You Belong To Me

Chapter 161 : Jonas and Alex


Days passed, I made up my mind to accept this new life to protect my friends,,,,Me and Jonas became more close,,hmm!! more like siblings, funny right, came as captive but here am I enjoying my cage, Taiga called us and said that it II take another week for him to reach here since the storm have not passed yet,,,I don't know whether to be happy or sad hearing that, cuz I am stuck with Jonas mobile for more than 10 hrs, sacrificing my sleep,,,If this goes on, I II lose my ear for sure. Apart from that one thing, everything goes great in life right now, I somehow convinced Jonas, Hutsun, Margret and Stella to play board games with me, I know it sounds childish, but who said adults are not allowed to play board games,,,,I hope life goes like this forever...(Smirking)

Few days later,


Jonas: Disha!! Did you get my picture ready

Disha (Disha lowering her glass) what's so hurry, it can wait...(Jonas changing his expression) Can you type these words and send to this mail ID please...I didn't brush my teeth because of your brother,,,he was talking with me even after sunrise, is he batman or something,, why is he not sleeping....

Thank you Jo.

Jonas Hey Shortie? (Disha stops) I didn't accept to do your work,,,I want my picture now, its been three days (following her inside washroom) you said you Il give me this morning (Disha brushing) Is this how you do work.

Disha gane yu,,,sut you ur moth fa phew minutes(can you...shut your mouth for few minutes).

Jonas Ah! what!! I don't get you.

Disha (Spitting) Get dumbass (Pushing Jonas outside)..

Other end of the door,

Jonas (banging the door) Disha!! DISHA!! HEY!! please, I beg you.. I need that photo today,,,if I miss her today, I won't get another chance..

Disha: (Disha peeping outside the door) Her?

(Jonas smiling) Just give me a second..(closing the door again).

Few minutes later,...

Disha (Sitting on the bed with legs folded, leaning her head on her hand with the help of her elbow) Tell me,,Tell me...Is she your girlfriend Abigail. Jonas you must not say this to anyone..

Disha I swear, I won't...

Jonas: Her name is Alexandra,,,she is also a model in vertex company,,,I met her first time in a gala, even before Abigail,,,,I tried to talk to her manytimes but she avoided me, when I researched her background, I learnt many things,, God !! She is one hell of a girl, she struggled herself to get to the place where she is in right now without any bigshots help,,can you believe it Disha,,,,whenever I think about her, I get goosebumbs, look at my arms (showing her, his arms...( Disha smiling to herself)....I became close with Abigail only to get a chance to see Alexandra,,even Abi knew that..Its been more than one year now, still I...

Disha: Why didn't you tell her how you felt..

Jonas: She didnt get the help from bigshots because, many tried to misbehave, you know..what I mea..

Disha Yeah,, Yeah..

Jonas: I don't want to end up in her mind like those people,,,even thou I tried to talk with her in many occasions, I didn't get a nerve to talk..I don't even know,,,am I in love with her or not...

Disha (Sitting Up and holding his hands) Jonas, do you know what this means (Jonas raising an eyebrow) What this fear inside you means...(Jonas shaking his head) Its called love,,,if you love someone truly, you ll get a fear (pointing at his chest) here.... Do you know why,,,,Its because of the thinking, "What if he/she gets me wrong"...its called fear of losing....(Jonas nodding with smile) You must go and tell her this..If not you ll lose her..

But why you need this photo?? I don't understand, what it has to do with her...

Jonas: Oh about that,,,today eve there is an opening show, and I'm think of joining that,,to pair up with her...

Disha: You know with your money you can even conduct that show..

Jonas: I know I know,, but today I want to prove her that, am not that kind of money person.

(Disha mumuring: saying one who owns billions)

Did you say something...

Disha: I said its tru...true love..yeah..You must go...I II get this picture ready..

Jonas Thank you Thank you Shortie..

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