You Belong To Me

Chapter 153 : The Separate Night

Hotel---Taiga's room,

Reyan Sir, your suit key..Sir!? Boss? (Taoga turning to look at him) Is something wrong Sir..

Taiga: What is the time now? (Reyan checking his watch) 1:30 am in our country, why is she asleep so soon, I asked her to stay awake,,hmm!! so she is taking me lightly.. Reyan (In confusion) She? who Sir?...

Taiga: Tell the pilot to get the plane ready, I need to go to our country. (moving from the place)

Reyan Boss?? (blocking his way) Ma.. Maybe the call would have ended when she tried to pick up, please try calling now Sir..she II take the call this time. (Taiga nodding) Taiga's Mansion,

(Jonas sitting outside Disha's room by leaning on the door)

Jonas Someone's gonna die tomorrow, probably it Il be me..

Ring !!Ring!! (immediately getting up from the place and starts banging the door)

Disha ?? Disha?? please wake up,, Dishaaaaa? Or we both II die, (Disha opening the door with anger)

Disha: Are you out of your mind, do you know what time it is now..(Jonas attending call and keeping his phone on her ear)

Taiga: Hello?

Disha (looking at Jonas) Seriously, are you playing games with me again, who is this now,,, one of your friends again, its fifth time Jonas, you are not going to fool me this time (Jonas signaling her to control herself) What (throwing the phone down) take and leave (Jonas banging his head on the door)...

Jonas Hello!! Taiga,,(with a smile) No, No, I think she has a habit of taking in sleep, yeah, even now she is lying down on the bed (pretending as laughing) give a minute, I II wake her up now.. yeah I know, I know.. Yes, yes, she too knows,,,you II kill us, actually just now we both went to sleep,,,yes separate room, I'm staying on the other side of the mansion, that's why it took long for me to reach her room..Ah, thank you,.wait (putting in mute)

Hey Disha!! Hey!! wake up you idiot, Taiga is really on the line now, if you don't talk now, he Il be here before sunrise (Disha sitting upstraight immediately)

Disha: really?? (Jonas nodding ) Oh dear God!!! (looking around)

Jonas: what are you looking for ...tell me,

Disha Water ?? Water ?? (Jonas running to the table to get the water)

Jonas Here !! Here!! what are you going to..

Disha (Splashing water on her face) Give me, Give me now. Hello!! Hello!?? am sorry, I..I don't know how I slept, am really Sor...

Taiga: Fine, Fine, Is Jonas in your room (Disha looking at Jonas who is watching her with fear)

Disha Ahm!! yes..Do you want me to give the phone to him.

Taiga: No, ask him to leave..

Disha: But, his mobile,,how (looking at Jonas again) what if he gets an important call.

Taiga: you no need to worry about that, just ask him to leave...

Disha: Jonas, he is saying you to leave..(Jonas running from the room)...He went.

Taiga: Good,,,What dress are you wearing now?

Disha: Ah? (looking at her dress) pa.. pajamas...( mind voice: What is he thinking, is he going to ask me to tell everything in phone). (in fear) Taiga: What color?

Disha: Sky blue,,,(mind voice: confirm, next he is going to ask me what am wearing inside or whether am wearing or not)

Taiga: (looking for sky blue T-shirts in his bag)... Stay on the line (covering his phone and calling Reyan from other phone)

Reyan!! get me a sky blue shirt with pant, yes night dress, right now...

Ah !! Disha, did you had dinner..

Disha (Mind voice: Thank God, I think he forgot to ask other details) Hmm, yes..

He didn't allow me to sleep and was talking everything, all I did was saying "hmm".....I thought I could live in peace, if he moves away from me, but now I think, being close was better than this, atleast I was sleeping in peace.

Next day,

Jonas (laughing hard looking at Disha) Hahahahahahaha..Hahahahaha. look at your face,,Hahahahaha,.those bags under your eyes.

I don't even have strength to stare at him, I feel like my eye balls bailing out,if this last for one more day, definetely am gonna lose my eyes...

Disha: Will you shut up, I have work to do (Jonas trying hard to control his laughter)

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