
Chapter Wooing 20

Chapter 20

1 rope for & kong time in the meeting hall even after Jalian hart. I had mixed feelings about this encounter with him

And a lot of burning questions,

If Vicdan had been so ill why didn’t he tell me this to make me done to the pack instead of spending so much money and time In bribing an entire city? 1 did not even want to imagine how much it would have cost him.

Vivian definitely looked ill and she was not faking it. She had been like a mother to me when I was living in the pack so her deteriorating health made me feel upset.

Coupled with the fact that Julian was beaten black and blue when he could have easily fought those twenty guards single handedly made me wonder what was going on.


Lea’s voice dragged me out of my thoughts. She was rubbing her eyes sleepily and a small yawer escaped her lips.

She saw the blood on the floor and her eyes immediately went wide.

I ran towards her and scooped her up in my arms.

“Are you hurt, mummy?” She asked me, her gaze flicking between the blood on the floor and me.

When I reached for her face to cup it, she noticed the dried blood on my palm and gasped.

“Who hurt you?”

“Nobody did, Lea. I was just working on the papers and accidentally the cutter nicked my palm.”

I showed her the cutter that had dried blood on it.

She reached for my palm and placed a kiss on it. “Be careful, mummy. It will heal now”

I smiled at her and walked her back home. The moment I reached, my mother came outside.

“Ana, are you okay and did that monster hurt you?”

Lea’s ears perked up at the mention of a monster and she looked at me questioningly. I only signaled to my mother tha would speak about it later.

She nodded and switched her attention to Lea

“Oh, my princess is up already. You must be hungry. Come let us have lunch.”

My parents insisted for a family lunch but somehow I had already lost my appetite. Even if I had the blood oath from that he would not harm me, I was still not in the mood to meet Angelica.

He never mentioned her or their kids so even I refrained from asking about them. I did not want him to think that I jealous or something.

I knew Angelica would not be too happy to see me but hopefully, this would be the first and last time I set foot in his He could not continue inventing new reasons to make me come to his pack either way.

Ana, you have not touched your food yet” Dad reminded me and I looked down to hastily grab the spoon and fork.


ne bonding very well that relief stowe it would mean she would not feel lonely If 1 woh Vivian

ch in ulence and then Mom took Lea with her tishow hey the gonden and flowers while Had stayed hack

what end he went in talk about?” Dad asked the queson he hid been wanting to ask since the start of lunch.


Whelan by dick sine hes health is deteriorating She expressed her desire to meet me?

Dod warned “Be cautions Ans. This could be another one of his tricks to hure you

know, father. He made us talk through a video call. And he is it lying. Vivian is really sick.”

Dad began poing through the room.

know you think I am being too harsh on you but I dont want you to suffer at his hands again. The way you cannot see Lea in pain, I can’t see you ”

father was never much of an expressive person but his words touched my heart.

know Dat I should have trusted you in the past when you asked me to wait for a few years and tod a mate but I was too Ninded by my feelings for him”

Dad approached me and placed his hand over my head, patting it gently. That simple act made me feel I would tear up

I hope

ou have learned your lesson but there is still time, Ana. You might still find someone worthy of you.”

I bit my lower lip. The thought of wanting anybody else had never crossed my mind. It had always been Julian.

That is why I had retreated into my shell even in the human world. There had been a few men who tried to be friendly but

aintained my distance. My heart always feared I would be replaced by a newcomer.

Julian had instilled that deep rooted fear in me. Just the thought of anybody else touching me made me feel uneasy.

I prayed to the Moon Goddess to never give me a mate–fated or chosen because I did not want to go through heartache again.

“No Dad. I am happy with Lea and you and Mom. My life is complete.”

“Put yourself in my shoes, Ana. When Lea grows up would you be happy to see her alone? Would you not want her to be happy and find a loved one?”

“I am happy, dad. And as I said, Lea is enough for me.”

I knew he did not agree with it but luckily he did not further pursue the topic.

Instead, he asked.

“So how many men should I send with you to Silvermoon pack so that I can ensure your safe return? I can send an entire army if you want”

I chuckled at that.

Dad was getting too overprotective.

“Relax Dad. I made him sign the blood oath. He cannot make me return to the pack nor can he use his alpha command on




Pop Thane how worrying abon your daughter makes yo

the mulet at me and gave my hand a gentle squeeze

“My daughter beart and intelligent, I know the can tackle id

led to as he patrol my head again and left for the other

Jou go and one Vivian once, Ane. Then you are free told my


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