You Broke Me First Phoenix Mountain Series Book 3

Chapter 23


A few hours turned into a couple of days before the council agreed to allow me to be free in Atlas.

It was horrible, but finally I’m in Darcy’s arms again.

My legs are intertwined with his on the bed in our room.

He’s kissing me and caressing my cheek.

“I missed you so much.” He whispers on my lips.

I run my fingers through his hair. “I missed you too.”

His kisses are so soft and tender, I didn’t realize how much I missed his lips until now. Darcy may be sexually aggressive, but he really can be a real romantic when he wants to be. Which is just one of many things I love about him.

“You saved me twice. I can never show you how much I love you.” I say, playing with his shirt.

“I’ll save you every time forever and you don’t have to show me a thing.” He leans in and smiles.

“Forever?” I whisper.

He looks into my eyes. “Forever.” He gently confirms.

He tucks my hair behind my ear. “You’re mine, Sam. Forever and always. In a couple months, you’re going to make me the happiest Alpha on the planet.”

“What are you saying?” I ask.

“I fought. I cried. I died for you. There’s no way, Samantha Donald, that you aren’t my Fated. You put up with my manipulations. Forgave me for them. This heart…” He points to my chest. “Is the only one that would find anything good in a guy like me.”

My cheeks flush and I smile. “You did believe that I wasn’t evil when I wouldn’t believe it myself.” I look down. “You may have done questionable things, but what I did…I shouldn’t be your fated, but this heart…” I point to his chest. “Is the only one that could find forgiveness and have hope that I’m a good person.”

He raises my eyes to his. “Stand under the moon with me?”

I smile. “Yes.” I whisper.

He smiles and wraps his arms around me. “I love you, Samantha. Nothing’s ever going to break it apart.”

He pulls back and places his hand in my hair. He kisses me passionately.

His hands move down my arms to the hem of my tank top.

The heat between us builds as he breaks the kiss and slowly takes off my tank.

He kisses my neck and chest. He reaches back with one arm and pulls off his t-shirt.

My fingers outline his well worked muscles. My eyes follow the tanned channels of his chest down to his abs.

I push him down slowly and slide my shorts off.

My arousal is already soaking through my panties and I know Darcy is scenting it, judging from the grin on his face.

I pull off his shorts with his boxers. His scent is filling my body, driving my heat even higher.

I pull off my panties and climb up his body. His fingers softly run up and down my back.

My hair hangs like a curtain around us. “I want to show you.” I whisper.

I press my wetness against is hard dick and he lets go of a shaky breath as his eyes turn to slits.

I reach between us and grab him in my hand.

Lifting up, I place him and slide him inside me.

He arches his head back and groans out a satisfied moan.

He tilts his head back up and threads both hands up into my hair.

I let out a soft moan as I start to move my hips up and down. Taking his entire length inside me.

“God, Sam…” He breathes. His lips cover mine as he slowly starts to thrust with me. Our bodies moving perfectly in sync.

I stare at him as I bounce on his dick slow and deliberate. My fingers dig into his chest.

I reach down and run my fingers through his hair and to his jaw. He grabs my hand and places several kisses all over it.

I sit up and rock my hips. Grinding on his. He wraps his fingers around my waist and helps me move a little faster.

He’s thrusts aren’t typical of him. They’re passionate and sensual. He feels so good, I arch back and place my hands on his thighs.

“You feel so good…” I breathe. I lift my head and lock my eyes with his.

“So do you, baby…” He pants.

His hands slide to my thighs and he lifts me a little higher so he can get more control.

He pushes deeper and harder.

“Darcy…” I moan.

He pushes faster. He slides a hand up my stomach and between my breasts. “…so beautiful…” He moans.

He sits up and gently places a hand behind my neck and pulls me down to him.

He kisses me deep and speeds up his movements. My pussy starts to tighten. “Yes…right there…” I moan louder.

“Come for me, kitten. I want to come with you…” He thrusts harder. His fingers bruise my skin.

“Yes!!” I bury my head in his shoulder. His hand fists my hair.

“Yes, baby…That’s it…” He whispers in my ear.

I sit up and kiss him. Screaming on his lips. My orgasm rips through. My hips move faster and harder with him. I feel my pussy squeeze him.

“Sam…I’m coming…” He growls.

