Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 53


My wolf’s words were ringing in my ears as Julian extended both his arms and scooped Lea up in his arms

Lea did not allow anybody to do that except me or so I thought.

Part of me was jealous that she so easily was starting to trust Julian. For five years. I had been her world and she would always need my touch and presence.

But the other part was simply elated to see the father daughter bond so quickly. This was what I had hoped for with him- a happy life, him being a nice father to my kids…to our kids who would adore him.

While I was busy staring at them both, Julian walked out of the living room and outside it. He was talking to Lea when suddenly Sean stepped in front of him.

The happy expression on Julian’s face suddenly vanished and it was replaced by a hard glare.

He did not say anything to Sean but only stepped to the side however Sean again put himself in his way.

A tentative smile appeared on Sean’s lips as he looked at Lea.

“Hey, I said I would come over as soon as possible, Lea.”

She nodded, “Yes, I know but alpha Julian offered to be present and you said you are busy so I took it”

Lea beamed however, Sean was not at all pleased with it.

He looked at her, trying to keep his features calm and composed before adding, “You don’t have to take Alpha Julian’s offer up, Lea. He is from a different pack and I am sure he has plenty of things to do in his own pack… Sean’s attention turned to Julian and he added his next words with a cold. fury.

“…after all, he needs to know when to stop poking his nose in other people’s lives.”

Lea looked at the two with confusion, sensing something was off but not quite sure what or why. I quickly ran towards them and tried to diffuse the


Woong my Ex–wife again

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tension before another episode of them lunging at each other’s throats occurred.

Julian was about to retaliate when I added in a loud and clear voice.

“Sean, you don’t need to worry. Lea is going to be fine and so would I. We will return shortly from Lea’s school.”

Sean however gestured me to come to the side.

1 I agreed and he hissed, “Why are you allowing him to come with you?”

“I am not. He asked Lea just like you asked her. It was her decision.”

But he shook his head. “Lea is a kid, she does not know right from wrong, But you do. Have you forgotten how brutal and vicious he got when I tried to talk sense into him last time?”

Sean was definitely being loud enough to let his words reach Julian’s ears who pretended to be in a deep discussion with Lea.

However, I knew he was hearing every word being spoken here.

“Relax, Sean. It is just a school meeting. I am staying here with Lea. We will be back by evening.”

But Sean was not having it.

“I would have come to drop you myself but your father has assigned me some important tasks. I cannot ignore them.”

I gave him an understanding nod. “I know and appreciate everything you do for the pack and Lea. but really, you don’t have to worry about us. We are going to be fine.”

Sean shot a seething look in Julian’s direction and then his shoulders. drooped.

“I am sorry if I crossed a line. Sometimes, I just get too overprotective. Especially after what happened with my mate. I just hate cheaters and something about them makes my blood boil.”

Sean said in a voice loud enough to be carried a few feet even beyond the spot Julian had been standing on.

My gaze flicked to Julian who clenched his fist of one hand but continued talking to Lea animatedly, his back turned to me.

No matter he was trying hard to not look pissed in front of Lea.

Wooing my Ex–wife again.

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I put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “It is okay, Sean. Just go help everyone and show why you are the best beta in the world.”

I tried to cheer him up and Sean reached for my arm giving it a squeeze and a light pat.

“I will try to never let you down.”

I smiled. Sean was still holding my hand, smiling at me.

From behind me, someone cleared his throat very loudly. Someone I did not have to turn around to see that he was staring daggers at our still joined hands.

I could feel the heat of that gaze on my hand, on my skin.

“Have fun and if you need anything just give me a call. I will come right away.” Sean promised and gave my hand a gentle squeeze yet again, staring pointedly at Julian whose nostrils flared.

I shook my head and began walking towards Julian’s car and engaged myself with a conversation with Lea.

Julian looked pissed and that anger was rolling off of him in waves. To his credit, he did not utter a bad word as he got into the driver’s seat before. placing Lea gently in the seat beside him.

I heard him suck in a breath, a deep, long one to calm his nerves. His eyelids. fluttered shut for a moment before they flew open and the charming Julian. was back again, all traces of anger and wrath wiped away from his face.

“Shall we, Lady Lea?”

She giggled again and nodded as I sighed and slinked into the backseat, not wanting to be beside him when he was so worked up.

Julian fastened the seatbelt around Lea and ensured she was seated safely before turning the ignition.

Without a word, he began driving and I wondered if the start to my twenty four hours was already a bad one.

The entire drive through the busy streets and winding lanes, Julian did not say a word to me but only kept talking to Lea. He occasionally glanced at me through the rearview mirror and each time our gazes met, I felt as if I had done something monumentally bad to hurt him.

I turned my head to the side and kept looking outside the window instead of



Wooing my Ex-wife again

subjecting myself to his angry gaze

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If Sean and he had a problem, they could sort it out like adults instead of dragging me in between. I lowered my window pane and kept watching outside as 1 Fa’s excited voice told me at least someone was not pissed and


A while later my phone chimed and I saw it was a call from Sean, I picked it up as Julian kept staring at me through the rearview mirror.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked and Sean replied, “Nothing just wanted to let you know that I spoke to your father and he said I could get free in an hour or so. I am coming

Julian’s gaze was on me when I replied, “It is okay, Sean. You don’t need to worry so much about me. I can look after myself pretty well, thanks.”

I added that last line just to keep him from calling me every five minutes. Sean reluctantly agreed before emphasizing yet again that he was just a call


I disconnected the phone and when I looked up in the mirror, I could swear I saw just a hint of a smile creep up Julian’s face. However, it was gone the moment he noticed that I had seen it.

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