You Belong To Me

Chapter 159 : Hiding The Truth

Disha's town,

What you want me to do now Zacky, I didn't sleep the whole night, now I think that it would been better if I didn't open that video, atleast we had someone to blame for your death,,,(running his hand into the hair) how did I thought, that Disha would had killed you. How am I going to face her, when she said those things to Charles that, how did I believed that, how did I not see what was going on with her life.... (Looking at the phone) Is this why you are giving us a second chance or telling us not to do what you did..(Getting up from the bed) Whatever, what we did is wrong, we have to repent for what we all did, this time am gonna make things right.

*Charles house,

knock!! Knock*!!

(Charles mom opening the door with wet eyes)

Charles mom: Oh dear Pete!! (immediately wiping her eyes) come on, come inside son.

Pete Mrs.West, actually am here for Charles, is he here, I have something important to tell him.

Mrs.West (Starts to cry)

Pete: Mrs.West?, (taking her inside and making her sit on the chair) Here, please drink this..What happen.

Mrs.West: I don't know Pete, I don't know what happend to my son, last night he home late,fully drunk covered with blood all over his face, I dont know what happened to him... You are his best friend right,please tell me what happened to him, whatever it may be please tell me...(holding His shirt) Please bring me son back to me.

Pete Where is he know Mrs. West?

Mrs. West: I don't know, (again starting to cry)

Pete Mrs.West (getting up from the chair and kneeling down) I promise, I II bring you back your son..(leaving Charles home)

if he is not in the house and the bar, then there only one place where he II be.

In the park,

(Charles lying down on the park chair where Disha sat before leaving)

Pete Hey, Hey Charles, get up..(Charles sitting straight) here drink this, (giving him water and sitting next to him)

Am sorry for talking about Disha, (Charles washing his face) She is our, I should have trusted her..Am sorry. But that doesn't mean, what you are doing is right Charles..I know you love her but did you think about your family.. This is not right Charles... Even Disha II hate you for being like this...Onething she hate is hurting our family,,, don't you remember that.. (Charles looking at Pete)

Look Charles,I dont know whether she left you on purpose or not, we II deal with that later, but I promise I II bring her back,,,we II brink her back together, but just think what II happen when she sees you like this, when she comes back again..Do you think she II love you..She II just think it was right to leave you. Knowing Disha, She doesnt like coward...(Charles sitting without saying anything)

(Pete sighing and getting up) I did what I had to do as a friend Charles, but just remember this, you can't bring back Disha only by drinking...Wha..what If she is waiting for you to come and save from someone (Charles looking at Disha) I..I mean, like some financial problem.. Or she thought of coming back to you after fulfilling her dreams..If you are done with everything, come back to us...Dont make Disha feel guilty (Turning to leave but charles getting up from that place)

Charles: How can we bring back Disha?. (Pete smiling)

Few minutes later,

(Both Pete and Charles smiling and talking on the way home)

(Cassy running to them seeing them together, thinking that Pete would had said anything to him)

Cassy Cha..Charles? (smiling awkwardly)

Charles Cassy, am sorry for everything I did, for making so much trouble..

Cassy Its..Its fine, ofcourse we ll be there for you.

(Charles leaving to his home)

(Cassy pulling Pete aside) What did you said to him.

Pete Don't worry Cassy, I didn't tell him anything,,,,but oneday he II come to know about everything... And on that day, you II understand what you did was wrong....

(Turning to Cassy after walking few steps) I asked him to come and help me with our shop from tomorrow, and he accepted it...Only by agreeing to help him find Disha..I am not sure he ll stop drinking... But lets try to bring him back slowly...

I ll do my best to cover this.

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