His hand slides to the small of my back. The other holds my nape. He pumps hard. I feel him tense under me. I bruise his lips as he comes inside me.

He slows down, but he doesn’t stop the kiss. It’s like it’s the last kiss he’ll ever have. I feel the same. I’ve never been so drunk off a kiss as I am right now.

He pulls out, but never leaves my lips.

Pulling the blankets up, we barely come up for air.

He rolls on top of me and we kissed for quite awhile before falling asleep in each other’s arms.


The last couple of weeks, Darcy and I barely left the room.

The only reason Darcy left was because Peter found a ship he wanted to explore. He felt the piece may be there since Darcy’s visions were obviously water based.

A little while later, I’m walking up the dock.

Peter is loading the boat he rented to take them to the ship.

“Ahoy!” I yell. I give a smile as I walk up.

Darcy smile. “Ahoy, my kitten!” He grins.

“Room for one more?” I ask.

Peter steps off the boat and stands beside Darcy. He crosses his arms. “I don’t know. A woman aboard is bad luck.” He smirks, squinting in the sun.

“A woman not aboard is bad luck.” I hold up my red crystal and dangle it.

Darcy leans to Peter. “She’s got a point.”

Peter nods. “Fine. You can watch the monitors while we’re down there.”

“Excellent.” I say.

Darcy hands Peter a box and places a foot on the boat. He holds a hand out to me. “My lady.” He chuckles.

I chuckle too. “Thank you, sir.” I say in a horrible English accent.

He helps me onto the deck and I find a seat.

Brody showed up a few days ago to help with the dive since both he and Darcy have been dive training with Peter for a while now. He unties the boat and they push off.

Peter starts the motor and drives us out to the ships location which is just a few miles offshore.

Once we get there, he weighs anchor.

When the boat’s secure, the boys dress in diving suits and gear up.

I walk up to Darcy. “Mmmmm…sexy diver.” I grin.

“Yeah? You like this?” He leans to my lips. Motioning both his forefingers up and down his suit.

“Yeah, I do.” I grab his cheeks and tease his lips.

“Mmmm…I’ll have to keep that in mind.” His eyes narrow and he purrs before kissing me.

“Ugh…gag.” Brody scowls.

Darcy breaks the kiss. “I can throw you overboard.”

Brody puffs out his chest. “Try it, short stuff.” He smirks.

“Alright guys. Head in the game.” Peter says.

The guys slip on their oxygen tanks and masks.

“Good luck.” I give Darcy a kiss and he pulls on his full face mask.

“We'll discuss the sexy diver thing when I get back. Maybe I can meet a sexy mermaid.” He bounces his brows with a grin.

I laugh and reach my hand out, covering his mask and pushing him backwards. He flips over the side and lands in the water.

Peter and Brody follow after.

I watch them dive under the surface.

“Sam, can you hear me?” Peter says from the Comms.

I look and the monitor flips to three cameras. The screens are labelled Darcy, Brody and Peter.

I push the button to speak. “Yes, Peter. I hear you.” I respond.

“Sexy Kitten…” Darcy sings.

I giggle. “I hear you, Sexy diver.”

“Do my guns look bigger on camera?” Brody asks.

“Don’t answer that.” Darcy growls.

“I hear you too, Brody.” I laugh.

I click the button. “You guys be careful. That ship doesn’t look exactly stable.” I say as the ship starts to come into view.

I’m not sure what type of ship it was, but it was definitely down there a very long time. Settled deep into the ocean sand, its bow looks like it’s rising up out of the bed. It looks wooden. With rails across the bow. It even has some ropes still stretched to what looks like some sort of crows nest.

It’s thickly covered in ocean life and a lot of fish call this place home. Darcy punches through a school of fish and grabs the bow rails.

He positions himself like he’s standing on the deck. “Hey Sam. I’M KING OF THE WORLD!” He holds his arms out. He’s standing, leaning on the railing at the tip of the bow.

This has me laughing hard.

Peter sounds annoyed. “Darcy, quit goofing around. You’ll use up your air.”

“Yes, dad.” Darcy scoffs.

They move about the ship like they’re floating in space. Bubbles rising from their masks in small white clouds.

“Looks like a cannon fight.” Peter says as he gets down toward the bottom of the ship. “Come on.” His arm slowly waves the guys into a hole in the side.

