You Broke Me First Phoenix Mountain Series Book 3

Chapter 2

DARCY-Present Day

I’m prowling the floor of a bar in my town Mason Rock. It’s a big pack of around 10, 000. Great city. Lots of places to party here and lots of people come here from the outside to party with us.

Mason Angel is a wicked place to hunt. The woman are fine. The music is great and the alcohol flows smooth.

I walk around the dance floor. I’m window shopping. My eyes travel legs, chests and asses.

Several catch my eye, but only an experienced hunter knows which prey will be successful.

And there she is, ladies and gentlemen. A pretty petite brunette shaking her tight ass with her friends.

I lick my lips as I prowl. Keeping her in my sights at all times.

I cross into the dance floor. Her curves are delicious. Her neck has my mouth watering. Her lips have mine tingling.

I coolly slide up behind her. She looks over her shoulder and smiles. I flash a charming smile back at her as I slide my hand to her waist. I rock my hips with hers to the music. Her friends all have playful shocked looks on their faces. I give them all smiles and winks as well.

She leans back on me and I wrap my arm around her waist.

I reach up and turn her head to me and kiss her soft lips. My tongue finds hers and I dance as I explore her mouth.

Her friends cat call and shout “Woo!” Throwing they’re hands up.

I pull back, dragging my teeth along her bottom lip. I move to her ear. “Let’s take this back to your place.” I playfully growl in her ear.

I feel her heat and smell her arousal.

“Okay.” She breathes.

I smile and grab her hand. She waves bye to her friends and I weave us through the crowd. The plans I have for this tiny thing are flooding my brain and going straight to my dick.

I take her to my Maserati and open the door.

“Nice car.” She smiles as she gets in.

“Thanks. It gets me around.” I smile as I run to the drivers side.

I jump in and start the car. “Ok, sexy. Where do you live?” I grin as I peel out of the lot.


I’m kissing the shit out of her as we burst into her room, almost falling over.

I’m holding her head. Just devouring her. I move my lips to her neck to let her breathe.

“God, Darcy…” She pants.

I move back up to her lips. “You’re so fucking hot.” I mumble between kisses.

I pull the straps of her dress down and it falls to the floor.

I look down and she’s wearing nothing underneath. She was completely commando.

“Damn, girl!” I smirk.

She smiles seductively.

I grab her and scoop her ass with one arm. Pushing my fingers of my other hand up into her hair, holding the back of her head.

She wraps her legs around me and holds my head.

I moan on her lips as I place her on the bed.

I lift her legs and sit up. I take off her heels and toss them over my shoulder. Nipping each calf, I place her legs on my shoulders.

Pushing her up, I run my tongue up the apex of her thighs.

“God…yes…” She pants, sitting up on her elbows.

I dive into her sweet pussy. She’s so wet.

“Yes…Darcy…” She runs her fingers through my hair.

I suck her clit and she shakes. Her climax builds as I lick harder.

“Yes! That’s it!” She moans.

Her words egg me on and I flick her clit harder.

“Yessss!!” She screams as she comes on my tongue.

I assault her pussy until I’m sure she’s spent. She’s screaming and holding my head as her orgasm rips through. I’m fucking loving it.

I sit up and wipe my chin. I smirk as I climb up her panting, waving body.

I smash my lips into hers. I sit up and rip my shirt off and pull my pants off, tossing them on the floor.

She stops me. “This isn’t just a hook up, right?”

“What? Of course not, Kathy.” I scrunch my face and kiss her again.

She pushes me back. “Carey.”

I smile. “Right. I knew that, I just wanted to see if you did.” I kiss her again.

She stops me again. “I’ve been ditched before and I swore it wouldn’t happen again.”

“Baby, don’t worry. I’m not gonna ditch you.” I smile.

She smiles back. “Okay.”

I smack her lips with mine bruising them. My hands run all over her.

I spread her wide and fist my dick. I give it to her without hesitation.

“Fuck…” I growl.

She moans loud as I pump my shaft into her.

She claws my back as I rock my hips on hers. “Damn baby, you feel so fucking good.” I growl.

I scoop her leg with my arm and pummel her harder.

“YESSS! OH GOD!....” She screams.

A woman screaming under me has got to be the most beautiful sound in the world. I think as I increase my thrusts.

“Ride me, baby.” I growl as I flip us over.

I grab her hips and she bounces on my dick like a fucking rock star. “Goddamn…” I grit as I feel her pussy clamp up.

I watch her perfect breasts bounce as she arches back. I slide my thumb to her clit and rub it.

“Yes, Baby. That’s it…” I clench my teeth as my climax builds.

She comes again and that’s it. My balls shrink and my abs tighten. “Fuck, baby…Yes, milk it.” I slam into her and my release coats her inside. I bruise her hips and make sure every drop makes it out.

I pull her down on my sweat covered chest. “Sweetheart, that was so good.” I purr.

She lifts her head. “Yeah?”

“Oh yeah. I haven’t had anything that good in a long time.” I smile.

She gets off and climbs under the covers. I climb in with her and wrap my arm around her. I kiss her neck.

