Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 54


+45 vouchers

After a few minutes of Julian driving and talking to Lea about everything that she liked and disliked, we reached the human settlement.

From there, it was barely a ten minute drive to the school. Only now did I realize I had never told Julian what school Lea went to.

He had already found it out somehow. Was he still spying on me or was that the information he gathered when he came storming into my office the first. time?

I did not know. Nor was trying to spend my time in guesswork fruitful. Julian parked the car in the parking lot of the school and looked at Lea.

“Lady Lea, can you please go ahead with your mother? I have to a few calls. to make.”

Lea asked, “You won’t be gone for long, right?”

Julian smiled and got out of the driver’s seat before running to the other side and opening the doors for her.

“Not at all. If I take more than fifteen minutes, feel free to scold me.”

Lea tapped on her chin with her index finger and then replied, “Ok sure” Julian did not say a word to me but held the door open for me. I got out without saying a word too and helped Lea smoothen her skirt.

“Let us go, Lea Gilbert”

I said to which Lea nodded enthusiastically.

I gave a cursory nod to Julian who returned the same and then turned around to call whoever he was going to.

Meanwhile, I only noticed the decorations now.

The school’s entry gate was adorned with frills and balloons strung around the gate and walls in bright colors.

I could hear the excited chatter of kids who were inside along with sounds. of laughter and voices of grown–ups as well.

I squared my shoulders, let out a deep breath, and walked inside, reminding

Wooing my Ex–wife again

myself that I had to do this for Lea. I would always run away from social interactions with parents because somehow it would inevitably lead to uncomfortable questions.

But I hoped Julian’s presence would silence gossipers today.

We entered the premises through the gate and saw a few administrators and staff dressed in identical uniforms offering refreshments and guiding


A lady dressed in the same purple coat worn by all the staff was seated in a corner labeled registration corner.

I made my way through the crowd with Lea in tow and she handed me a form to fill.

“Today looks quite different” I tried to strike up a conversation.

kids in

She beamed. “Yes, today we wanted to make it less formal since there are a few high profile people visiting our school who might want to enroll their

our school. Hence, we have a less formal set–up this time.” “Oh, that is great” I answered and glanced at the form she handed me along with the pen.

I filled in my details but let my pen hover over the section that was labeled. spouse. I just skipped it and then moved on to fill Lea’s details but again, that had parents‘ details to be filled in as well. I skipped the entire section labeled ‘father and only signed it in the end.

After I was done. I handed the form to the lady who signaled me to move forward to the refreshments stall.

I was talking to Lea and was not looking forward so I bumped into someone. I raised my head and was about to mutter sorry when I saw an angry looking woman scowling at me.

“Hey, watch where you are going!” She shouted as lemonade sloshed on her white dress.

“I am so sorry, Miss…” 1 began but she looked up at me smugly.

“Do you even know who you bumped into?” she asked as two ladies hastily reached for tissues and began trying to clean her dress.

“I did not mean to…” I tried again, but she was being fussy and glared at me, while the two ladies attended to her.

*5 vouchers

Wooing my Ex–wife again

“Do you have any idea how powerful we are? We can buy this school and all of you in an instant. Apologize to my wife now!!” He demanded, looking around smugly.

Meanwhile, the lady staff member pulled me to the side and whispered in my car. “I am so sorry for this, Miss Gilbert. As I said, we invited a few prominent elites from the city who could provide good donations to our school. The Vitalis are one of them so I cannot say anything to her.”

She looked at me guiltily and I gave her a reassuring nod. “You are not the one I am angry at

I responded and that smug woman looked at us and began shouting.

“What the hell are you two mumbling? Are you conspiring against me?” she looked at the staff member who looked utterly terrified.

“No, no, no, Mrs. Vitali. I…I…was just telling Miss Gilbert that she left out a few details in the registration form.”

“Give that to me, now!!” Mrs. Vitali demanded and snatched the form from the female staff member’s hand.

Hmm, look at this form. No mention of the father or husband…”

The old hag, what I was now starting to refer to the woman, because she looked older than my mom and yet was wearing layers of makeup and a scandalous dress to a school event, looked up and down at me and then at the form.

“Look, Robert…” she pointed at the form and then at me.

“She does not even have a name to fill in under that kid’s father or her spouse’s name. I wonder why that might be.”

I gritted my teeth and looked at the crowd who were staring at us with perplexed expressions. A few had their cameras held out and were either recording the event or taking pictures.

Robert, the old hag’s older than a tortoise husband, sneered and mumbled. “Maybe they just separated or something. Either way, she is not worth our time honey.”

He said, after looking at the cameras and changing his tone to a soft one. But the old hag was having none of it.

“Or maybe, she just slept with so many men that she isn’t sure who is the father….

Saying so, she began to cackle maliciously, pointing fingers at me and howling with her hands clutching her stomach.

“Or maybe she does not need a man to support her” A cold voice called out. from behind.

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