You Belong To Me

Chapter 84 : Not The Same Mistake

I can't wait for Jonas anymore, am afraid if I do, I Il end up responsible for another death. Am not going to make the same mistake again, I don't care if Taiga finds out and kill me. First I must enter the garage without been noticed by anyone, I took time and checked the building thoroughly, only five men's were guarding her, these men's must be more powerful or she must me weak that's why he put only five men in charge... Whatever, it maybe I must use this situation and help her to get out...

Slowly I went to the lower room, where he had tied that girl, entering the door step was very easy, as they know am one of the families but I must be very careful in next place as they have seen Taiga arguing with me, I can't use my Identity here.I need to think of a plan to get these people move from but what I can do, when I was thinking about a plan, a hand touched my shoulder from behind, I turned immediately in fear, Martin was standing before me, by covering my mouth he took me to a dark room and said me," I'll help you to get her out"...Why is he trying to help me, is there any hidden motive, I stopped to face him, he gave a confused look, I asked him," why are you doing this? Taiga II kill you if he finds out about this"..He just smiled and said," same goes for you..I joined this crew to earn money and help my mom I know doing this work is sin but hurting a women is something which is far more worse than that, I don't want to be a part of it, my mom II never forgive me for that, moreover I'm happy to die I done my best to protect my mom, so am not afraid of death"...

Why is he saying these things to me, but without my conscious, my legs started to follow him, I think this what people call blind trust.As per his plan, he distracted the two guards and sent them away (but I don't know what he asked them to do) ....Now its my turn to do my part before someone notices me..

I ran fast toward the girl, when I went near to to untie her I heard a door opening sound, Oh my God is that Taiga.. What am gonna do now, the foot steps were nearing, I could hear the sound loud and clear, I can't lose here, I came so close to help her...But if he sees me like this am sure there is no way I would be alive the next morning,...where is this guy, is he trying to frame me in this, but why, I trusted him, was he planning this for a long time...why am I thinking all of this now..I need to find a place to hide..

But where?.

(Footstep sound getting loud)....

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