You Belong To Me

Chapter 113 : Unknown Number

Cassy Now, shall we join our friends (with a smile).

(Charles wiping his tears and getting up)

I didnt knew, you were such a crybaby..(laughing).

Charles Shut it,,,Promise me you won't tell this to Pete..

(Cassy nodding)

Few minutes later,

Pete: He did what!? (both Cassy and Pete laughing loudly) really Cas,you should have recorded it. Next time please record this crybaby's face..

Charles Seriously Cassy!? I just asked you one thing not to do... And you have done that exactly...Nice.

(Cassy trying to control her laugh)..

Natalie Hey!! Are you feeling good now? About today, am really sorry for pushing you...I totally focused myself in helping Disha so I forgot about you people..Am so sorry.. (Turning to leave)

Charles (With smile) Don't you want to know more?... Am sorry too, I forgot the fact that you left your hometown, your fiancé, your life there for helping us..Am sorry for being selfish. Will you forgive Madam. Natalie: Only if you say the whole story this time (both laughing). Shall we start Sir.

Charles like this, we didn't understand Disha that time, and also we didnt get a chance everything ended very fast..But I felt one thing, she was afraid of something or someone..One night she asked me to stay with her till she fall's asleep.. I stayed with her the whole night...she looked so beautiful, then I left her home after she fell asleep...From that day the connection between us become little stronger...We started to meet often, and pick her from the shop on my way home....So I decided to confess my feelings one day.


Charles Lina..Enough, stop touching my face,, Cas please help me from her...Pete dood, are you listening or not.

Pete Dood,, wear this blue shoe, it goes well with your shirt. And also this sunglass...

Charles Guys, please don't make me nervous, she is my Disha, she II love me in every look.

(All are sighing)

Cas Okie, get going.. Call us after going there, we want to hear everything....Hey!! take the flowers.

Meanwhile at the park---Disha,

So, this day came finally, the day we waited for months...I Can't believe this, is this really happening(pinching herself).. Hahaha, how Zacky II react after seeing us together..(Checking her watch) Why is he still not here...(Taking her gift box out) I hope he likes this..

(Someone touching her shoulder from behind)

He came.. Why am I nervous all of the sudden..Disha keep your cool, that's our Charles, so calm down.

Disha (Getting up from the chair and turning to see) Ahm!! who are you Sir?? Sorry, how can I help you?? Someone (Giving her a cellphone and leaving without saying anything).

Disha: Hello, excuse me..Why did you give this to me..Hello..

(watching Charles coming from distant)

Why the hell my heart is beating so fast after seeing him!!. Today I II tell him everything..

Ring!! Ring!!

Argh!! who is this, this time,

(Checking her mobile) its not my mobile, then who's mobile is ringing.. (Checking the other mobilse)

Unknown Number.. Why is this ringing? Should I answer?

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