It’s not long after that I’m rock solid again and decide I’m not quite done with her yet. This time I bend her over and slam her from behind.

We had another two session in various positions before passing out.

I probably slept for a couple of hours. I never sleep well in someone else’s bed. Which is good for me because I look over and Kathy? Is not moving.

Once I’m feeling satisfied she’s asleep, I slip out of bed. I quietly grab my clothes and slip out of the room. I get dressed and pad to the door of her apartment.

Once in the hall, I stuff my hands in my pockets, whistling toward the elevator, feeling damn good.

I leave her building and walk to my car. I pull out my keys and open my door.

I just happened to glance around and see this sexy thing at a bus stop. I study her. Legs, ass and face are so sweet. I conclude she looks cold and needs warming up.

I lick my lips and close my door.

I walk slowly to her with a charming smile on my lips.

“Good evening.” I give a little wave.

She eyes me. “Hello.”

“You…waiting for a bus?” I ask.

She arches a brow. “Yes.”

Her hot full lips are just begging for a kiss from me.

I step closer. “You know, this area really isn’t safe this late at night.”

“Really.” She turns with a smirk.

“Yeah. A lot of creeps around.” I step even closer.

She tilts her head. “Like you?”

I place a hand on my chest. “Me, naw. I’m a puppy.” I smile.

“I see.” She smiles.

“You…uh…want a lift?” I thumb to my car. “It’s kind of cold out here.”

“I thought it wasn’t safe.” She says.

“That too.” I grin. “So, you coming?”

She looks around. “I really shouldn’t, but this stupid bus is a half hour late.”

“Come on. I’ll drive you home.” I pull out my keys.

She huffs a breath. “Okay.”

She walks up beside me.

“What’s your name?” I ask.

“Amy.” She responds.

“Hi Amy, I’m Darcy.” I smile.


I walk into my pack house around dawn. I’m whistling and twirling my keys around my finger as I relive how bendy Amy was. It almost gives me shivers of excitement.

Marcus is coming out of the kitchen on a robe and a coffee in his hand.

“You just getting in?” He asks.

“Yep.” I say popping the “p".

He sighs. “I take it the hunt was successful.”

I grin. “Oh, yeah. I was on a roll.”

I sit on the couch and plop my boots on the coffee table, crossing my legs. I throw my hands behind my head.

Marcus sits in one of the chairs. “You know you can’t be running around like this forever right?”

“Why not? I’m young. There’s plenty of Darcy to throw around.” I smile at him.

“Dude, that’s not the point. This game you got, it’s gonna bite you in the ass. I’m telling you.” Marcus warns.

I drop my boots to the floor and stand. “Nope. It won’t. I play too good of game. I never hunt the same ground twice. I size my prey before going in for the attack. It’s worked for me for years.” I point to him as I walk to the coffee pot.

“I’m just saying, one of these days, you’re going to bite off more than you can chew and it’ll put you on your ass if you’re not careful.” Marcus takes a drink of coffee.

I sit back down. “Don’t worry about me, worry about you. When’s the last time you got a piece?”

I bring my cup to my lips as the thoughts of both my conquests from last night come to mind making my lips curl up a bit before I take a sip.

Marcus adjusts himself in the chair. “I don’t know. A few months. I’m just into sleeping around.”

I slap his bare knee. “Ok. This Friday night, we hit Macy’s. Well pay a few bucks and get you a little something.” I smirk.

“I’m not paying for it, dude.” He scrunched his face.

“You’re not. I am.” I grin.

“You really have no shame, do you?” He shakes his head.

“Nope.” I stand. “Friday. You’re getting laid.” I point to him as I head for the stairs.

He chuckles as I take the stairs two at a time.

I have a quick shower and come down with a bag. Marcus is dressed.

“OK. I’m off to work. Get the recruitment lists together so we can set up the buses.”

“Will do.” He says taking a bite of his bagel.

“See you in a week.” I step to the door. “Craig!”

Craig Bennet. My magical protector from the douche Eternity. He’s not the one I wanted, but he’s not bad. He’s a great chauffeur. The one I want has legs for days, an ass that won’t quit and luscious lips you want to devour. Stupid Azriel let them decide who they wanted to protect. So guess who got my sexy protector. Fucking Bear of all people. I doubt he even knows what he’s got. If he’s smart, he’d be all over that, but I don’t even think the guy has a fucking libido. You never see him making moves on anyone.

My sexy Alphas hot body is being wasted on him and it burns me bad.

Craig shows up from the guest room hallway.

“Finally.” I throw my hands up.

He arches a brow.

“Don’t give me that look. I’m late as it is.” I scowl.

“Maybe you shouldn’t stay out all night with random women if you have to work the next day.” He says in a smug tone.

My jaw ticks as I glare at him. “Get in the car.” I grit and throw my hand at the door.

He smirks and shakes his head as he goes out before me.

“Have a fun drive.” Marcus chuckles.

I hang my head and shake it. Not looking forward to the four hour drive to Phoenix with Craig, the not hot protector.

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