You Broke Me First Phoenix Mountain Series Book 3

Chapter 18


“Ok. So what’s the plan?” I ask Zander and Ricky.

I’m posted at my spot at the council table. Brody’s beside me and Jakes beside him.

Bear is behind me in his usual spot on the wall.

Ricky leans on the podium. “We have units all ready to deploy. We’re just waiting for the go.”

Zander looks at his phone. “Which we just got. Bastian just got permission from Titus.”

I look around the table. “The second piece is there too. I know it.”

Zander nods. “We’ll need to get permission to investigate, but I’m sure if we help Titus with his raven problem, he’ll help us too.”

Peter sits back. “Ok. I’ll get all the diving gear loaded.”

Zane stitches his brow. “Why? It might not be in the water.”

“But it might be.” He grins. “Besides, there’s no way I’m turning down an ocean dive.” He smirks.

Ricky stands straight. “We should be ready to cover all bases. That piece could be anywhere.”

I lean on the table. “Forget the piece. How are we getting Sam back?”

Zander looks to me. “We'll need to capture her. Azriel will take care of her witch magic and we'll most likely have to fight our way out.”

Mateo looks over his dark glasses, crossing his thick, dark skinned arms. “Do we have numbers?”

Zander nods. “From what Bastian was able to find out, they’re at least 4000 strong with surrounding packs at their call. Sterling Black is another Torrent. Pushes smaller packs around until they join him. So far, his gains have been slow, but with Sam at his side…”

I rub my head. “They’ll take over the coast.”

“And everyone else. We can’t let that happen.” Ricky says.

The table nods in agreement.

“There better be some good food in here because the cafeteria sucks…”

The voice traveled from the hallway.

In the door walks a tall, fit kid. Probably 18. He’s got black hair, dark skin and crazy looking blue eyes.

We stare at him with confusion as he enters and drops his duffle bag on the floor.

“What’s up?” He smiles a big toothy smile while he looks at us all.

“What are you doing in my council room?!” Zander roars as stands.

He holds out his hands. “Come on, Zan. It’s me?”

“I don’t know you.” He growls.

He chuckles. “Maybe this will jog your memory.”

He squats down and crosses his arms. He puts a scowl on his face.

Ricky’s eyes light up and her mouth falls open. She starts jumping up and down.

“Oh my God!!” She squeals. She shoves Zander’s arm a few times.

The guy stands and laughs.

Zander looks at her. “What?”

She whips her head to him. “Babe! It’s Quinn!”

She rushes him with arms stretched out. “Come here you big, baby lug!!”

She throws her arms around his broad shoulders.

“Hey, Aunt Ricky.” He smiles.

She pushes him back. “Oh my God. Look at you! You’re so big!” She squeezes his biceps.

“Yeah. Lycan puberty hit hard.” He chuckles.

Zander stood scratching his head. “Quinn?” Trying to place the face.

The rest of us sit there in pure confusion.

Ricky turns to Zander. “Yeah. You remember. Gideon’s boy?”

Zander holds a hand out. “You’re 9!” He’s so confused.

Quinn walks around the table to Zander. “No. I’m 19.” He smiles.

“No. You’re 9, Quinten. I can count.” Zander says.

“In wolf years. In Lycan years I’m 19.” He stands with his arms crossed.

“You’re still 9! Does your father know you’re here?” Zander leans his hands on the table.

Quinn rubs his head. “Not exactly.”

Ricky turns to him. “Quinn…”

“Look. I had to get away ok. He’s always riding my case. Mom’s busy with Ann. I just…I heard of Phoenix U and thought you guys could help.” He takes an empty chair next to Zane.

“Registration isn’t for months, Quinn.” Ricky crosses her arms.

“I know, but I thought maybe I could join you guys. You know, bring some muscle while I wait for school.” He smiles a smooth smile at Zander.

Jake shrugs. “A Lycan could be good to have.”

Quinn scrunches his face. “I’m not exactly Lycan.” His eyes go wide. “But I have moms strength and I can shift fast. I can also run really fast too.”