What’s left of the ship is still a significant amount. It’s huge. The guys look small in comparison to the side of the ship.

They switch on their lights and look around.

“A weapons room.” Peter informs. He points to various piles of really old cannon balls.

Darcy swims around to another room. “A slave ship.” He comes out with iron shackles.

“Interesting.” Peter says. “I wonder if it’s in the books.”

They swim up through a small hatch. Each going one at a time.

"You ok, Darcy?" Peter asks.

"Ok, bossman." Darcy replies.

Peter swims through a door that's barely hanging on its last hinge. “This is interesting.” His respirator hisses air.

Darcy follows him in. “Where are we?”

Peter goes to a coral covered desk. He breaks off some. He picks up what he found. Cleaning it up a bit, he sees it’s a spy glass. “Must be the Captains quarters.”

Him and Darcy explore the walls, shelves and floor.

Peter floats up to the top shelf behind the desk. He grabs the wood of the ceiling to steady himself as he looks through the various things on the shelf.

The next thing I hear is a cracking noise.

“AHHH!” Peter yells. His camera loses vision.

“PETER!” Darcy yells.

“PETER! PETER TALK TO ME!” I yell through the Comms.

From Darcy’s camera, I can see a bunch of things from the upper deck gave way, through the ceiling, falling on Peter and burying him in the rubble of the desk.

Darcy swam to him fast. He starts to pull the junk off Peter. “Peter! Pete! Come on man!”

Peter shoves stuff off him. “Here.” He pants.

“Oh, thank God. Are you ok?” I ask.

“ leg.” He grinds as he grabs his thigh.

Darcy’s camera shows what he means.

Sticking out of his leg is an L shaped, what looks like coral.

“Fuck.” He grinds. “Fucking salt.”

“Ok.” Darcy says. “It’s not in too deep. You should heal quick.”

Darcy grabs it and yanks it out.

Peter growls in pain as his leg bleeds. “Damn it.”

He holds out his hand. “Give me that.”

“Why? It’s just a piece of coral.” Darcy says.

“It stuck me, it’s mine now.” He snatches it and places it in a satchel on his hip.

“Ok. You guys. This trip is a bust. Come up now.” I say.

“Peter’s fine, baby. We’re not done looking.” Darcy responds.

Suddenly, a loud thud came from behind the guys.

Darcy whips around. “What was that?”

Peter turns. “What?”

Brody swims in fast. “FUCKING SHARK!!”

He swims past them and up the ceiling hole.

“OH SHIT!” Peter and Darcy say at the same time.

They’re cameras shake wildly as a massive great white shark crashes through the door and wall.

Darcy and Peter take off up the ceiling hole and through the upper deck.

“FUCKING SWIM!” Peter yells to Darcy in front of him.

The shark smashes through the floor and chases them.

I can barely see a thing. “GUYS! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!”

I can hear all kinds of noise from the ship being smashed by the huge fish’s body.

From what I can make out, they find an opening to the outside.

“HURRY!” I yell. I’m bouncing in a panic. The cameras are still shaking like mad as all the guys swim for the boat.

I see Peter stop and pull out a weapon. He aims and shoots three mini harpoons at the sharks giant mouth. The harpoons stick it in various places.

It stops and rolls. Shaking its head violently to get harpoons out.

It turns and swims off.

The guys all breathe a sigh of relief.

Peter turns to them. “Semi auto harpoon gun. Gift from Titus.”

They all turn back to the boat. This trip was a bust. We won’t stop looking, but it’s disappointing to say the least.

Back on the boat, the guys all fall onto the deck.

“Fuck, dude.” Brody pants.

Darcy rolls his head to him. “You have to admit, it was better than vamps.”

“True that.” Brody says and holds a fist out to him.

Darcy bumps it.

Peter gets up. “Welp. Back to the drawing board."

Darcy sits up on his but. “It may still be down there. We didn’t check everywhere.”

Peter takes off his gear. “I didn’t see any glowing pieces of metal, did you?”

“No.” Darcy mumbles.

“It’s somewhere else.” Peter says. “I have several more suspects, but I’m calling it for today. My leg still hurts and that shark killed my mood.”

Brody pulls up the anchor and we head back to the marina.

Hopefully, the next spot will be it.

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