy it and move on.”

I shake my head and push my way through the metal doors. “No. No way. It’s my game, not hers.”

We drop our bags under a tree. Brody crosses his arms. “Whatever, dude. From what I see, she’s got her own game going…” He leans to me. “And you’re losing.” He claps my shoulder and runs out to the field.

I stand there with my hands on my hips and biting my upper lip.

If Allie thinks she can throw my game at me and get away with it, she has another thing coming.

I need to turn this around. Make her see what she did didn’t affect me.

I scope the field. It’s full of new recruits.

I’m not going to let her think she’s got me on the hook.

I need a target.

I watch the girls bounce and trot across the field. A lot stir my insides. Long hair, long legs and sexy tight t-shirts.

I’d be breaking about 20 unit rules, but I need to prove to Allie, no, I need to prove to myself, that I’m still in charge here.

I jog out to the field and stride up to a leggy blonde. I throw out a charming smile. “Hey. Want some help?”

She looks at me and smiles. “Sure. I could use some. I just can’t get this move down.”

I nod. “Ok. Let’s see what you got and I’ll see what I can do.”

She smiles and smirk back.


At break, I’m smashing her lips behind the North Barracks building.

My hand is up her shirt as I lick and suck her neck.

“Yes…” She moans.

I go back to her lips. “You like that baby?”

“Oh yes…” She pants.

As I’m kissing her and feeling her up, thoughts of Allie float through my mind.

I try to focus on the task at hand, but there’s one problem.

I’m not exactly rising to the occasion.

I decide to try a different tactic.

“On your knees, baby.” I growl.

She smiles and goes down.

I tilt my head back. My breathing speeds up at the feel of her lips around my shaft.

I look down and watch her head bob. I grab her ponytail and try to enjoy the sight.

But I fucking can’t!

I pop her off my dick and do up my pants. “I’m sorry. I just…I can’t.”

“What?” She looks at me confused. “You’re just going to stop?”

“Trust me. It’s not you.” I hold my hand out to her.

She crosses her arms and eyes me up and down. “Dick.”

She spins around and walks away.

I stand with my arms crossed and hanging my head.

“Fuck!” I growl as I kick at the dirt.


After my utter humiliation of failure to perform, I walk into the council room.

Taking my seat, I glance and see Allie. Her eyes find mine and I break away. I’m not given her the satisfaction of knowing she’s getting to me.

Ricky starts the meeting. “Ok. First, I’m proud to announce that the University is almost complete and registration will begin in the next few months. We'll be interviewing professors and staff over the next few weeks.”

I smile and rub my hands together. “Alright!”

Peter turns to me. “Why are you excited?”

I arch a brow. “Uh…hot sorority girls.”

The table groans.

Ricky looks at me. “The university isn’t a pick up joint, Darcy. Don’t even think about it.”

I lean back and grin. “Hey, if they come to me, it’s fair game, Rick.”

I lace my hands on my chest and flick my eyes to Allie. She scowls and I shoot her a smirk.

Zander eyes me. “Behave yourself.” He growls.

I smile. “All I can do is try.” I hold out my hands.

“Moving on.” Ricky starts. “Darcy. How’s your head?”

I shrug. “Fine.”

“She means your memories.” Zane growls.

I look at Ricky. “Still blank.”

Zander looks at me. “So Azrael’s not helping?”

Zane slams back in his chair. “No. Darcy can’t get his brain out of his pants for five minutes to let Azriel work.”

“Hey. I’m trying Ok.” I point to him.

Azriel rests his laced hands in the table. “I did manage to nudge a couple things out our young Alphas…rather preoccupied brain. A raven and the sound of crashing waves.”

Zander rubs his chin. “Not a lot is it.”

“Afraid not.” Azriel says.

Zander points to me. “You start focusing. We need what’s in your head so stop screwing around.”

“Alright.” I scowl. “Calm down.” I flop back in my chair.

Zander shakes his head and looks away.

Ricky leans on the podium. “Now, how’s recruitment?”

Peter leans on the table. “Good. We just need a few more lists and I’ll have all the numbers for you next week.”

Ricky nods. “Good. How are they looking?

Brody scrubs his head. “They need work, but we can handle it.”

“Great. Keep me posted.” She says.

The meeting went on and I found myself glancing at Allie the whole time.

I still can’t believe she’d do me like this.

After the meeting, I get up and walk to Allie. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

Bear walks by and eyes me.

Allie looks at me. “No.” She follows Bear out.

I’m right behind her. “Allie, please. Just a minute.”

“I’m busy.” She grits.

“Come on. I just want to know why?” I plead.

“Why what?” She eyes me.

“Why you’re like this? What’s wrong?” I ask.

“That’s none of your business, Alpha. Now, go away.” She doesn’t look at me.

“Al, please.” I say quietly.

“She said go.” Bear growls from over his shoulder.

I stop and watch them walk away. I rub my head and try to process what’s in my chest right now.

Peter comes up behind me. “You ok?”

I flop my hand down. “I’m fine.”

I stuff my hands in my pockets and walk to the slowly to the elevator.

I lied. I’m not fine. I’m confused, frustrated and I think I’m even hurt.

The worst part is, I don’t even know why.

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