“Quinn. You’re not trained.” Zander says.

“Zan, come on. Dad’s been teaching me. I can fight. Uncle Bastian won’t let me in. You gotta let me in.” He flops his arm on the table to Zander.

Zander looks at Ricky. She shrugs. “What do you guys think?”

The table mumbles.

Peter shrugs. “Every body counts right now. He can join the next round of trials next month.”

Quinn grins. He looks at Zander. “Fine. You can join…”

“Yes!!” Quinn hits the table and leans back in his chair.

“IF!” Zander holds his finger up. “You call your father and tell him where you are.”

He groans. “Aw, come on. He’s just going to go all parental and drag me back. No.” He whines.

Zander crosses his arms. “Those are my conditions, Quinn.”

He slumps back. “Fine.”

Ricky leans to him. “I’ll talk to Gid.” She taps his chest.

“Thanks, Aunt Ricky.” He looks around. “So do I get room or…”

“Nonsense. You’re staying with us.” Ricky says.

“Uh, no.” Zander arches a brow.

Ricky turns to him. “Yes, he is.”

“Rick, I just got rid of two teenage headaches. No.” Zander scowls and motions to Jake.

“He can stay with me and Len at the pack house?” Jake offers.

“Thank you, Jake.” Ricky says.

Quinn leans on the table. “Ok so what are we talking about?” He smiles as he looks around the table.


Two and half days drive.

With Zander, Mateo, Brody, Peter, Zane, Jake and Quinn in a cramped SUV.

I’m about to pull my hair out, but at least I’m closer to Sam then I have been since she left me.

I’m getting her back even if it kills me. Sterling’s throat will be in my jaws. I’ll gladly watch him bleed out for even thinking about what’s mine.

Zander stops at the border and the checkpoint that waits there.

“Business?” The guard says.

“The High King to see the Alpha.” Zander says with authority.

The guard nods. “Go ahead.”

Mateo turns to Zander. “Hey, if you’re this big king, why did ya need to ask to enter?”

Zander turns to him. “I’m king, not an asshole. I can go through proper channels. Respect the Alphas conditions. Unless those packs deserve my wrath, of course.” He smirks.

The drive was another twenty minutes before the city opened up behind the cliffs of the palm tree covered foothills.

We jump on the main thoroughfare and the white glistening skyscrapers grow in the windshield.

Jake leans forward. “Hey, how big is this pack?”

Zander looks in the mirror. “60, 000. Most of it military.”

“The whole pack?” I ask.

“Yep.” Zander responds.

Mateo motions to a tower. “Wonder what that is?”

I lean between the seat. “That’s it. The tower with the guy in it. That’s the pack…uh…tower.” I look at them both.

“So this is the place.” Zander says.

I nod. “Yep.”

Brody rolls down his window as does everyone else. It’s so hot and sunny here.

The salt spray from the ocean fills the truck as we turn and drive past the vast beaches and boardwalks.

“Oh…my…God…” My eyes widen. They’re everywhere as we enter the center of Atlas.

“How the hell did I not know this place existed!” I bite my lower lip at all the hot, tanned exposed skin.

The roads and beaches were packed and if my radar count is correct were looking at a 5 to 1 female to male ratio!

Peter chuckles. “You actually have to leave the bar to find places like these, Darcy.”

“Oh my god! A beach gym!!” Brody bounces in his seat and points across me out the window.

I grab his arm and scowl. “Alright, cool it iron head.”

Peter glances out his window. “There sure is some nice scenery here.” He smiles as he eyes the ladies in the sand.

Brody looks out his window. He lowers his sunglasses.

He growls at a pair of bikini clad women. “Damn!” He smiles. “Hey, ladies!” He waves.

Mateo rips off his glasses. He rolls his head to Zander. “How long are we here, exactly.” He says with a smirk. “Because whatever it is, I’m going to need at least double that.” He slaps Zanders arm.

“Hey, Zan! Does our room have a pool?” Quinn asks.

