You Belong To Me

Chapter 147 : Find Her Boyfriends


Taiga: I told you to stay in the mansion, did you forgot everything what I told you earlier..

Disha Please, let me stay in the dormitory, I..I don't want to stay here,,This type of mistake II not happen again, I promise..please.

Taiga: I asked you to come here,, Hutsun,,I want her things to be arranged in the eighth room.

Mr.Hutsun Yes sir..

(Maids who are gathered around: Did he say eighth room,

its the room next to his room right?...

I thought she is someone special to him from the beginning..

lucky girl).

Disha: Sir, please..please I beg you..I swear I didn't ask him to come, even I didn't know how he came today, Please.

Taiga (lifting Disha's head) Do you know how many women's are willing to stay with me in my mansion, (smirking) you are the first women to refuse it... Your making this interesting day by day... (licking his fingers by looking into Disha's eyes) Today's dinner was good...

(Taiga leaving to his room)

Disha Mr. Hutsun please try to convince him, tell him to leave me,I II not complain anymore, I II do every work you give..please (crying) tell him leave me.

Mr. Hutsun: Sorry, Miss. Disha, I don't have the right to tell him anything...

(looking at some workers) Bring all her things from the dormitory and leave it in eighth room..(Hutsun leaving)

Disha's new room,

Taiga: Do you like your new room (sitting on the bed) You are not a maid anymore (Disha moving from Taiga) this Mansion..

Disha: Why do you want me? (looking at Taiga) You said yourself that many women's are doing everything to sleep with you..Why do you choose me..

Taiga: Disha, let me tell you something, (moving closer to Disha) the running deer tastes more than the sleeping deer...(tugging her hair behind and whispering) I always love to hunt my prey...(Kissing her on the cheeks) See you in the morning, hum!! forgot to tell you, your boss called me and asked you to come tomorrow,...Dont try anything smart like killing yourself, cuz I don't like to send the person I like alone to the heaven,..(Disha gritting her teeth)

Am not bad as you think sweet heart, you can still leave after proving your innocence (winking ).

shutting the door,

How did I end up like this,,,all I dreamt was to be free and happy like those birds, (smirking) never thought of being caged so soon.. The only way to leave this cage is to find the evidence...(Wiping her tears) Am gonna start from again.

Dinning hall,

Taiga: Where is she?

Mr. Hutsun Master, Miss. Disha, left the mansion few hours before, she said, she have more pending works to do..

(Taiga leaving the table) Master, you haven't touched your food.

Taiga: Am not hungry anymore..

Taiga's office,

Assistant: Everything is sent to the royal family sir, they are happy with the results... We also sent our collaboration detail file Yous to Yantra group and also today you have a meeting with Mr.Steve about the finance committee...

Taiga: Oh I totally forgot about that, what time is it?

Assistant 5:45 pm sir...


Taiga: Okie, you may leave...come here for a minute Irene...(Asst. Irene standing before him) Have a seat, hmm!! can I ask you something personal.

(Asst. Irene mindvoice: Am I dreaming, is he really going discus something apart from the work,, is this one of the sign for the end of the world) Asst.Irene Yeah, sure sir, how can I help you.

Taiga (Standing from the chair and walking hear to the window),,,What II you think if a know..hmm like...if she..

Asst.Irene Hum!! Sir If you feel shy to ask me, I can send Reyan inside.

Taiga: Shy? Me? No,,,What II be the reason If a girl tries to avoid a handsome billionaire, like me.

Asst.Irene (Trying to control her laugh) On my opinion, there is only three options for a girl to avoid someone like you..(Taiga staring) I mean a billionare like you,,,,One, either she must be one of billinaries, two, she must be stupid and there a third reason which is strong when compared with others,, she must be deeply in love with someone.

(Taiga thinking deeply) hum!! was that useful Sir,,

Taiga: Yeah, you may leave..(Asst. Irene leaving the room with a smile).

love!? So she still didn't forget her first love!!


Hello!! Bob, I immediately want you to collect the information of all the boys whom Disha dated till date..Am giving you fourty eight hours..

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