“How would I know?” He says to the mirror.

I look behind me and Quinn smiles. “Pool parties here have got to be great!” He bounces his brows.

Both Jake and Zane look at him.

He catches their eyes. “What?” He holds his hands out.

Zane holds out his hand. “Dude. You’re a kid.”

Quinn points to him. “I may be 9, but my libido is at least 20 Ok.”

Zane holds the bridge of his nose and shakes his head. Jake groans.

I chuckle and turn back around.

While the guys all fawn over the sights, I shake my head and get back in the game.

I’m here for Sam. I can’t let what happened between us stir up my addiction. I refuse to believe she’s done with me.

Once she sees me again, I know she’ll take everything she said back.

Zander looks around. “You guys notice something?”

Brody smirks. “Besides the hot bods?”

Zander nods. “That’s exactly it. There’s not one grey hair in the place. Not one person here looks to be over 25.”

I look around and confirm what they see. “Damn. What’s their secret?”

“Don’t know.” Zander shrugs. “And I have a feeling Titus won’t tell us either.”

We pull up to the tower.

We all climb out.

Mateo lifts his glasses and looks up. “The guy loves heights.”

The tower at its base practically disappears into the clouds.

We all nod.


We look at where the voice that just addressed us came from.

From the covered entrance to the pack tower came an attractive girl. She looks young. 18. Her smile lights up her tanned face. Her hazel eyes sparkle even in the shade.

Her marine blue colored dress hugged her nicely.

Her long brown hair was half pulled back in braids the rest blew in the sea breeze. She totally looked like an ocean girl.

She walked to Zander. “Lana Marin. Titus’ sister.”

“Zander Maximus.” Zander shakes her hand. “This is Mateo Ortiz, Darcy Bourne, Brody Douglas, Zane Constantine, Quinten Preston, Jake Wallace and Peter Castile.”

We all waved and said hi.

“My there’s a lot of you isn’t there.” She chuckles.

“There’s more, they just came with the fighters we brought. I’m sure they’ll arrive shortly.” Zander informs.

She clasps her hands in front of her hips. “Ok. So Titus is in meetings for the rest of the afternoon. We’ve run into some issues. So, you all have the afternoon to settle in and maybe take in some things that Atlas has to offer.”

“Great.” Zander says.

“Follow me.” Lana waves.

We follow her in and she shows us all to our rooms.

After we dropped off our stuff, Zander linked us to meet in the hallway.

“OK. So we need to discuss the game plan.” Zander says.

They all look at each other.

“What?” Zander asks.

Mateo scratches his long black hair. “Well, it’s just we’ve been driving for over two days and really just want to relax for a bit before we get to spilling blood.”

I look at them. “Guys. Sam’s out there. We can’t goof around.”

Peter motions to me. “Unless Titus is ready to tell us where to even start, we have to wait for him anyway. We still have time. Just a couple of hours to unwind from a long trip.”

I groan and look around flopping my hands to my sides.

Zander puts his hand on my shoulder. “Look. We can still go over the plan and let these guys just relax.”

I nod. “Fine.”

The guys all smile and huff out breathes.

“Great! I’m going to find that beach gym.” Brody hit my chest and jogged off the down the hallway.

Peter started to walk backwards. “I’m…going to do some shopping.” He smiles and thumbs over his shoulder.

Mateo lifted his finger. “I’m coming with you.”

He jogged to Peter and grabbed his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around Peter’s shoulders and the two talked about ‘Shopping’ down the hall.

“I’m looking for the pool!” Quinn says and jogs the opposite way.

“Quinn!” Zander shouts.

Quinn completely ignores him.

Jake grins. “We'll watch him.” He hits Zane's chest and waves him in the direction Quinn ran.

I look at Zander. “Ok. Now what?”

“Hungry?” Zander says.

I nod.

“Lets go.” He waved me to follow.

I stuff my hands in the pockets of my shorts. I can’t have fun while Sam’s out there doing god knows what. She’s in trouble. I won't party unless she’s back in my arms.

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